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It turns out, they are the protagonists 77

Chapter 77: Cling to Senior Sister’s Thigh! 

Mu Zhi’an opened the paper crane. Noticing Bai Ruoxi’s eyes staring intently at the paper crane, he couldn’t help but silently chuckle.

He naturally knew that Lan Mulian couldn’t possibly say anything ambiguous in this letter, so he agreed to read this letter together with Bai Ruoxi.

If Wei Mengrou could detect the demonic aura in Bai Ruoxi’s body, how could Lan Mulian not notice it?

Moreover, these past few days, Lan Mulian seemed to be angry or something and didn’t take the initiative to send any paper cranes to communicate with Mu Zhi’an at all. How could it be such a coincidence that she sent a paper crane today?

If he guessed correctly, what was said in this letter was likely related to Bai Ruoxi.

Mu Zhi’an opened the letter. There was only one sentence in the letter: Meet at Yangfeng Inn at noon today. I have questions to ask you about Bai Ruoxi.

As expected.

Mu Zhi’an pondered for a moment and said, “It seems that Senior Sister indeed suspects your identity.”

Bai Ruoxi’s eyes carried a hint of worry as she said softly, “What should we do?”

She didn’t expect that advancing to the Spirit Refinement realm would encounter such a matter.

“This isn’t entirely a bad thing,” Mu Zhi’an said.

“At least what Senior Sister wrote in the letter doesn’t show any hostility towards you. This is a good thing.”

“Besides, you will eventually advance to the Spirit Refinement realm sooner or later. It’s still better in Tianxuan City, but if it were in the Two Polarities Sect, what do you think would happen?” Mu Zhi’an used another way to comfort her.

Bai Ruoxi’s originally conflicted expression eased a lot.

Now that he put it that way, it wasn’t wrong. At least she discovered this matter while facing the tribulation in Tianxuan City. If she encountered such a situation while facing the tribulation in the Two Polarities Sect… the nature would be completely different.

Mu Zhi’an put away the letter and sized up the cold and weak beauty a few times before asking, “Right now, there isn’t a wisp of demonic aura leaking from your body… Could it be that there’s only a possibility of demonic aura leaking out when experiencing a heavenly tribulation?”

Bai Ruoxi shook her head lightly, “Actually, I was too arrogant at that time and didn’t suppress my spiritual energy at all. Otherwise, this kind of thing wouldn’t have happened.”

She had never known that there was also demonic aura in her body. Although Bai Yuanfeng was a three-tailed fox, judging from the current situation, she seemed to have only given her daughter that peerless beauty and didn’t pass on her demonic race’s characteristics to Bai Ruoxi.

No one would have thought that such a thing would be encountered at the end of a heavenly tribulation.

Mu Zhi’an thought for a moment and said, “In other words, if you’re willing, you can completely suppress the demonic aura in your furnace?”

Bai Ruoxi nodded slightly, “As long as I don’t use the demonic aura, naturally it won’t leak out.”

Just now, the reason her demonic aura leaked out at the city gate was purely because after continuously using the bronze sword, the supply of spiritual energy was insufficient, so the bronze sword extracted the demonic aura from the furnace, causing the scene just now.

“Are you going to meet Senior Sister?” Bai Ruoxi suddenly asked.

Mu Zhi’an nodded slightly, “I have to go, no matter what.”

“If we can test Senior Sister’s reaction, we don’t need to worry about those people in Tianxuan City secretly reporting,” Mu Zhi’an continued.

Bai Ruoxi’s delicate brows furrowed as she said softly, “If even the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce and the Gongsun family don’t dare to report… who else would dare?”

“Any family in Tianxuan City wouldn’t dare to do this.”

Mu Zhi’an paused and smiled, “But some individuals, especially some idiots, dare to do anything when they go crazy.”

Bai Ruoxi tilted her head slightly, her eyes showing a hint of confusion, “Who are you referring to? Gongsun Cheng…?”

“Those at the Qi Condensation stage couldn’t detect that wisp of demonic aura you leaked out at that time,” Mu Zhi’an slowly shook his head.

Bai Ruoxi was a bit puzzled. After thinking for a long time, she seemed to remember something. She slowly raised her head to look at Mu Zhi’an and said softly, “…Ye Yu?”

Ye Yu was also only at the Qi Condensation stage, but the strength of that old man inside his body was still unclear.

But at that time in the Dragon Head Forest, when he possessed Ye Yu’s body, he already had the level of the Spirit Refinement realm.

If it was Ye Yu, he might have indeed noticed it at that time.

If he directly mentioned this matter to Lan Mulian…

Bai Ruoxi subconsciously grasped her skirt tightly, her eyes carrying a hint of regret.

If it was just her alone, it would be fine, but if this matter implicated the Bai family and Mu Zhi’an because of her…

Mu Zhi’an slightly lowered his head to look at the girl.

She sat on the chair, the background was a rather elegant and classical room. Her white palace dress exuded a snow-like dignified aura, cold and noble, yet with a hint of weakness that made people pity her.

A warm palm gently placed on the back of Bai Ruoxi’s hand, causing her to subconsciously raise her head and look at Mu Zhi’an in a daze.

“Instead of thinking about these irrelevant things, it’s better to focus on cultivating,” Mu Zhi’an showed a reassuring smile.

“Leave the rest to me.”

Yangfeng Inn.

Mu Zhi’an arrived as promised and met Lan Mulian in a clean and elegant room.

She was wearing a moon-white long dress that suited her personality. Her waterfall-like hair was simply tied up with a white ribbon, with a lock of hair hanging down.

Cold and noble, with peerless beauty.

“You came quite on time. It seems you value Miss Bai a lot,” Lan Mulian smiled slightly.

“I generally like to arrive early for appointments, because I don’t like to keep others waiting, nor do I like waiting for others,” Mu Zhi’an smiled, casually brushing past this matter.

Lan Mulian nodded slightly and invited Mu Zhi’an to take a seat, then said, “Do you know why I called you here?”

Mu Zhi’an nodded, “Senior Sister mentioned it in the letter.”

Lan Mulian stared into Mu Zhi’an’s eyes and said, “Bai Ruoxi is a demonic cultivator, right?”

She added, “Don’t deliberately hide it from me. Even if you lie, I can use the Aura Observation Technique to confirm Bai Ruoxi’s identity later.”

As expected, she noticed. I should say, as expected of Lan Mulian… Mu Zhi’an was silent for a moment, then nodded, but shook his head again.

“She was born from a cultivator and a demonic cultivator, but apart from a wisp of demonic aura, she has no connection to demonic cultivators,” Mu Zhi’an told the truth.

He carefully considered for a long time and finally felt that there was no need to conceal it from Lan Mulian.

Just as Lan Mulian said, if she suspected Bai Ruoxi, she could directly use the Aura Observation Technique to test Bai Ruoxi’s identity. There was no need to call him over at all.

This was both testing him and testing Bai Ruoxi.

Once he lied, Lan Mulian would probably be completely disappointed in him.

Moreover, lying might not be useful either.

Lan Mulian didn’t often use the Aura Observation Technique, but Mu Zhi’an didn’t dare to be certain whether she had used it before he came to detect if he was lying.

Seeing Lan Mulian silent, Mu Zhi’an continued, “How does Senior Sister plan to handle this?”

“According to the sect rules of the Two Polarities Sect, those who secretly collude with demonic cultivators will be strictly dealt with together.”

Lan Mulian pondered for a moment and said softly, “But since she can’t even be considered a half-demon, then let’s drop this matter.”

“Rules are dead, but people are alive. This is what my master told me.”

This sentence already explained everything.

What Lan Mulian said might not count.

But if it came out of the mouth of that Empress herself, then it naturally should count.

“Senior Sister doesn’t plan to pursue the matter?” Mu Zhi’an tentatively confirmed again.

Lan Mulian looked at Mu Zhi’an deeply and said, “I can temporarily turn a blind eye, but if she harms the world in the future, I will personally execute her.”

These words were actually just to cover up the shyness in her heart. Who would have thought that Senior Sister had a bit of a tsundere side… Mu Zhi’an lightly nodded and humbly asked, “Senior Sister, will… Miss Bai Ruoxi’s demonic aura leak out every time she faces a tribulation?”

Lan Mulian shook her head lightly, “Theoretically speaking, as long as the demonic aura is hidden in the furnace and not used, it won’t be detected by others.”

“The reason Bai Ruoxi’s demonic aura leaked out today is probably because for the past ten years or so, she herself wasn’t aware that there was demonic aura in her body, right?”

“Senior Sister is indeed as brilliant as ice and snow,” Mu Zhi’an praised.

Senior Sister’s personality is indeed as I guessed, the cold outside and warm inside type. Moreover, she guessed the truth from just a few sentences. If I’m lucky enough to marry Senior Sister in the future, it would simply be a great blessing… Mu Zhi’an was filled with emotion in his heart.

“With the sect assessment approaching, don’t forget to meditate and cultivate every day besides playing around,” Lan Mulian admonished.

Mu Zhi’an obediently nodded like a good student and said, “I will follow Senior Sister’s teachings. After I enter the sect in the future, I will be willing to be an ox or a horse for Senior Sister without hesitation.”

He seized the opportunity and immediately clung to Senior Sister’s thigh and gave it a fierce lick.

Lan Mulian’s brows raised slightly as she said indifferently, “I don’t need you to be an ox or a horse for me.”

“Shall I bring Senior Sister some osmanthus cakes tomorrow?” Mu Zhi’an tentatively asked.

Lan Mulian didn’t agree, but she didn’t refuse either. She just picked up the teacup.

Mu Zhi’an understood and said, “I still have some matters to attend to. I’ll come bother Senior Sister again tomorrow.”

After leaving Yangfeng Inn, Mu Zhi’an didn’t directly return to the Mu family. Instead, he sent a secret agent to the Gongsun family, while he himself went to the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce.

After waiting for a while in the hall, Mu Zhi’an met the lavishly dressed merchant, Old Man Huang.

Old Man Huang sat in the chair frankly and made tea, then personally poured a cup of tea and handed it to Mu Zhi’an, smiling, “Nephew Mu, coming to my Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce at noon, do you have something to say?”

Mu Zhi’an took a sip of tea without changing his expression and dropped a hint, “Uncle Huang, you’re a smart person. You should know what I’m here for.”

This sounded a bit like “those who understand will understand, those who don’t, even if I explain, you still won’t understand,” but for smart people like Old Man Huang, it would make them become victims of their own cleverness.

Old Man Huang’s action of holding the teacup paused slightly. He stared at Mu Zhi’an silently, probably with a lot going on in his mind.

After a while, he suddenly smiled, “Nephew Mu, I don’t understand what you mean.”

Mu Zhi’an smiled and took out a paper crane.

“It doesn’t matter if Uncle Huang doesn’t understand, but Uncle should know who the owner of this paper crane is.”

Old Man Huang’s gaze froze on that paper crane.

The spiritual energy on that paper crane was undoubtedly from Lan Mulian, the examiner of this sect assessment.

He indeed has a rather complicated relationship with Lan Mulian… Old Man Huang’s eyes flashed, then he laughed loudly, “Hahaha,” and said, “Nephew Mu, I’ve told you before that the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce is not interested in anything other than making money. You don’t need to specifically confirm this with Uncle.”

“Uncle doesn’t know anything and won’t do anything,” Old Man Huang assured.

Just as Mu Zhi’an guessed, merchants pursue profit and won’t do things that affect their own interests.

The Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce couldn’t have not noticed this morning’s heavenly tribulation. Old Man Huang understood everything but pretended to be muddled and knew nothing.

“Old Man Huang, actually, your nephew has another trouble. If possible, I hope you can help a little when the time comes.”

When Mu Zhi’an said this, seeing Old Man Huang’s seemingly uninterested expression, he continued, “Miss Huang and I have a good relationship. In the future, after entering the Two Polarities Sect, we can take care of each other.”

Old Man Huang narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately smiled, “Nephew Mu, just say it. With your relationship with my daughter, Uncle will do his best within my capabilities.”

Mu Zhi’an had a complicated relationship with the sect assessment examiner. Old Man Huang only had this one daughter. If he could make Mu Zhi’an owe him a favor and have Mu Zhi’an take care of Huang Manting in the sect in the future, this was a transaction with absolutely no loss.

“Uncle Huang is a smart person, and Uncle Gongsun is also a smart person.”

Mu Zhi’an sighed and said, “But some people may not be that smart.”

“If someone wants to do something bad to Ruoxi or harm her, I hope Uncle Huang can help a little to prove our innocence.”

Old Man Huang cupped his hands and said, “With Nephew Mu’s relationship with me, this is no problem.”

The two chatted for a bit more, and Mu Zhi’an got up to leave.

“Is Nephew planning to go to the Gongsun family next?” Old Man Huang personally saw Mu Zhi’an off to the door of the chamber of commerce and asked.

“I won’t go to the Gongsun Manor. I already sent someone to give them a heads-up. We’re all smart people and know what to do,” Mu Zhi’an smiled.

Everything had been arranged properly.

Next, even if some clown wanted to jump around, they would only be entertaining and making people laugh.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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