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It turns out, they are the protagonists 78 p2

Chapter 78: Senior Sister Lan, the Snow Lotus Brother Mu Gave Is So Pretty~ p2

Elder Wei looked at the hint of concern in Ye Lingxuan’s eyes and couldn’t help but sigh inwardly.

Because of the young miss’s contact with that brat from the Mu family recently, plus the Dragon Rising Root and Ye Qian often praising Mu Zhi’an by her side, she had already developed quite a favorable impression of him.

This Dragon Rising Root seemed to be given for free… but from the current situation, Mu Zhi’an had indeed hooked a big fish with this Dragon Rising Root.

And behind this big fish, there was also an extremely terrifying force…

“Is Senior Sister Lan still at Yangfeng Inn?” Ye Lingxuan suddenly asked.

Elder Wei nodded slightly and hesitantly said, “Does Young Miss want to go see her?”

“Brother Mu helped Qian’er before, and a few days ago, he even rejected Senior Sister Lan and Miss Bai’s invitations to come to the auction house to keep his appointment. Plus, this time with the Dragon Rising Root… I don’t like owing others favors,” Ye Lingxuan said indifferently.

Elder Wei said helplessly, “Then I’ll accompany Young Miss to go together.”

If Ye Lingxuan opened her mouth wanting to save Mu Zhi’an, Lan Mulian would definitely agree.

After all, even the Two Polarities Sect highly valued the mysterious force behind Ye Lingxuan.

Ye Lingxuan got on the carriage and unknowingly arrived at Yangfeng Inn.

She stepped into the inn, and Elder Wei waited downstairs.

Ye Lingxuan lifted her skirt and stepped on the stairs, meeting the aloof Lan Mulian in the corner room.

The two women with peerless beauty complemented each other. One was like a budding flower, with a kind of reserved classical beauty, while the other was at the most charming age, with outstanding temperament and an excellent figure. Even in the Two Polarities Sect, she was the dream lover of countless disciples.

Lan Mulian closed the handbook on the table. Seeing Ye Lingxuan, she seemed a bit surprised and said, “You actually took the initiative to come find me.”

“Senior Sister Lan was also outside the city watching when Miss Bai faced the tribulation this morning, right?” Ye Lingxuan walked into the room with graceful steps, her purple dress swaying gently. She glanced at the book on the table, then her gaze fell on Lan Mulian.

“Did Senior Sister discover anything at that time?”

Lan Mulian’s delicate brows raised slightly, and she said, “You came for Mu Zhi’an?”

It seemed that fellow Mu Zhi’an wasn’t as bad as rumored. Although Ye Lingxuan was still a young girl in her prime, she had been intelligent since childhood. If Mu Zhi’an was that kind of good-for-nothing young master, she definitely wouldn’t pay attention to him, let alone specially come to see her today to “plead” for him.

“It seems Senior Sister has already discovered the secret on Bai Ruoxi’s body?” Ye Lingxuan asked.

“I was probably the first person in the entire Tianxuan City to notice it,” Lan Mulian said indifferently.

“What does Senior Sister plan to do?” Ye Lingxuan directly asked.

“Bai Ruoxi’s talent is astonishing. If she’s judged guilty because of a wisp of demonic aura, it would be a bit too unreasonable,” Lan Mulian said in an indifferent tone.

Seeing Ye Lingxuan seeming to breathe a sigh of relief, Lan Mulian continued to ask, “You think that if Bai Ruoxi is a demonic cultivator, it will implicate Mu Zhi’an, so you specially came to see me?”

Ye Lingxuan responded with a reserved smile and said, “I owe Brother Mu a small favor, so I’ve always wanted to find an opportunity to repay him this favor.”

She paused and continued, “But it seems that Senior Sister Lan is not a pedantic person. Lingxuan is much more at ease now.”

“With Miss Ye’s identity and status, you still let people owe you favors?” Lan Mulian asked.

Ye Lingxuan nodded with a smile and said, “A few days ago, Brother Mu gave me the Dragon Rising Root he bought at the auction house.”

“Dragon Rising Root…” Lan Mulian looked at Ye Lingxuan deeply.

“No wonder you owe him a favor.”

If an ordinary person obtained the Dragon Rising Root, it would be useless, but Ye Lingxuan was different.

In her hands, the Dragon Rising Root would display its true value.

“Moreover, that day, he didn’t hesitate to offend Senior Sister Lan and Miss Bai to come keep his appointment. To be honest, if his reputation in the past wasn’t so bad, I might have already been moved,” Ye Lingxuan continued.

Lan Mulian’s cherry lips under her veil pursed slightly, and she said indifferently, “If Miss Ye has nothing else, please leave.”

As I guessed, Senior Sister indeed cares a lot about matters related to Mu Zhi’an… Ye Lingxuan looked at Lan Mulian with deep meaning, then withdrew her gaze without changing her expression.

The corner of her eye inadvertently fell on the decorations beside her.

On the table beside her was a vase with a noble snow lotus in it.

“This flower… is a snow lotus?” Ye Lingxuan asked.

Lan Mulian “Mm”-ed indifferently, “The shopkeeper just came to change it today, but artificially cultivated snow lotuses still lack a bit of meaning.”

Ye Lingxuan smiled faintly and said, “Senior Sister Lan doesn’t know, artificially cultivated snow lotuses indeed lack a bit of meaning, but the snow lotuses cultivated by the Mu Manor are exactly the same as real snow lotuses.”

She changed the subject and continued, “Speaking of which, a few days ago, I received a snow lotus meticulously cultivated by the Mu Manor…”

The atmosphere in the room suddenly froze.

Ye Lingxuan didn’t notice the atmosphere was a bit off. She raised her slender hand and took out a small box from her spatial ring.

After opening the small box, she took out that ice-clear and jade-like snow lotus from the starry Luminous Earth.

Even though it had been buried in Luminous Earth the whole time, when Ye Lingxuan took out that snow lotus, its petals and even its roots were not tainted in the slightest.

Out of the mud but not stained, cleansed in clear ripples but not seductive.

Lan Mulian’s gaze slowly froze on that snow lotus.

“Where did this snow lotus come from?” Lan Mulian said expressionlessly.

Ye Lingxuan narrowed her eyes slightly, smiled sweetly, and said,

“Brother Mu gave it to me.”

“Senior Sister, I’ll be going first then.” Ye Lingxuan politely bowed, hugged the snow lotus, and left with light steps.

Mu Zhi’an… Lan Mulian’s forehead faintly bulged with veins, and a deep coldness appeared in her eyes that were originally as calm as an ancient well.

That night, after eating dinner in the dining hall, Mu Zhi’an was lying lazily in Bai Ruoxi’s bed, yawning.

“Young Master Mu… You’ve worked hard today.” Bai Ruoxi’s weak and pitiful pleasant voice came from the room.

Just now, Bai Ruoxi was like a weak flower battered by the wind and rain. Now that the sky had cleared after the rain, the girl’s fair white face, nourished by the rainwater, was tinted with a charming blush, completely different from her usual aloofness in the eyes of outsiders.

Mu Zhi’an gently stroked her head, his chest tightly pressed against her back, comforting, “It’s not hard. For you, it’s worth going to bed late.”

Bai Ruoxi was stunned for a moment before reacting, feeling a bit embarrassed and annoyed, and said softly, “I wasn’t talking about that!”

She paused and continued, “Running around all day because of my matter and offending Senior Sister, I’m really sorry…”

Mu Zhi’an lightly slapped her thigh and said, “Don’t worry about such small matters. Senior Sister is an upright person. You’re not a demonic cultivator, so how could she possibly go against you?”

“As for the Gongsun family and Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce, I talked to them today. You don’t need to worry about those two sides. They’re all good people and won’t falsely accuse others,” Mu Zhi’an continued.

“If someone wants to falsely accuse others, the Gongsun family and Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce will also help us prove our innocence.”

Feeling the originally tense body of the girl in his arms finally completely relax, Mu Zhi’an reached out his hand to hold her waist, making her turn around to face him.

“When do you think Ye Yu will make a move?” Bai Ruoxi suddenly asked.

“He may not necessarily make a move,” Mu Zhi’an paused and continued, “But if he wants to make a move, he will naturally choose the most lively moment with the most people.”

Bai Ruoxi thought for a long time, then raised her eyes to look at him, “The day of the sect assessment?”

Mu Zhi’an “Mm”-ed and let Bai Ruoxi bury her face in his embrace, saying, “Don’t worry, everything has been arranged.”

All the plans were proceeding in an orderly manner.

If someone really harbored ill intentions on the day of the sect assessment, they would only be bitten back by their own actions.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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