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It turns out, they are the protagonists 79

Chapter 79: XXX, Three Segments!

The next morning.

Lan Feiying brought one of Tianxuan City’s specialty snacks to the Yang Feng Inn and knocked on the door of the guest room.

“Sister, you don’t seem to be in a good mood?” Lan Feiying suspiciously sized up this charming sister with an attractive figure, and put down the snacks in her hand.

Although Lan Mulian’s face was veiled at the moment and she hadn’t said a word yet, it was as if the sisters had a mental connection. Lan Feiying detected her sister’s abnormality at the first moment.

“Don’t mind it, it’s just a trivial matter,” Lan Mulian said lightly.

Lan Feiying couldn’t help but take another look at her sister, but didn’t think too much about it. Her gaze quickly fell on the thin booklet on the desk. Seeing the more than ten names circled on it, she couldn’t help but say,

“It seems that Sister has decided on the quota of disciples for this trip to the sect assessment?”

Lan Mulian nodded slightly, covered the booklet, turned to look out the window, and said softly, “The number of people is basically determined, but I need to test the talent level of these people one last time.”

She turned to look at the voluptuous woman behind her and said, “You also need to take a test.”

Mu Residence!

Mu Zhi’an sat in the courtyard, looking at the pool of snow lotuses, and yawned with sleepiness.

Last night, as usual, he didn’t sleep well.

It wasn’t that he wanted to stay up late, it was purely for the sake of Bai Ruoxi’s cultivation realm. He had no choice but to do a little dual cultivation.

As for the process, it’s not worth mentioning. Noble people don’t bother to understand, and those who know, already know. There’s no need to elaborate here.

“I hope Ye Yu won’t make trouble. I still want to shear him for more wool,” Mu Zhi’an muttered to himself.

After thinking for a while, he picked three more snow lotuses and put them into the remaining three portions of Liuguang soil.

Although the snow lotuses are useless now, who knows… they might be useful in the future?

“Heh.” Suddenly, a cold, disdainful laugh came from beside him. Mu Zhi’an raised his head and saw Wei Mengrou, dressed in a yellow dress, standing beside him with a condescending look of contempt in her eyes.

Mu Zhi’an handed one of the snow lotuses to Wei Mengrou and said with a smile, “Sister Mengrou, this is for you.”

Wei Mengrou said lightly, “I don’t want it.”

After saying that, she glanced at Mu Zhi’an again and continued, “If you only gave it to me, that would be fine. But you’ve given it to three people, so this snow lotus has lost its original value.”

Mu Zhi’an shook his head and said, “This snow lotus is different from the previous ones.”

Wei Mengrou snorted, “No longer representing loyalty to love?”

“On this trip to the Two Polarities Sect, with Sister Mengrou’s looks, you will surely attract the pursuit of many people. When you take out this snow lotus, they will know that Sister Mengrou is already spoken for,” Mu Zhi’an said.

“Not interested.” Wei Mengrou refused again.

“Just take it. Even if you keep it as a memento, it’s not bad, right?” Mu Zhi’an reached out his hand, gently took the hand of the maid, and then placed the snow lotus in her hand.

“If the matter of the snow lotus is exposed, I definitely won’t help you,” Wei Mengrou finally accepted the snow lotus, but didn’t forget to warn.

She added, “Haven’t you learned your lesson from the auction house incident last time?”

Mu Zhi’an shook his head and smiled, “Last time was purely a coincidence. If that reckless Ye Yu hadn’t shouted out loud at the end to mock me, my plan would have had no problem at all.”

Moreover, the matter of the snow lotus is quite different from the encounter last time.

Girls are reserved creatures. If an attractive member of the opposite sex they admire gives them a flower, they will be delighted, but they won’t excitedly take a flower and show it off to everyone.

Oh, those who are vain might.

But neither Bai Ruoxi nor Lan Mulian are the kind of girls who are vain.

They will only keep this snow lotus and think of that person whenever they see it.

And Ye Lingxuan is still a little wary of him, guarding against him like guarding against a thief now, for fear that Mu Zhi’an will abduct Ye Qian one day.

The elegant and refined Ye Lingxuan likewise won’t deliberately show off this matter to others.

At most, she will just tell her sister Ye Qian.

There are no Moments or anything like that in this era to take a photo and express one’s mood.

If this could be discovered, it could only be said that his luck was too bad.

Speaking of which, he has to find an opportunity to give Ye Qian a flower… That girl may not say anything on the surface, but she will definitely be unhappy in her heart.

Mu Zhi’an couldn’t help but think in his heart.

A servant walked over from a distance with small steps. After observing for a few glances and confirming that the atmosphere was not a problem, he approached Mu Zhi’an and said in a low voice,

“Young Master, a message just came from the Yang Feng Inn. We are to gather in front of the arena at noon. It seems that the sect examiner intends to test the talent of the disciples participating in the assessment this time.”

Mu Zhi’an pondered, “I understand. Go and have someone prepare the carriage. I will go over in a bit.”

It seems that Senior Sister Lan is going to give the disciples a “baseline test” to confirm how capable these assessment disciples really are.

The Two Polarities Sect of the Eastern Realm is a top power even in the entire Xianxia world. Moreover, it is completely different from most forces. This sect is completely neutral and will not intervene in the struggle between any forces. Even the emperor of this dynasty cannot order the Two Polarities Sect to do anything.

This sect has an extremely sacred status in the Eastern Realm.

Also because of this, almost every sect assessment of the Two Polarities Sect will attract countless disciples making pilgrimage, including the offspring of court dignitaries, princes and princesses, and even geniuses from various cultivation clans.

These few cultivation clans in Tianxuan City are naturally among them.

After Lan Mulian confirmed the number of people participating in the sect assessment, she set the location for testing their talent at the arena.

And not long after the news spread, the selected young cultivators came one after another.

In an instant, quite a few people gathered in front of the arena.

Among them, many people heard the news and came to join in the excitement, intending to see how these Tianxuan City geniuses would perform.

After all, those selected by Lan Mulian are naturally the top geniuses among the young cultivators of Tianxuan City.

At this moment, Huang Manting was lazily sitting in a chair, looking up at the young cultivators on the arena who were full of desire to perform, shaking her head and silently laughing.

Those who could be selected by Lan Mulian were at least among the best of the young cultivators in Tianxuan City.

Now, wanting to spar on the arena before the talent test begins is nothing more than wanting to show off in front of Lan Mulian.

But… now Senior Sister Lan hasn’t even arrived yet, so what are they in such a hurry to show?

Just as Huang Manting thought of this, she suddenly seemed to sense something, turned her head to look behind her, and a carriage stopped near the arena. Then, two pretty girls with delicate appearances jumped off the carriage.

“Lingxuan, Qian, you’re here quite early.” Huang Manting raised her hand slightly and waved with a smile.

Actually, apart from Mu Zhi’an, Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian were also her prey. Huang Manting had already gotten bored of the maids and followers at home. Now she was more focused on targeting the geniuses of other families.

And among them, the servant she most wanted to subdue was that young master of the Mu family.

Ye Lingxuan smiled faintly and also greeted, “Sister Huang.”

Huang Manting had a charming smile on her face, her little mouth slightly open, but before she could continue, Ye Yu in the distance saw the two sisters, his eyes lit up, and he walked towards them.

He took the initiative to greet, “Lingxuan, Qian, what a coincidence. I was just about to look for you two at the Ye Residence to come together. I didn’t expect you to come out first.”

Ye Qian shrank back and ignored this cousin.

Since learning that Ye Yu had secretly followed them that day, Ye Qian had completely lost her liking for this cousin.

Even if he was a genius of the Ye family, she equally disliked this kind of stalking behavior.

Ye Lingxuan inconspicuously pulled Ye Qian to her side and said with a smile, “After all, today is to test the talent of the disciples participating in the assessment, so it’s better to come early.”

That smile had a few more traces of distance.

Ye Yu didn’t notice, only pointed to the seats not far away and said, “It’s hot today. Why don’t we go over there to cool off first? I think Senior Sister probably won’t be here so soon.”

“No need. We want to chat with Sister Manting.” Ye Lingxuan politely declined, then nodded courteously to Ye Yu, pulled Ye Qian’s hand, and sat down beside Huang Manting.

They have indeed been bewitched by Mu Zhi’an… Ye Yu looked at this scene, his face slightly unsightly.

But with words already spoken to this extent, plus he wasn’t very familiar with Huang Manting, Ye Yu finally didn’t approach the three and chose to sit down not far behind them.

“Is there still room for someone to sit next to you?”

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly intruded.

Ye Yu subconsciously raised his head, only to see Mu Zhi’an standing beside Ye Qian at some point, with a gentle smile on his face.

“Mu Zhi’an…”

Ye Yu stared at Mu Zhi’an, and then his gaze subconsciously fell on Ye Qian.

Her face was tinged with a faint blush. At Mu Zhi’an’s inquiry, she gently shook her head and shyly said, “No one is next to me. Brother Mu can sit if you want.”

Mu Zhi’an sat down straightforwardly beside Ye Qian and said with a smile, “Sister Qian, Sister Lingxuan, good afternoon.”

Huang Manting pouted and said, “Young Master Mu has such a cruel heart. Won’t you even greet me?”

Although she said this, there wasn’t the slightest bit of anger on her face.

Her words were nothing more than a tease at most.

Why does he know everyone… Ye Yu stared at Mu Zhi’an, as well as his back as he chatted and laughed with the three women at the moment.

Huang Manting is the daughter of the president of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce. In theory, she has an extremely poor relationship with the Bai family, and Mu Zhi’an has been getting close to Bai Ruoxi recently…

Why would he still have dealings with Huang Manting?!

When Ye Yu thought of this, he subconsciously grasped the fabric of his black robe, suppressing the anger in his heart.

No matter how active Mu Zhi’an appears now, at most he is just playing to the crowd. When Senior Sister Lan arrives at the arena and tests the talents of the cultivators, they will know who the true “protagonist” of this sect assessment is.

“He seems to be staring at you… His gaze is really scary.” Huang Manting noticed the gaze fixed on this place from behind and couldn’t help but chuckle softly.

Mu Zhi’an didn’t turn his head back. He only lightly touched the back of Ye Qian’s hand when Ye Lingxuan wasn’t paying attention, causing the young girl’s face to flush.

Although it would be interesting for an elegant and noble girl like Ye Lingxuan to blush shyly, bullying a pure and sweet girl like Ye Qian is actually quite nice too… Mu Zhi’an looked at Ye Qian’s pretty face tinged with shy blush, and inconspicuously withdrew the hand that was just holding Ye Qian’s, saying with a smile,

“Ye Yu and I do have some grudges, but you don’t need to pay attention to it at all. After all, this is a private feud and shouldn’t involve you.”

Actually, Mu Zhi’an could roughly guess what Ye Yu was thinking.

It’s easy to imagine that Ye Yu is enduring. He believes he has extraordinary talent. When Senior Sister Lan arrives later, he thinks as long as he displays his talent, he can make a stunning debut, shocking everyone and drawing their gazes and cheers.

But little does he know, being able to freely interact with others and even make them happy, this social ability itself is also a kind of talent.

Moreover… Can the talent that even the Heavens envy possibly be inferior to others?

Mu Zhi’an silently shook his head and chuckled.

“By the way, why don’t I see Miss Bai?” Huang Manting suddenly asked.

The gazes of the Ye sisters silently turned to Mu Zhi’an.

Is Huang Manting deliberately stirring up trouble… Mu Zhi’an’s expression remained unchanged as he calmly answered, “She was just meditating and cultivating. She should be on her way now.”

“Right, after the talent test later, if you three don’t mind, how about I invite you to the Chaohui Inn for some tea and snacks?” Mu Zhi’an subtly changed the subject.

Ye Qian’s originally tightly knitted brows relaxed slightly, and no change could be seen on Ye Lingxuan’s face, but from her eyes, it could still be roughly judged that her mood had improved a little.

The Ye sisters nodded reservedly, and Huang Manting also showed a charming smile, saying, “Okay~”

Mu Zhi’an said with a smile, “Then it’s decided.”

The Ye sisters are very pure girls. If Ye Yu had a little higher EQ and was willing to put in some effort, at least he could have taken away one of these two girls.

But now, Ye Yu can only watch this scene from behind, powerless and furious.

What exactly is the “Heavenly Dao” thinking, how could it choose such a fool as the “Chosen One of Heaven”… Mu Zhi’an silently shook his head.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a shadow silently looming behind him, and a chill quietly assaulted his back.

Mu Zhi’an subconsciously turned his head to look, and Lan Mulian was standing behind him at some point.

She was wearing a moon-white long dress, cold and noble. Although her face was veiled, just her figure and aloof temperament gave people endless wonderful imaginations.

“Senior Sister.” Ye Qian called out in a crisp voice.

Lan Mulian’s voice was cold and crisp, with great texture: “What were you chatting about just now?”

“Brother Mu invited us to go to the Chaohui Inn for snacks later,” Ye Qian said.

Ye Lingxuan suddenly said, “Senior Sister, if you don’t mind, would you like to go together later?”

Lan Mulian turned her head to look at Mu Zhi’an, smiled faintly, and said, “That depends on Young Master Mu’s intention.”

Why do I feel like Senior Sister’s gaze towards me just now wasn’t as gentle as when she saw me yesterday… Mu Zhi’an smiled and nodded, “If Senior Sister is willing to accompany us, I naturally don’t mind.”

Mu Zhi’an paused, then continued, “But isn’t Senior Sister busy? If it’s just eating snacks, I can buy some later and bring them to you…”

If there are too many people at the gathering, he is afraid that he won’t be able to control the situation.

However, Lan Mulian looked at him meaningfully and said softly, “I’m not busy.”

I somehow have a bad premonition… Mu Zhi’an looked at Lan Mulian’s beautiful back as she lightly floated to the front of the high platform, and inexplicably felt a strange feeling in his heart that he couldn’t describe.

The crowd below discovered Lan Mulian, and they all quieted down. Countless gazes stared straight at this tall and slender senior sister.

Lan Mulian slightly raised her hand and took out a stone tablet only the size of a palm.

She raised her hand to make a sign, a golden light swept across the sky and fell into the pitch-black stone tablet.

At the same time, the stone tablet began to gradually enlarge until finally, a pitch-black stone tablet two meters tall stood on the high platform, entering people’s field of vision.

“Placing a hand on this stone tablet, a person’s fortune and even talent will be displayed on the stone tablet.”

Lan Mulian swept her gaze over the more than ten people present, noticing the fervent gazes in their eyes, and said with a faint smile, “Is there anyone who wants to come up and try first?”

Below the stage, Ye Yu’s fists quietly clenched, his eyes filled with excitement.

The opportunity for him to turn the tables had finally come!

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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