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It turns out, they are the protagonists 80

Chapter 80: If Your Brother Ye Yu Finds Out, He Won’t Beat Me Up, Right? 

The test monument, to put it bluntly, is something that can test a cultivator’s current realm, as well as their own fortune and talent.

In the cultivation world, fortune is not something illusory, but truly exists.

Some people are born with better luck than others. They can go out and casually pick up money, or buy ancient cultivation techniques or ancient medicinal ingredients that no one cares about at the auction house.

And some people, even if they struggle their entire lives, they are always stuck in place, and no matter how hard they try, they can only serve as stepping stones for others.

Those chosen by the heavens, their talent and fortune are bestowed by the heavens. As long as they work hard in one go, they can succeed. These are people with great fortune.

And Ye Yu is one of them.

“Who wants to try first on stage?” Lan Mulian looked around at everyone and asked.

A charming and enchanting woman lightly came to Lan Mulian’s side and smiled faintly, “Let me try first.”

The two sisters looked at each other and tactfully shifted their gazes away.

I wonder what Senior Sister really looks like… Could she look similar to Sister Feiying…? Mu Zhi’an’s expression remained normal, but his eyes carried a hint of curiosity as he looked yearningly at the two sisters.

Lan Feiying stretched out her fair jade-like hand and gently pressed it on the stone tablet.

A wisp of spiritual energy poured into the stone tablet, causing this black stone tablet to instantly emit a faint white light.

“Qi Condensation Stage Eight!”

When Lan Feiying’s true level appeared on the stone tablet, the crowd below was a little surprised, their gazes burning as they stared at this tall woman.

Feiying, this name is quite well-known in Tianxuan City. She is the chief auctioneer of Morning Glory Auction House. Many of them had seen her before, but no one would have thought that a chief auctioneer would actually have the level of Qi Condensation Stage Eight.

“What does the white light on the stone tablet mean?” Someone suddenly asked from below, their gaze fixed on the faint white light emanating from the stone tablet.

“I remember that the sect assessment personnel last time also used a similar stone tablet to test the talent and fortune of cultivators. If I’m not mistaken, this light represents fortune… The white light means that Miss Feiying’s fortune is higher than that of ordinary cultivators.”

“If a person’s fortune is average, then no light will appear on this stone tablet. And for those with extremely poor fortune, the stone tablet will show a black light.”

“If fortune alone can determine a cultivator’s life, then what’s the point of cultivation?” Someone said, sounding quite unconvinced.

A cultivator beside him sneered, “If you must say, fortune can indeed determine a cultivator’s life. Think about it, you and a friend who grew up with you since childhood have the same talent, but they just happen to have more fortuitous encounters than you. By the time you reach the Spirit Transformation stage, they may have already obtained some inheritance and advanced to the Void Refinement stage by relying on their own fortune.”

Cultivation is not something that can reach the peak by relying on talent and hard work alone. Talent is one aspect, and fortune is another.

Someone in the crowd muttered to themselves as if in deep thought, “So when I got caught by my Dao companion at the brothel a few days ago, could it be because my fortune is lacking?”

“That’s purely because you go there often, so you got caught in the act!” Hearty laughter rang out from the crowd.

For a moment, the sound of good-natured laughter from the men came from in front of the arena.

Huang Manting twirled a strand of fine hair with her fingertips, glanced over with a smile, and said, “If it weren’t for Ye Yu shouting out Young Master Mu’s name the other day, the fact that Young Master Mu was with Sister Lingxuan and the others that day probably wouldn’t have been exposed.”

“It seems that Young Master Mu’s fortune is probably not very good either.”

Mu Zhi’an calmly smiled and said, “I didn’t intend to deliberately hide it. After all, I promised Sister Lingxuan and Sister Qian. No matter what, I will keep my promise.”

Mu Zhi’an was trying to create a grand image of “a promise weighs a thousand gold” in front of the Ye sisters.

Huang Manting pouted, seeming to not take it seriously.

Those words can only deceive some simple little girls.

Just as Huang Manting thought this, she found that Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian’s expressions seemed to have softened a lot.

She couldn’t help but slightly narrow her eyes.

It seems that Young Master Mu’s words just now were meant for the Ye sisters to hear…

His target from the beginning was very clear… the Ye sisters.

This made Huang Manting a little unconvinced in her heart.

In terms of looks alone, how was she inferior to the Ye sisters?

This Mu Zhi’an doesn’t want a woman who throws herself into his arms, but instead wants to pursue two immature girls… Could it be that he has some special interest?

But that shouldn’t be the case. After all, the Bai Ruoxi he pursued before, whether in figure or appearance, is the mature type… What exactly is this person thinking?

“Ye Yu is on stage!”

A voice suddenly came from the crowd. Mu Zhi’an raised his head to look in response.

He saw a slightly thin young man in a black robe slowly ascending the stage steps.

Hearing the commotion and discussion from the crowd below, there was no expression on his face.

But if you look carefully, you would notice that Ye Yu is actually quite enjoying this kind of gaze from people, just suppressing the joy in his heart.

He casually glanced at Mu Zhi’an below the stage.

But he happened to see Mu Zhi’an reaching out to stroke Ye Lingxuan’s long hair cascading down like a waterfall.

This action was very subtle, so much so that both Huang Manting and Ye Qian did not notice.

Ye Lingxuan glanced over and transmitted her voice, “Young Master Mu, please restrain yourself.”

Mu Zhi’an also transmitted his voice, “There was a fly in your hair. I was just helping you swat it away.”

Ye Lingxuan obviously didn’t believe it, but seeing that Mu Zhi’an had already withdrawn his hand, she let the matter rest.

It seems that her fondness for me is still quite good. She didn’t even get angry over this… Mu Zhi’an understood in his heart and continued to transmit his voice, “Sister Lingxuan–”


As soon as he started to transmit his voice, Mu Zhi’an suddenly heard a buzzing sound in his head.

Ye Lingxuan rejected the “private chat” and at the same time glanced at him lightly.

Mu Zhi’an tried to transmit his voice again, but what followed was only the sound of “ding” in his head.

Ye Lingxuan still refused to privately chat.

This girl is quite tsundere… Mu Zhi’an had no choice but to withdraw his gaze. He casually placed his hand lightly on the back of Ye Qian’s hand.

Ye Qian’s body trembled slightly. She stole a glance at Mu Zhi’an in a fluster, then quickly retracted her gaze and didn’t look at him.

But she didn’t brush away Mu Zhi’an’s hand either.

Mu Zhi’an raised his head to look at Ye Yu who was staring at them, and gave him a thumbs up.

This action seemed to be encouraging, but in Ye Yu’s eyes, it felt like “your two sisters are both great, I like them both.”

The mockery value was directly maxed out.

Ye Yu almost couldn’t suppress the anger in his heart and rush off the stage, but he also knew that he absolutely couldn’t lose his composure at this time.

He took a deep breath to adjust his mood, then under countless gazes, placed his palm on the black stone tablet.

At that instant, a golden light soared into the sky!

The golden light almost overshadowed the sunlight, appearing extremely dazzling on the high platform!

Although not handsome, at this moment, Ye Yu caused the eyes of many female cultivators to shine.

A person with great fortune!

“Ye Yu, Qi Condensation stage, level two!”

Actually, compared to the people participating in this sect assessment, Ye Yu’s realm was indeed a bit low.

But you should know, Ye Yu had a long period of time in the past where his cultivation fell to Qi Refinement. He charged back to Qi Condensation stage in just a few months, not even that long!

Looking at the golden light on this black stone tablet, and Ye Yu on the stage acting like an expert without saying a word, the crowd all sighed with emotion.

“This eldest young master of the Ye family is truly formidable. If he can diligently cultivate in the future, his prospects are limitless.”

“Innate genius, even his fortune is much higher than ordinary cultivators. If there is a heavenly chosen one in this world, it is probably this person.”

The cultivators below the stage were all moved. Mu Zhi’an also sighed, “Ye Yu’s talent is really quite amazing.”

“Unlike me, even if I work hard at cultivation, I only have a mere Qi Condensation stage four.” When Mu Zhi’an said this, he slowly shook his head and sighed.

Huang Manting’s small mouth opened slightly. She couldn’t help but want to mock him, thinking in her heart that you went to the brothel every few days in the past, and you call that working hard at cultivation?

It’s more like, being able to reach Qi Condensation stage four while slacking off every few days is already very impressive.

But considering the occasion, she still held back the words she wanted to say in her heart.

Ye Lingxuan casually glanced over. Seeing his dejected appearance, her beautiful brows slightly knitted as she lightly said, “On the path of cultivation, relying on talent and fortune alone is not enough. State of mind is also a very important aspect.”

“Yes, Sister Lingxuan used to often tell me that cultivation is something that really tests one’s state of mind. Many geniuses possess fortune and talent, but still fall midway.” Ye Qian nodded in agreement and comforted.

“But with Ye Yu’s fortune, it should be difficult for any problems to arise.” Huang Manting suddenly said.

With such great fortune, even if he was a pig, his future prospects would be limitless. As long as Ye Yu’s mind is a bit normal and he doesn’t do anything too deadly, his future accomplishments won’t be too low.

What do you think I’m up against… Mu Zhi’an secretly chuckled.

Although he treated Ye Yu like a fool, he never underestimated him.

Firstly, it was because there was still a mysterious old man in Ye Yu’s body. Secondly, Ye Yu had the blessing of great fortune.

Let alone Mu Zhi’an, even if Lan Mulian made a move here, Ye Yu would probably have a way to escape. This is the blessing of fortune.

So Mu Zhi’an never thought of directly confronting and eliminating Ye Yu head-on. It wasn’t very realistic.

But he could weaken Ye Yu’s fortune little by little… This had already been confirmed to be feasible through testing.

“In the future, when he reaches the Spirit Transformation stage, maybe he will come to take revenge on me.” Mu Zhi’an continued to sigh, trying to fish for information.

Huang Manting raised her delicate brows and said, “You still have things you’re afraid of?”

“After all, he is a person with great fortune.” Mu Zhi’an said.

Ye Lingxuan lightly said, “Rather than worrying about this little matter, it’s better to focus on cultivation. As for Brother Ye Yu’s side… there won’t be any problems.”

“Does Sister Lingxuan mean that you can protect me in the future?” Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look.

Ye Lingxuan hesitated for a moment, but in the end still nobly raised her snow-white chin and lightly “mhm”-ed.

After all, the other party had helped them quite a bit, so returning a favor was appropriate.

Ye Qian hesitated and said, “Although my realm is not high now… I should also be able to help in the future.”

Mu Zhi’an sighed and said, “If your brother Ye Yu heard this, he wouldn’t directly beat me up, right?”

Ye Lingxuan pursed her lips, unhappy, and said, “He’s not your match right now.”

After all, Mu Zhi’an was at Qi Condensation stage four, and was already close to Qi Condensation stage five. The current Ye Yu definitely couldn’t defeat Mu Zhi’an.

And although Ye Yu’s talent was good, Ye Lingxuan had confidence in her own talent as well.

While the few people were chatting, Ye Yu had already walked off the high platform under the admiring gazes of the crowd.

His line of sight inadvertently glanced in Mu Zhi’an’s direction. Seeing the few people chatting leisurely, this time his mood was extremely calm.

Mu Zhi’an can only take advantage of now to chat with them. After a while, when he goes on stage, everyone will know how trash this young master of the Mu family really is.

At that time, Lingxuan and Qian will probably come to their senses.

Ye Yu sat down in his original position, enjoying the occasional glances from the cultivators beside him, quietly waiting for Mu Zhi’an’s appearance.

Next, Huang Manting, Ye Qian, Gongsun Cheng, and others took turns on stage, all receiving extremely good evaluations in the test of the assessment monument.

Before long, a sudden commotion came from the crowd.

On the high platform, the graceful young lady dressed in a purple dress raised her hand and lightly touched the stone tablet.

Almost in that instant, an equally brilliant golden light caused the black stone tablet to completely light up. Ye Lingxuan bathed in the golden radiance, her eyes slightly closed, her curled lashes catching the golden light, her fair face dyed with a layer of warm luster, looking sacred and inviolable.

At this moment, people’s gazes all gathered on her.

This young lady, who had always been extremely low-key in Tianxuan City in the past, displayed her astonishing talent and fortune in this assessment.

Ye Lingxuan did not linger on the stage for too long. She stepped off the high platform, and happened to meet Mu Zhi’an’s gaze.

Mu Zhi’an smiled at her.

The corners of Ye Lingxuan’s mouth curled up slightly, but she pretended to be reserved, raised her proud snow-white chin, slightly nodded after, and no longer looked at him.

With Ye Lingxuan’s performance, the subsequent few people who took the test all appeared lackluster in her brilliance.

“Young Master Mu, are you still not going to try on stage?”

Ye Yu looked at Mu Zhi’an and the Ye sisters chatting and laughing together again, sometimes making them cover their mouths and chuckle. In the end, he couldn’t help but speak up, also interrupting the harmonious and beautiful scene of the few people.

Mu Zhi’an didn’t turn his head, but noticing that everyone’s gazes were all falling on him, he knew he couldn’t continue slacking off.

Because he could feel that Lan Mulian was also looking at him.

Under everyone’s gazes, Mu Zhi’an slowly walked onto the high platform.

He looked at Lan Mulian and transmitted his voice, “Senior Sister, I’m so nervous.”

Lan Mulian’s clear and cold voice transmitted back, “It’s just an ordinary test, nothing to be nervous about. Just relax and it’ll be fine.”

“Can you chat with me and encourage me a bit afterward?” Mu Zhi’an continued to transmit his voice.

Lan Mulian looked at him meaningfully, her eyes smiling, and transmitted her voice, “Okay~”

Just right, she also wanted to chat with Mu Zhi’an about the matter of the snow lotus.

Mu Zhi’an’s gaze swept over Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian below the stage. Both of their eyes carried an encouraging look.

His gaze also fell on Wei Mengrou, who had always stood alone in the shadows. The maid also looked at him with an expressionless face.

Mu Zhi’an showed her a gentle smile.

Wei Mengrou pouted, retracted her gaze, and appeared disdainful.

Mu Zhi’an didn’t mind. His gaze returned to this black stone tablet.

Next, it was time to showcase his true skills!

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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