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It turns out, they are the protagonists 82

Chapter 82: A Grand Opening to a Good Show

Hua’an Teahouse is located near Yang Feng Inn and also close to the arena.

At this moment, a middle-aged man dressed in a luxurious robe was sitting in front of a clean and elegant pavilion outside the teahouse, stroking his beard as he looked at the high platform below. By his side was the acting patriarch of the Gongsun family, Gongsun Ping.

To be precise, he was the puppet patriarch pushed to the surface by Gongsun Xiong.

And not far from Gongsun Ping’s side was a crude warrior, none other than the patriarch of the Bai family, Father Bai.

In addition, there were also patriarchs or elders of nearly ten families in Tianxuan City present.

After all, this was the sect assessment that took place every few years, especially since their descendants were also participating in the test this year, so naturally all the families were extremely concerned about this matter.

“This nephew Mu is quite interesting. Others either have black fortune or simply ordinary fortune, but he’s different. He actually tested out a pink light.” Old Master Huang picked up the teacup, took a sip, and suddenly said with a smile.

“This old man has traveled for many years and has even seen those with great fortune a few times, but this pink light is something I’ve never heard of before.” The third elder of the Ye family stroked his beard as he looked down at the high platform below, his eyes filled with a hint of confusion.

Father Bai didn’t speak, only suspiciously staring at the pink light on the stone tablet.

How could there be my daughter’s spiritual energy in this light…

It was clearly Mu Zhi’an testing the stone tablet, yet he could sense Bai Ruoxi’s spiritual energy from the stone tablet Mu Zhi’an was testing… This was a bit odd.

Even if they really did dual cultivate, there shouldn’t be spiritual energy left in Mu Zhi’an’s body.

“It seems that today’s topic will probably be dominated by this young master of the Mu family.” An elder couldn’t help but shake his head and laugh.

Originally thinking that the test results of Ye Yu and Ye Lingxuan were quite explosive news, unexpectedly, Mu Zhi’an’s test results were even more jaw-dropping.

“Perhaps not necessarily.” However, Old Master Huang had a different view, a meaningful smile appearing on his face.

“Have you all forgotten about Miss Wei of the Mu family and that genius girl from the Bai family?”

These two were both at the Spirit Transformation stage.

Wei Mengrou was usually so low-key that people almost subconsciously ignored her existence, but Old Master Huang had a deep impression of this woman.

One reason was that she was almost always like a shadow guarding Mu Zhi’an’s side, and secondly, reaching the Spirit Transformation stage at her age could already be said to be a genius among geniuses.

Even without mentioning Bai Ruoxi and Wei Mengrou, there was an even more explosive matter brewing.

The four major forces in Tianxuan City all knew that there was “demonic energy” on Bai Ruoxi.

If someone wanted to cause trouble after the arena ended, this occasion would be the most suitable timing.

This test was probably just an appetizer before the good show began.

At this moment, Mu Zhi’an was looking up at this stone tablet emitting pink light, falling into a brief contemplation.

This is a bit awkward… Why is there also pink fortune?

He subconsciously looked at Lan Mulian, hoping that Senior Sister could give him an explanation.

However, when he turned his head to look, he found that Lan Mulian’s eyes were as cold as an icy abyss, her chilling eyes silently staring at him.

Senior Sister’s gaze seems a bit off… Mu Zhi’an said, “Senior Sister, what’s going on?”

Lan Mulian said lightly, “It’s not clear for now. It seems that your fortune is different from others. I need to wait until I return to the sect and consult my master.”

Even this sect assessment person doesn’t know?!

Hearing this, the cultivators below the stage all exclaimed, and their gazes towards Mu Zhi’an also carried a few hints of strangeness.

One of the inherent evil natures of humans is that when they see others doing worse than themselves, they will more or less feel some psychological comfort in their hearts.

Earlier, when they saw that the test tablet had no reaction during Mu Zhi’an’s test, many of them felt a bit of schadenfreude.

However, now seeing the test tablet light up with a pink light different from any time before, it made many people feel a bit emotionally subtle.

At this time, a young man below the stage suddenly asked in a loud voice, “Senior Sister, I wonder how Mu Zhi’an’s rating should be determined?”

Many people turned their heads to look. It was the third young master of the Sun family who was selected as an assessment disciple this time. His talent also looked down on his peers and was also a rare genius.

This test could be said to be a baseline assessment. Based on the performance level of the baseline, Lan Mulian would later arrange the disciples participating in the assessment on the mountain in an overall order, from first place to last.

At present, Mu Zhi’an’s pink fortune was indeed a bit difficult to judge.

Lan Mulian glanced over and said lightly, “I have my own standards for judgment in my heart.”

Ye Yu suddenly chimed in, “Young Master Mu’s cultivation is only at Qi Condensation stage four, and this fortune has never been heard of before. We juniors are still very curious about what decision Senior Sister will make. If Young Master Mu is arranged ahead of us, it will inevitably make people a bit unconvinced.”

Mu Zhi’an sneered, “Then why don’t you be the sect assessment person?”

Ye Yu smiled slightly, “I am still lacking in knowledge. I don’t have the qualifications to be a sect assessment person.”

“Since you have a sense of propriety in your heart, just shut up.” Mu Zhi’an said.

Lan Mulian couldn’t help but chuckle, but quickly restrained herself and maintained a cold and aloof demeanor, “I have my own decision in my heart on how to judge. If someone thinks it’s unfair later, they can report it to the sect master after entering the sect in the future.”

“However,” Lan Mulian’s tone changed as she said with a faint smile, “How to decide now should still be up to me.”

The underlying meaning of these words was probably saying: Are you teaching me how to do things?

Ye Yu’s face looked unsightly, but he couldn’t find a reason to refute. Moreover, he didn’t dare to act out in front of Lan Mulian and could only endure it.
However, it didn’t matter.

Let Mu Zhi’an be smug for a bit longer. In a moment, the good show would begin.

Senior Sister is so domineering… Mu Zhi’an clapped like a seal in his heart and said with cupped hands, “Senior Sister, since the test is over, I’ll go off the stage first?”

Lan Mulian “mhm”-ed. After Mu Zhi’an got off the stage, her gaze directly fell on Wei Mengrou in the corner of the shadows.

“Miss Wei, it’s your turn.”

People’s gazes followed the direction of Lan Mulian’s gaze. Only at this point did they remember that among the disciples participating in the sect assessment this time, there was also Mu Zhi’an’s personal maid.

Under those gazes, Wei Mengrou gracefully landed in front of the high platform.

She had a tall figure and long hair cascading down, slightly covering her eyes, making it a bit difficult for people to see her face clearly.

But even so, just from her back view and her own temperament, it was not hard to tell that she was a rare beauty, even though her current attire was very casual.

Wei Mengrou stretched out her palm and touched the black stone tablet.

“Spirit Transformation stage, level five.”

When Lan Mulian’s voice fell, the crowd below fell into a dead silence.

Even Lan Mulian was a little surprised and took another two looks at Wei Mengrou.

She knew that Wei Mengrou was at the Spirit Transformation stage, but because she had never fought against her, she didn’t know that the other party was actually at Spirit Transformation stage five.

Looking at her age, she was probably only two or three years older than Mu Zhi’an… Spirit Transformation stage five. In some families, she would also be treated as an honored guest. For Wei Mengrou to have such talent, yet be willing to be a maid in someone else’s family, it was indeed a bit strange.

Wei Mengrou injected a wisp of spiritual energy into the stone tablet. At this moment, the black stone tablet suddenly surged with a shocking black light, soaring into the sky and instantly enveloping the entire high platform.

“Extremely bad luck?!”

The onlookers below the stage all subconsciously retreated a few steps back, their faces all changing color.

“What a pity. Being able to reach the Spirit Transformation stage at this age, her future prospects would have been limitless. Who would have thought that her fortune would be so unlucky.” Someone in the crowd suddenly said with regret.

“With such bad luck, just being with her would bring misfortune, right? What was the Mu Residence thinking, actually letting her come to protect the young master of the Mu family…”

When together with someone with good fortune, one’s own fortune would more or less also improve.

Similarly, if one was with someone exuding bad luck all over, oneself would also likely be affected.

“Perhaps the Mu family has some way to suppress Wei Mengrou’s bad luck. Otherwise, how would they dare to let her follow Mu Zhi’an with peace of mind?”

“But even so, the risk is still very high… Although this woman’s looks and strength are both top-notch…”

Wei Mengrou listened to the whispers below the stage with an expressionless face, her face without any fluctuations, only casually glancing at Mu Zhi’an.

Noticing Wei Mengrou’s indifferent gaze, Mu Zhi’an grinned, raised his hand and waved to greet her.

Wei Mengrou pouted as if disdainful and silently walked off the high platform, about to hide in the shadows.

However, at this moment, Mu Zhi’an took a step forward first and grabbed Wei Mengrou’s wrist, causing her body to slightly stiffen.

She turned her head to look at Mu Zhi’an and asked in a calm tone, “What are you doing?”

“You’ve been standing for so long. Come sit down and rest for a bit.” Mu Zhi’an said with a smile.

Wei Mengrou said lightly, “No need. If I stay by your side, I might affect your fortune.”

“We’ve been together for so long before and nothing happened. How could there be a problem now?” Mu Zhi’an shook his head.

Seeing that Wei Mengrou didn’t say anything, Mu Zhi’an took out a handkerchief, wiped the chair beside him, and said, “Come, Sister Mengrou, don’t stand on ceremony.”

Wei Mengrou hesitated for a moment, but in the end still lightly nodded and sat down beside Mu Zhi’an.

At the same time, the voices that were just secretly discussing below the stage also tacitly disappeared.

Mu Zhi’an’s action was actually also expressing his stance of standing on Wei Mengrou’s side.

Continuing to discuss Wei Mengrou’s matter would only offend this young master of the Mu family.

Because of these casual few words and one action, Wei Mengrou’s matter only stirred up a ripple and quietly subsided. No one continued to discuss this matter, but instead watched the assessment disciples who went on stage one after another, secretly comparing them with other geniuses in their hearts.

“The eldest miss of the Bai family is here!”

At this moment, someone suddenly noticed a stream of light like a star rising in the distant sky.

That stream of light swiftly arrived, and Bai Ruoxi landed in front of the arena on her flying sword.

She stepped on a pair of white embroidered shoes, the spiritual energy under her feet seemingly spreading out like ripples.

Wearing a white off-shoulder dress, her straight long hair cascaded down without any decoration, slightly curling in front of her calves, her cherry lips slightly pursed.

That attire, pure yet mixed with a hint of charm, coupled with her cold and elegant temperament, was most likely to make men’s hearts stir with admiration.

“Hello, Senior Sister.” Bai Ruoxi smiled gracefully and politely spoke.

Lan Mulian looked up at Bai Ruoxi and said with a faint smile, “You came just in time. You’re the last one.”

After testing Bai Ruoxi, the ranking of the assessment disciples this time could be determined.

Bai Ruoxi’s appearance also made the atmosphere below the stage completely lively.

Whether in modern times or ancient times, beauties were always a topic people loved to discuss.

Especially a great beauty like Bai Ruoxi who possessed both strength and beauty.

In the past in Tianxuan City, one of the things many people talked about during tea breaks was how to rank those beauties in Tianxuan City.

And Bai Ruoxi was always unshakable in first place.

The only one who could barely compare to her in terms of looks was Huang Manting of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce, but Huang Manting’s figure was far inferior to Bai Ruoxi’s.

“Sister Ruoxi should be the first among peers, right?” Ye Qian looked at the white-dressed beauty on the stage who was the focus of everyone’s attention and suddenly said in a low voice.

Ye Lingxuan pursed her lips and said softly, “Probably.”

If Bai Ruoxi’s fortune test next had a red light or even a golden light, it would probably solidify her status as the number one among peers.

“Good looks and strong strength, no wonder your Brother Mu likes her so much.” Huang Manting looked at the Ye sisters with a smile, trying to fan the flames.

Ye Qian seemed unhappy and said in a low voice, “Sister Lingxuan is just young. If she was the same age as Sister Ruoxi, her strength wouldn’t be lower than hers.”

Mu Zhi’an said with a calm smile, “If Sister Qian works hard in cultivation, I believe you will also catch up to her steps in the future.”

Ye Qian gently shook her head and said, “I can never compare to Sister Bai.”

Although she said this, her brows had obviously relaxed a bit.

Seeing Ye Qian’s lovely face that couldn’t hide her little joy, Huang Manting secretly clicked her tongue.

This Mu Zhi’an really knew how to grasp a girl’s thoughts. He even pretended to be a pure and innocent pretty boy to play with her before…

Thinking back to the scene when Mu Zhi’an first visited the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce that day, Huang Manting couldn’t help but feel angry.

At this moment, Lan Mulian’s cold and crisp voice suddenly came from the stage:

“Spirit Transformation stage, level one.”

And as her voice fell, a golden light descended from the sky!

That dazzling light was even more brilliant than Ye Lingxuan and Ye Yu’s, and the light seemed to be wrapped in a faint colorful radiance.

Lan Mulian looked at the delicate beauty who currently had her palm touching the stone tablet with her eyes slightly closed, as well as the stone tablet emitting a golden light, and silently thought.

It seemed that the first among peers was undoubtedly Bai Ruoxi.

The cultivators below the stage also showed unsurprised expressions.

After all, the scene of Bai Ruoxi making a move and defeating Gongsun Cheng before left too deep of an impression, and she advanced to the Spirit Transformation stage not long after that. It was not surprising for her to be the first among peers.

Strong strength and being the number one beauty in Tianxuan City, the addition of these two identities made many people present unable to hide the admiration in their eyes when looking at Bai Ruoxi.

It’s just a pity that Miss Bai seems to have a close relationship with the young master of the Mu family… When thinking of this point, many people felt a bit regretful in their hearts.

Bai Ruoxi slowly opened her eyes and turned her head to look in Mu Zhi’an’s direction. After the two of them looked at each other, a faint smile bloomed on the girl’s face.

This subtle action was also seen by Ye Yu below the stage. Thinking back to how he had tried to please her in the past but was always coldly responded to, and now seeing Bai Ruoxi’s sweet smile when facing Mu Zhi’an, the imbalance in Ye Yu’s heart finally caused his jealousy to burn uncontrollably. He slowly stood up.

Bai Ruoxi politely bowed towards Lan Mulian’s direction and then was about to get off the stage.

“Wait a moment!”

At this time, an abrupt voice suddenly rang out below the stage, causing everyone to turn their heads and look.

Ye Yu.

Mu Zhi’an was also a little surprised and looked at the delicate-looking black-robed youth behind him.

“Do you have something else?” Lan Mulian asked, looking at Ye Yu below the stage.

“Has Senior Sister already determined the ranking of the assessment disciples this time?” Ye Yu asked.

Lan Mulian silently nodded.

The positions of the subsequent assessment disciples might still need some consideration, but the candidate for first place this time no longer needed further consideration.

“Then what if I say that among the assessment disciples this time, there is a demonic cultivator?” Ye Yu suddenly asked.

Not far away on the viewing platform, the high-level cultivators of many families all showed a meaningful smile on their faces.

Mu Zhi’an slightly narrowed his eyes and secretly shook his head with a chuckle.

It seemed that someone couldn’t hold back after all…

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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