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It turns out, they are the protagonists 83

Chapter 83: She is a Demonic Cultivator!

“A demonic cultivator? Ye Yu just now meant that there is a demonic cultivator among us?!” Someone in the crowd immediately reacted, their gaze instantly falling on Ye Yu.

“Young Master Ye, is this true?”

“Of course it’s true.” Ye Yu nodded, looking around at everyone, his gaze lingering on Mu Zhi’an’s face for a moment.

At this moment, Mu Zhi’an’s expression was a bit dazed, his eyes seeming surprised and regretful, staring at him resentfully.

Mu Zhi’an’s fists were also unknowingly clenched at some point, looking at him with eyes full of anger.

You too will have your day… Mu Zhi’an’s reaction gave Ye Yu great satisfaction in his heart. He withdrew his gaze and immediately looked up at Lan Mulian.

This aloof woman still had a cold expression, her gaze calmly watching him.

But just this alone already gave people a great sense of satisfaction.

After all, this Senior Sister Lan was the sect assessment person this time. In addition, with her cold nature, this was probably the first time she stared at a man since coming to Tianxuan City, right?

“The demonic cultivator you just mentioned, where are they?” Lan Mulian’s crisp and cold voice rang out in the square, causing the cultivators present to all look towards Ye Yu.

“The demonic cultivator is among us.” Ye Yu paused and continued, “You all even know her.”

When he said this, he looked at Bai Ruoxi.

However, her expression was still cold and indifferent, looking at him expressionlessly.

Such an indifferent gaze deeply pierced Ye Yu’s heart. Thinking back to Bai Ruoxi’s charming smile in front of Mu Zhi’an before and such a cold attitude when facing himself, Ye Yu could no longer endure it. He raised his head, stared at Bai Ruoxi and said,

“Miss Bai, don’t you have anything to say?”

This sentence was like a bombshell falling into water. The next moment, the entire arena exploded.

Bai Ruoxi is a demonic cultivator?!

How is that possible, has Ye Yu gone mad?!

This was the first thought that popped up in everyone’s mind.

Huang Manting’s eyes flashed with doubt as she suspiciously stared at the indifferent Bai Ruoxi, and couldn’t help but carefully size up Ye Yu a few times.

If Ye Yu wasn’t crazy, then he probably really had evidence to prove Bai Ruoxi’s identity as a demonic cultivator.

But if that’s the case, what about Mu Zhi’an who had always been close to Bai Ruoxi?

This Senior Sister Lan would probably investigate the Mu family together, right?

When Huang Manting thought of this, she first felt some sympathy for Mu Zhi’an, but then felt that something wasn’t quite right.

She suddenly thought of the conversation she had with her father at the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce yesterday.

Huang Manting suddenly froze for a moment, as if she had thought of a certain possibility. When she looked up again at Mu Zhi’an, who had a face full of “worry and fear”, there were a few more hints of wariness in her eyes.

If he really thought of this step too… it was a bit too terrifying.

“Ye Yu, do you have evidence to prove this matter?” Someone suddenly asked from the crowd.

Ye Yu sneered and said, “If there was no evidence, would I dare to mention this matter in public to slander others?”

Mu Zhi’an frowned slightly and said, “Ye Yu, you should think carefully.”

Even at this time, you still want to threaten me… Ye Yu ignored Mu Zhi’an’s warning and turned to look at the teahouse pavilion behind him.

In front of that pavilion, the high-level members of the various families in Tianxuan City were all gathered there, watching the stage below at this moment.

Ye Yu said loudly, “Since the patriarchs and elders of the major families are all here today, then please everyone be a witness to verify whether what I said is true or false, how about it?”

When he said this, he looked at Lan Mulian again and said, “Senior Sister, please keep an eye on Mu Zhi’an and Bai Ruoxi, and have them follow me to the pavilion in front of the teahouse. I have a way to verify whether what I said is true or false.”

Lan Mulian glanced at Mu Zhi’an, her gaze also lingering on Bai Ruoxi for a moment, and slightly nodded, “Alright.”

Ye Yu cupped his hands towards everyone and said, “Everyone, please wait here for a moment. In a while, the major families will prove to you whether what I said is true or not.”

To eliminate Mu Zhi’an, this was the best opportunity.

Because today, people from all the major families were present.

The Gongsun family had a grudge against the Mu family, and the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce had always maintained neutrality. Some other families had trade dealings with the Mu family, but some families had also been suppressed by the Mu family.

If the Mu family could be investigated by the Two Polarities Sect because of the demonic cultivator matter, they could also take the opportunity to benefit.

Ye Qian subconsciously grabbed the corner of Ye Lingxuan’s clothes, looking at Mu Zhi’an with a nervous expression, anxiously saying, “Sister…”

Ye Lingxuan’s beautiful brows slightly knitted, and although her expression was calm, it was hard to hide the hint of worry in her eyes.

If Bai Ruoxi was really a demonic cultivator as Ye Yu said, then Mu Zhi’an, who had close contact with her during this period, would also be investigated… Encountering such a thing on the eve of the sect assessment was very bad news.

Lan Mulian led a few people towards the teahouse. When Mu Zhi’an passed by the Ye sisters, his footsteps paused slightly and he turned his head to look at the two of them.

Noticing that their gazes were all fixed on him, Mu Zhi’an showed a helpless smile and said softly, “Originally, I was looking forward to us truly becoming senior and junior martial siblings after the sect assessment ended. I didn’t expect to encounter such a thing.”

He slightly raised his head, looking at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, and sighed lightly. He turned his head to look at Ye Lingxuan, gazing into her eyes, and transmitted his voice,

“If I can’t easily escape today, I hope that in the future, when you see that snow lotus, you will remember that in Tianxuan City, there was once a Brother Mu who secretly admired you.”

Ye Lingxuan’s beautiful brows tightly knitted as she looked at Mu Zhi’an with a complex gaze.

She had actually always been a bit wary of Mu Zhi’an’s “good intentions”, but today, seeing his sincere feelings, even the most ice-sealed heart couldn’t help but be moved.

Mu Zhi’an then looked at Ye Qian and said softly, “In the future, if I’m not around, stay by your Sister Lingxuan’s side. With her taking care of you, I’ll also be at ease.”

“Brother Mu…” Ye Qian’s eyes were glistening with tears. She wanted to say something to make him stay, but knew that this occasion was not appropriate no matter what, and could only choke out his name.

Mu Zhi’an walked into the teahouse without looking back.

At this moment, a transmitted voice suddenly rang out in his mind from behind, “If you’re in trouble, release your spiritual energy. I’ll have someone take you away.”

Ye Lingxuan’s voice.

Mu Zhi’an didn’t slow his pace and walked into the teahouse pavilion along with the others.

Now gathered there were the high-level members of Tianxuan City who were preparing to watch a good show unfold.

Mu Zhi’an walked up the steps, looking up at Ye Yu walking at the very front, and also glanced at Bai Ruoxi not far from his side.

She tightly pursed her lips, and although she maintained a calm expression, there was still a hint of worry in her eyes.

If Ye Yu really had a way to detect the existence of “demonic energy” in her body, in front of so many people, was there really a way to turn the situation around? Even if she believed in Mu Zhi’an, Bai Ruoxi couldn’t help but feel a bit worried in her heart.

If he got implicated because of this matter…

Mu Zhi’an secretly glanced at Lan Mulian walking not far ahead, and when she wasn’t paying attention, he quietly reached out and held Bai Ruoxi’s slightly cool, slender, soft little hand, transmitting his voice to comfort, “Don’t worry, Ruoxi.”

He had said before, just leave everything to him.

He always kept his word.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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