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It turns out, they are the protagonists 84

Chapter 84: Calling a Deer a Horse 

Teahouse, in front of the pavilion.

A group of people stood with their hands behind their backs, watching Ye Yu and the others slowly walking up from the steps.

Looking at Mu Zhi’an behind Ye Yu again, his expression was calm, no longer showing the “panic” he had in front of the arena just now, and there was no discernible expression on his face.

Upon seeing Lan Mulian, the elders and even patriarchs of these major families all cupped their hands to her.

Lan Mulian nodded slightly in acknowledgment, then turned to look at the three people behind her.

Her gaze swept unintentionally over Bai Ruoxi, then her sight passed over Mu Zhi’an and fell on Ye Yu. Her crisp, textured cold voice said,

“Ye Yu, how do you want to prove what you just said?”

The elder of the Ye family looked at Ye Yu’s figure, his brows unknowingly furrowing, obviously very dissatisfied with Ye Yu’s provocation just now.

The Ye family was not like the Mu family. If it was really proven that Bai Ruoxi was a demonic cultivator, then that would be fine.

But if in the end there was no proof of Bai Ruoxi’s identity as a demonic cultivator, the Ye family would probably be extorted heavily by the Mu family afterwards… No, just being extorted would be considered good.

If Mu Zhi’an got vicious, it wouldn’t be as simple as just extorting some money…

“Ye Yu, the major families of Tianxuan City are all present today. You must act with caution,” the Ye family elder reminded, intentionally or unintentionally.

Mu Zhi’an did not get along well with all these small families. After all, those who could truly dominate Tianxuan City were only the four major forces, and the Mu family occupied the largest share.

As long as the four major forces stood on one side, even a fool should know which side to take.

Ye Yu cupped his hands and said respectfully, “Elder, I naturally have evidence to dare to expose this matter in public.”

“Eliminating demons and defending the Dao is something we are duty-bound to do. If we really let a demonic cultivator enter the Two Polarities Sect in the future, I’m afraid it will lead to a great disaster.”

After saying that, he turned to look at Mu Zhi’an behind him and took out a small box.

From that small box, he took out a pill that had a black luster.

“Void Pill?”

The alchemist of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce recognized the pill in Ye Yu’s hand, and his gaze slightly condensed.

The formula for this Void Pill was quite rare. Those who took this pill would have the spiritual energy in their cauldron purified, and any mixed spiritual energy would be completely expelled from the cauldron.

To put it bluntly, the true purpose of this Void Pill was for those cultivators who absorbed a lot of mixed spiritual energy during their daily cultivation and meditation.

This Ye Yu was quite clever. If Bai Ruoxi was a demonic cultivator, the demonic energy in her body would be expelled from the cauldron at the first moment.

The acting patriarch of the Gongsun family narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the pill in Ye Yu’s hand.

The old master had instructed before coming that he should say little and do little today, just be an observer.

In plain words, these words meant for him not to intervene and first see if Ye Yu could prove that Bai Ruoxi was a demonic cultivator.

If it was proven, when Lan Mulian made a move against the Mu family at this time, even if the Gongsun family wanted to help, they would be “powerless to turn the tide”.

At that time, they could take the opportunity to secretly obtain some benefits and even get back the three commercial districts that were previously swallowed up.

If Ye Yu couldn’t prove this matter, then the Gongsun family would jump out at this time to do a favor by going along with the situation, stand on Mu Zhi’an and Bai Ruoxi’s side, and question Ye Yu.

In short, the Gongsun family just wanted to be a fence-sitter, not offending either side, but wanting to reap the benefits from both sides.

Ye Yu handed the pill to the only alchemist present and said with cupped hands, “Predecessor Wan, you are a highly respected alchemist. If the pill is handed to you, everyone can feel at ease.”

“You can check first to see if there are any tricks in the Void Pill I refined. This way it will also be fairer.”

Ye Yu glanced at Mu Zhi’an unintentionally and said, “To prevent certain people from saying later that I tampered with the pill.”

Old Man Wan nodded slightly and stretched out his hand to take the Void Pill.

The pill floated in his palm, and ripples swept across the surface of the pill.

After a moment, Old Man Wan slowly opened his eyes, looked at Lan Mulian, and said,

“There are no problems with this pill.”

Lan Mulian’s beautiful brows raised slightly, and she glanced at Mu Zhi’an unintentionally.

Mu Zhi’an nodded slightly, looked at Bai Ruoxi, and said, “Since there are no problems with the pill, then you should take it. This Void Pill is quite troublesome to refine. Such a precious thing is being given to us for free. If you don’t take it, wouldn’t it be disrespectful to Young Master Ye’s hard work?”

Bai Ruoxi subconsciously clenched the palm hidden in her sleeve.

If this Void Pill was really as rumors said, that demonic energy would leak out of the body after taking it, then in front of so many people… Even if it was Mu Zhi’an, it would be difficult to turn the situation around.

But with so many people watching right now, if she didn’t take this pill… Wouldn’t that be a guilty conscience?

Bai Ruoxi was now in a dilemma.

This “sneak attack” by Ye Yu was really ruthless enough.

“Kid from the Ye family, if this time it’s proven that my daughter has no issues, you better be prepared.” Father Bai stared at Ye Yu with a gloomy face.

Ye Yu respectfully said, “Uncle, please calm down for a moment. If it’s proven that Miss Bai is a demonic cultivator, I’m afraid Uncle will also need to be investigated at that time.”

After all, Bai Ruoxi was Father Bai’s biological daughter. If Bai Ruoxi was a demonic cultivator, then Father Bai and even Bai Yuanfeng would probably be in trouble later.

“Moreover, didn’t I specially refine this Void Pill to prove the truth of this matter?”

After saying that, Ye Yu turned to look at Bai Ruoxi and gestured, “Miss Bai, please.”

Bai Ruoxi stared at Ye Yu and remained silent for a long time. She slightly raised her hand and took the Void Pill floating in midair.

After about the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Lan Mulian’s eyes moved slightly and suddenly captured a wisp of pink smoke quietly rising in the air.
Demonic energy!

A wisp of pink demonic energy leaked out from Bai Ruoxi’s body!

This scene caused the people present to change color, and Father Bai’s face also turned frighteningly gloomy as he stared at Ye Yu.

However, a smile of victory couldn’t help but appear on Ye Yu’s face.

He had repeatedly asked his “teacher” before and spent a fortune to find the medicinal ingredients for the Void Pill. It took a great deal of effort to refine this invaluable Void Pill.

If he didn’t have full confidence, how could he expose this matter on this occasion?

“Miss Bai, it seems my judgment was correct.” Ye Yu looked at Bai Ruoxi, whose lips had lost color, and slowly said.

Her fair face had lost a bit of color and gained a bit of paleness, making the already delicate and cold girl seem even more sickly.

“It’s actually demonic energy…” Gongsun Ping stared at that delicate beauty, seeming a bit incredulous.

Yellow Lord’s eyes narrowed slightly. Even though he had heard about this matter from the Chamber of Commerce’s guest supervisor before, when he really saw this scene, he couldn’t help but feel a bit surprised in his heart.

“Previously, everyone had surrounded and annihilated a demonic cultivator. Now thinking about it, could that demonic cultivator have had more than one companion?” Ye Yu spoke again.

Bai Ruoxi suddenly raised her head, stared at Ye Yu, and said coldly, “I have never secretly collaborated with any demonic cultivator!”

“This kind of thing can’t just be decided by your words, Miss Bai.” Ye Yu looked at Lan Mulian and said, “Senior Sister, how do you think this matter should be judged?”

Lan Mulian ignored him, and her gaze fell on Bai Ruoxi as if nothing had happened. Just as she was about to speak,

At this moment, Mu Zhi’an suddenly chuckled lightly, as if he couldn’t hold back his laughter.

Even at this time, what are you pretending for… Ye Yu stared at Mu Zhi’an with a dark face, “Young Master Mu, you have a close private relationship with a demonic cultivator. This matter might also involve you.”

Mu Zhi’an pointed to the wisp of pink smoke that had already dispersed in the air and shook his head with a smile, “Young Master Ye, you think this is demonic energy?”

“What else?”

“I think it’s spiritual energy.” Mu Zhi’an looked at the pink smoke dispersed in the air and said seriously.

“You’re talking nonsense!” Ye Yu said angrily.

Mu Zhi’an retorted, “Wasn’t my fortune that was just tested also pink? Am I also a demonic cultivator then?”

Ye Yu frowned.

This guy was clearly making a fuss, but he just didn’t know how to refute it.

Mu Zhi’an looked up at Lan Mulian and said, “Senior Sister, can you take out that test tablet again?”

Lan Mulian nodded silently and took out the palm-sized test tablet, lightly throwing it on the ground.

The black stone tablet silently enlarged.

Mu Zhi’an reached out his hand and touched the test tablet.

At this moment, that test tablet once again emitted a faint pink light.

Mu Zhi’an bathed in the pink light, turned his head to look at Lan Mulian, and said, “Senior Sister, if the identity of a demonic cultivator can be proven just by color, then aren’t I also a demonic cultivator?”

“I know that the Two Polarities Sect’s Aura Observation Technique is one of a kind. Senior Sister can check my identity.” Mu Zhi’an continued.

Noticing that everyone’s gazes were all looking over, Lan Mulian picked up a talisman, burned it, and a hint of golden light appeared in those clear eyes. Her gaze calmly swept over Mu Zhi’an.

In that instant, everyone seemed to be able to see the faint white light emanating from Mu Zhi’an’s body.

That was precisely the spiritual energy of human cultivators.

“He is not a demon.” Lan Mulian finally came to a conclusion.

Mu Zhi’an said with a smile, “Since I’m not a demon yet emit pink fortune, then why is the pink smoke that Miss Bai just emitted definitely demonic energy?”

Mu Zhi’an turned to look at the patriarchs and elders of those families behind him and humbly asked for advice,

“I believe you are all fair, just, and righteous people. In your opinion, is that pink smoke in Bai Ruoxi’s body demonic energy or spiritual energy?”

The acting patriarch of the Gongsun family slightly raised his eyelids and glanced unintentionally at Lan Mulian, who remained cold and silent.

His eyes flashed, and he immediately stroked his beard and said with a smile, “In my view, that all looks like ordinary spiritual energy.”

“Indeed, I have heard before that some cultivators have special physiques, and the spiritual energy in their bodies is different from others, so they are occasionally mistaken for demonic cultivators, but in fact they are just human cultivators.”

“Exactly, it’s spiritual energy.” Yellow Lord nodded with a smile.

“That’s right, it’s spiritual energy.”

“How could Miss Bai possibly be a demonic cultivator? She is the pride of our Tianxuan City.”

Next, people spoke up one after another, all believing that this was spiritual energy and not demonic energy.

Bai Ruoxi looked at this scene in astonishment. Even she didn’t expect that the situation would be reversed so easily.

Mu Zhi’an turned to look at Ye Yu, whose face was unsightly, and asked word by word, his voice resounding,

“Young Master Ye, I want to ask you again,”

“Do you think now, is this spiritual energy or demonic energy?”

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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