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It turns out, they are the protagonists 86 p1

Chapter 86: Sect Assessment p1

Holy shit… There’s Bai Ruoxi’s spiritual energy in my body?

When he heard Lan Mulian’s friendly inquiry, Mu Zhi’an was obviously stunned.

As they say, the spectator sees the game best.

If Lan Mulian hadn’t mentioned this matter, he might indeed not have realized that there was actually Bai Ruoxi’s spiritual energy in his dantian.

Could it be from when we dual cultivated before…?

But the characteristic of an innate furnace is actively outputting and not passively absorbing. In other words, it should be my spiritual energy giving to Bai Ruoxi, and not Bai Ruoxi’s spiritual energy being in my body… Mu Zhi’an fell into contemplation.

As the elders and patriarchs of the major families left, Mu Zhi’an came back to his senses and subconsciously glanced at Lan Mulian.

Her pair of cold and bright eyes gazed at Mu Zhi’an, expressing a sincere confusion and puzzlement, putting on a “humbly seeking advice” listening posture.

But this gaze like an icy abyss made Mu Zhi’an feel a strong sense of oppression.

He pondered for a moment and transmitted his voice, “I won’t hide it from Senior Sister. My physique is quite special. This time, in order to conceal Bai Ruoxi’s demonic energy, I expended a bit of effort.”

Lan Mulian’s beautiful brows raised slightly, carrying a hint of a smile, “What kind of concealment method?”

“I’m an innate furnace.” Mu Zhi’an said.

Innate furnace… Lan Mulian repeated in her heart, suddenly remembering the books she had seen in the book pavilion before.

Her beautiful brows slightly knitted as she said, “If I remember correctly, the effect of an innate furnace is to give one-sidedly. It still doesn’t explain why there is Bai Ruoxi’s spiritual energy in your body.”

“I’m also equally puzzled about this point. If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask Senior Sister to help me confirm later and see if there’s something wrong with my innate furnace.” Mu Zhi’an replied, showing a junior martial brother’s respectful attitude towards his senior martial sister.

Lan Mulian nodded, “Okay.”

She was indeed a bit interested in the innate furnace physique.

In this world, there are various special physiques that exist, and most physiques are “self-benefiting”.

But Mu Zhi’an’s physique is one that benefits others.

The spiritual energy in an innate furnace can’t be used by himself, but can supply corresponding spiritual energy to other females… If that person is at a bottleneck, they might be able to directly break through the bottleneck by relying on that spiritual energy.

It can be said that Mu Zhi’an doesn’t have a golden finger, but he himself is a golden finger.

Lan Mulian collected her thoughts and turned to look at Bai Ruoxi, saying, “After leaving the teahouse, I will prove for you that the demonic cultivator matter was Ye Yu’s mistaken judgment. As for subsequent matters,”

She paused and looked at Mu Zhi’an, saying, “I’ll leave them to you to handle.”

She wasn’t good at dealing with these trivial matters of interacting with people, but Mu Zhi’an was very good at these things.

“Thank you for your help this time, Senior Sister.” Bai Ruoxi sincerely thanked.

Lan Mulian nodded slightly.

Because of Ye Yu’s sudden provocation, Lan Mulian was also in no mood to continue staying here to chat. After simply explaining these matters, she left the teahouse.

After Lan Mulian left, Bai Ruoxi then turned to look at Mu Zhi’an and said in a gentle voice with texture, “Brother Mu, I’ve caused you a lot of trouble this time. I’m really sorry.”

Mu Zhi’an slowly shook his head, gazing at her, and said, “For you, anything is worth it.”

Bai Ruoxi responded with a reserved smile and said softly, “Brother Mu is at it again. You’ve said such words to other girls too, right?”

The heart-binding lock quietly fell on Mu Zhi’an’s wrist at some point.

Mu Zhi’an pretended not to have noticed and gazed at Bai Ruoxi, saying softly, “Ruoxi, at this moment, I only like you.”

The heart-binding lock transmitted Mu Zhi’an’s current mood, indeed not lying… Bai Ruoxi’s peach blossom eyes glistened with tears as she silently gazed at Mu Zhi’an, as if in a daze.

Mu Zhi’an took the opportunity to continue, “Ruoxi, go back to the Mu Residence first later.”

“I still need to deal with some external matters.”

Bai Ruoxi asked in confusion, “Didn’t Senior Sister Lan already go out to explain?”

Mu Zhi’an shook his head with a smile, “Ye Yu has already thrown out the dirty water. Even if Senior Sister and the higher-ups of the major families in Tianxuan City prove that you are not a demonic cultivator, people will still gossip and even suspect if we have secretly colluded long ago.”

…Although they indeed had secretly colluded.

Bai Ruoxi’s beautiful brows slightly knitted as she said softly, “If they don’t believe the major families of Tianxuan City, do they not even believe the sect assessment person?”

“Of course.” Mu Zhi’an said as if it was a matter of course, “People only believe what they see with their own eyes.”

“In the end, what they care about is not whether you are a demonic cultivator or not, but just wanting to add some spice to their boring lives.”

“Even if others have already proven that my identity is just a cultivator, there will still be people who suspect that I’m a demonic cultivator?” Bai Ruoxi’s brows tightly knitted.

“That’s right.”

Mu Zhi’an nodded, staring at her beautiful side profile, and continued, “But let them suspect all they want.”

“Everyone wants some spice, so I’ll give them a bit of spice.”

For the sake of Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian, he didn’t plan to make things too difficult for the Ye family.

However, Ye Yu seemed to be a bit too idle… Idle enough to make trouble for him every few days.

Although it wasn’t a big deal, being repeatedly harassed by flies would still be a bit annoying in the end.

He had to make Ye Yu busy from now on.

Ye Residence.

Ye Yu quietly sat cross-legged on the bed, seemingly calm, but in fact, when he closed his eyes, the scene from before in front of the teahouse would come to mind.

“You’re very unconvinced?” An aged voice slowly sounded in his body, causing Ye Yu to slowly open his eyes.

“Teacher, why didn’t you let me expose Bai Ruoxi’s true face at that time?” Ye Yu replied in a low voice.

“Since Senior Sister Lan can use the Aura Observation Technique, if she used it on Bai Ruoxi in that situation, even if Mu Zhi’an quibbled, this matter would have been settled, right?!”

The old man sighed lightly, “If that sect assessment person was determined to protect Bai Ruoxi, even if she saw the demonic energy in Bai Ruoxi’s body with the Aura Observation Technique… Do you think she would answer truthfully?”

Ye Yu fell silent for a moment.

“You’re too impulsive.” The old man continued.

In the past, when Ye Yu’s talent was restored, he endured for a long time and worked hard at cultivation.

The old man once thought that Ye Yu’s state of mind should be quite good. After all, with such endurance, his future accomplishments would definitely not be low.

However, since encountering Mu Zhi’an, Ye Yu seemed to be getting more and more impulsive.

Mu Zhi’an was like Ye Yu’s heart demon. Every time he saw him, Ye Yu would lose a bit of rationality.

It’s not surprising. After all, in the several confrontations so far, Ye Yu ended up defeated each time…

Falling from a genius to a waste, then becoming a respected genius again, and then having his psychological defense line shattered by Mu Zhi’an again and again… Fortunately, Ye Yu’s mentality was still not bad. A normal person would probably have fallen into self-absorption by now.

“In any case, your goal has actually been achieved. Knowing when to stop is the mark of a mature adult.” The old man said slowly.

Ye Yu frowned and said in a low voice, “Just now, the elder has already personally gone to the teahouse to debunk this matter… Where has my goal been achieved?”

The old man chuckled and replied, “Just debunking is far from enough. From the moment you said Bai Ruoxi was a demonic cultivator, everything Mu Zhi’an does afterward is powerless to change the final result.”

“No matter how much effort they put in to prove that Bai Ruoxi is not a demonic cultivator, there will still be people who suspect her.”

Ye Yu was dazed for a long time before muttering to himself, “So… I won this time?”

“It can be considered that.” The old man slowly replied, “Although the Ye family will pay a considerable price for this, you did indeed win this time. Mu Zhi’an is an extremely proud person. Not being able to properly protect the girl he likes will make him very frustrated.”

“Therefore, what you should do next is not to find trouble for Mu Zhi’an, but to focus on cultivation.”

The underlying meaning of these words was: Don’t cause any more trouble, focus on cultivation is the key.

Ye Yu nodded slightly. The anger in his eyes that was originally filled with anger had gradually calmed down. He felt that his originally depressed mood had also become much more refreshed. He said,

“I will work hard at cultivation, and then defeat Mu Zhi’an fair and square in the sect assessment!”

The old man lightly “hmm”-ed, but sighed inwardly in his heart.

Because of this Mu Zhi’an matter, he didn’t even dare to sleep peacefully these days, afraid that Ye Yu would accidentally fall into Mu Zhi’an’s scheme.

If he hadn’t spoken up in time to stop Ye Yu today, the matter of him hiding in Ye Yu’s body would probably have been exposed.

If it reached that point, perhaps there would be many enemies coming to find him even without Mu Zhi’an making a move.

It seems that he has to speed up the progress and make Ye Yu reach the Spirit Transformation stage as soon as possible at all costs.

In front of the arena.

The crowd here had unknowingly gathered more and more. Just now, the Ye family elder had taken Ye Yu out to explain this matter, and at the same time proved that Bai Ruoxi was not a demonic cultivator.

And Lan Mulian, who came out later, also confirmed that what the Ye family elder said was true.

However, just as Mu Zhi’an had guessed, humans are creatures who love to “eat melons”. Among them, there were still many people who remained skeptical and wanted to see the parties involved personally come out and say a few words.

But even if Mu Zhi’an or Bai Ruoxi personally proved it, it would be useless. The moment the dirty water was thrown out, it couldn’t be taken back.

“What exactly are Young Master Mu and Miss Bai doing in the teahouse? That assessment person and the higher-ups of the major families have all left one after another. Why aren’t they coming out?” Suddenly someone couldn’t help but ask.

“Could it be that they are cleaning up the traces and concealing some truths…?”

“It shouldn’t go that far… If the families of Tianxuan City can’t be trusted, could it be that even that fairy-like sect assessment person can’t be trusted?”

“No matter how powerful the Mu family’s influence is, they can’t possibly bribe that fairy, right?”

“That’s also possible…” That person immediately shut his mouth when he said this.

Questioning a disciple of the Two Polarities Sect in public was a very dangerous thing.

Ye Lingxuan heard these discussions and her beautiful brows unknowingly knitted.

“These people are so annoying. It has already been confirmed that Sister Ruoxi is not a demonic cultivator, yet they are still discussing it.” Ye Qian muttered in a low voice.

“Ye Yu’s dirty water has already been thrown out. No matter what, there will always be people discussing it. This can’t be helped.” Ye Lingxuan said softly.

“But don’t worry, they can at most only say some gossip.”

“After the sect assessment begins in two days, this matter will be left behind.”

This time, it seemed that Mu Zhi’an had won, but if Bai Ruoxi was added, Mu Zhi’an didn’t win.

Of course, Ye Yu also didn’t win.

But in the current situation, it should also be what Ye Yu wanted to see.

After all, although he couldn’t prove that Bai Ruoxi was a demonic cultivator, there would still be people discussing Bai Ruoxi’s matter.

During this period, the most discussed topic in Tianxuan City would probably be whether Miss Bai was a “demonic cultivator”.

Previously, Bai Ruoxi was praised to the sky by most people, but now, as long as a little bit of negative news about her appeared, people would belittle her to the point of having no redeeming features.

In any era, there are many, many such people.

“Young Master Mu has come out!”

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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