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It turns out, they are the protagonists 86 p2

Chapter 86: Sect Assessment p2

Suddenly someone shouted, and people all raised their heads to look. The tall and handsome young man had already walked out of the teahouse.

As for Bai Ruoxi… She had already left on her flying sword just now.

Noticing that everyone’s gazes were all looking at him, Mu Zhi’an cupped his hands and said, “I made a fool of myself in front of everyone today. Young Master Ye and Miss Ruoxi have always had some grudges before. This time, I suppose he held a grudge and thus slandered her.”

“So the matter of Miss Bai being a demonic cultivator was just something Ye Yu made up himself?” Someone in the crowd asked with a hint of doubt.

Mu Zhi’an shook his head and said, “Bai Ruoxi is not a demonic cultivator, but as for whether demonic cultivators truly exist or not, I don’t know.”

When these words came out, there was an uproar in the crowd.

The meaning of these words was that demonic cultivators did indeed exist in Tianxuan City…

Most people believed this statement, because there was a demonic cultivator in Tianxuan City before, and in the end, it was destroyed by the joint efforts of several major forces.

Now even if a second demonic cultivator appeared, no one would find it surprising.

Mu Zhi’an swept his gaze over the crowd and said, “Just now, when Senior Sister Lan was about to use the Aura Observation Technique, Ye Yu stopped her. After that, he admitted to slandering Miss Bai as a demonic cultivator.”

“As for the reason, I’m not too clear about it.”

As these words fell, the crowd suddenly fell silent. In everyone’s mind, they were recalling what Mu Zhi’an had just said.

If they remembered correctly, the Two Polarities Sect’s Aura Observation Technique could see a person’s spiritual energy and even tell if a person was lying…

Why would Ye Yu admit to slandering Bai Ruoxi when Lan Mulian was about to use the Aura Observation Technique?

Just throwing out a sentence caused people to wildly imagine.

Mu Zhi’an withdrew his gaze, cupped his hands to them, and walked off the stage.

He knew that these people wouldn’t believe his one-sided words.

But after these words came out, people wouldn’t completely focus their attention on Bai Ruoxi alone.

Because the person who said these words just now was Mu Zhi’an, the eldest son of the Mu family in Tianxuan City.

Regardless of whether Mu Zhi’an’s words were true or false, they would cause heated discussion.

Having Ye Yu help Bai Ruoxi share people’s attention was enough.

If it was in modern times, the title of this incident would probably be something like this: Plot twist! Ye Yu, who reported Bai Ruoxi as a demonic cultivator, is suspected to be a demonic cultivator himself?!

It would hit the hot search in minutes.

Mu Zhi’an came to the Ye sisters.

Huang Manting, who was beside the two, had already disappeared. She probably went back with Old Lord Huang earlier.

After all, with such a thing happening, Huang Manting naturally also wanted to know what exactly happened in the teahouse at that time.

“Are you okay, Brother Mu?” Ye Qian looked up at Mu Zhi’an, her eyes full of concern.

“Thanks to you two, everything is fine.” Mu Zhi’an said with a smile.

Ye Qian lowered her head in shame and said in a low voice, “Sorry, I didn’t help much. My cousin even caused you so much trouble…”

This girl’s heart is really kind. Even though it was Ye Yu’s doing, she would still feel guilty… Mu Zhi’an shook his head and said, “It’s precisely because I know that you two are standing behind me that I have the courage to confront Ye Yu.”

He paused and said with some regret, “But I’m afraid I won’t be able to take you to Chaohui Inn today.”

Ye Qian nodded in understanding, “After all, with such a thing happening, it can’t be helped.”

If they went to Chaohui Inn now, people’s gazes would all gather on them at that time.

The young master of the Ye family had just offended both Bai Ruoxi and Mu Zhi’an. At this juncture, if the Ye sisters were still together with the young master of the Mu Residence eating a meal, it would inevitably cause some gossip.

Mu Zhi’an then looked at Ye Lingxuan and said, “Sister Lingxuan, I’m going back first.”

Ye Lingxuan nodded reservedly, looking at Mu Zhi’an who was about to leave and the “fatigue” on his face. She hesitated for a long time, her little mouth slightly opened, originally wanting to say some words to comfort him.

But in the end, she still held back the impulse in her heart due to a young girl’s tsundere and reserved nature.

Absolutely can’t fall for it… Mu Zhi’an is not a good person.

This could be seen from the actions Mu Zhi’an did before to Ye Qian that easily made people have a good impression of him.

I have to watch over Qian and not let her fall for Mu Zhi’an’s trick… Ye Lingxuan looked at the young man’s departing back and slowly calmed down.

After returning to the Mu Residence, Mu Zhi’an went straight into the study and also opened his personal interface.

The two characters “Supporting Role” on the interface had been filled with pink heart frames for the most part, and the two characters also looked quite blurry.

“Could this pink heart frame be linked to my fortune?”

Mu Zhi’an made this guess.

He had been puzzled about one thing before – what exactly was the pink heart frame wrapping the two characters ‘Supporting Role’?

And after doing a test on the test tablet today and seeing the test tablet emit pink fortune, Mu Zhi’an had a bold guess in his heart.

Because of his operation today, Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian’s favorability should have increased quite a bit, so this pink heart frame became even more vivid.

“If the two characters ‘Supporting Role’ are completely filled with this color in the future, I’m afraid I will no longer be a supporting role… But what does this pink fortune mean?”

It’s unheard of before.

In any case, the matter of pink fortune can probably only be slowly investigated after entering the sect.

As for these two days, it’s better to honestly cultivate at home and improve his own strength.

He felt that he was about to reach Qi Condensation stage five. If he cultivated all night in Bai Ruoxi’s room these two days, he should quickly reach Qi Condensation stage five.

Thinking of this, Mu Zhi’an turned around and was about to leave the study.

At this moment, the corner of his eye suddenly noticed that a paper crane seemed to be gracefully flying over from outside the window.

Mu Zhi’an got up and fully opened the window, and saw the paper crane stop and land on the windowsill.

“This shouldn’t be Senior Sister’s paper crane…” Mu Zhi’an secretly said in his heart.

From the day he visited Lan Mulian, he knew that he was actually communicating via paper cranes with two people. One was Lan Mulian, and the other, he didn’t know who it was for the time being.

But from the other party’s tone and even handwriting, it was obviously a female.

And that pen pal who wrote to him might be in the Two Polarities Sect!

Mu Zhi’an didn’t unfold the paper crane, but directly put it into his storage ring.

After entering the Two Polarities Sect in two days, he would reply to the other party. At that time, he just needed to follow behind the paper crane and see where it flew to know the other party’s identity.

Mu Zhi’an left the study and knocked on Bai Ruoxi’s door.

The tall and cold, delicate beauty sat on a chair, strands of green hair hanging down on her pretty face, her long neck faintly visible, snow-white and crystal-clear. That enchanting, curvy figure was completely hidden in this somewhat conservative white palace dress.

This palace dress added a few hints of aloof quality that made people feel she was hard to approach, but at the same time also gave Mu Zhi’an a few more hints of desire to explore the unknown mystery.

Seeing Mu Zhi’an, Bai Ruoxi raised her body, her autumn water-like eyes flashing with concern, and said, “How are things outside now?”

Mu Zhi’an walked to Bai Ruoxi’s side and lightly embraced the curvy beauty in his arms, saying, “It’s already fine.”

He lowered his head to the girl’s earlobe and said softly, “The sect assessment will begin in two days. Let’s temporarily cultivate at home these two days, Ruoxi.”

Bai Ruoxi secretly glanced at Mu Zhi’an. Noticing his burning gaze looking at her, she understood his meaning in her heart and felt even more shy. She couldn’t help but lower her eyes and answered in a low voice, “…Okay.”

Mu Zhi’an carried Bai Ruoxi’s soft body horizontally and went to bed to sleep.

Time passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, two days had passed.

And on this day, the grand sect assessment finally arrived.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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