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It turns out, they are the protagonists 87

Chapter 87: Let Them Make a Fuss as They Please 

The next morning.

Mu Zhi’an had woken up early.

Or rather, he didn’t sleep at all last night.

It wasn’t that Mu Zhi’an didn’t want to rest, but after all, it was the day before the sect assessment. For the sake of Bai Ruoxi, after much thought, he finally decided to sacrifice a bit of his sleep time.

Mu Zhi’an slightly turned his head and looked at the beauty beside him.

The morning light shone in, illuminating the girl’s nearly perfect sleeping face, making it look exceptionally beautiful. The blanket had slipped down a little, revealing two snow-white, alluring shoulders.

It goes without saying what kind of scene would be seen if the blanket was completely pulled down.

Mu Zhi’an quietly got out of bed and gently pulled the blanket, wanting to re-cover Bai Ruoxi’s beautiful figure and avoid seeing things he shouldn’t see.

However, at this moment, Bai Ruoxi quietly opened her eyes, her gaze charming and captivating, staring at Mu Zhi’an, and said, “Are you going to set off so early?”

“It’s not early. The sun is already high up.” Mu Zhi’an gently lifted the blanket, and the scene under the blanket was presented in his field of vision.

He originally wanted to let Bai Ruoxi sleep a little longer, but since she was already awake, there was no need to tiptoe around anymore.

Mu Zhi’an lightly patted Bai Ruoxi’s bottom and said, “Get ready. Let’s set off in a bit. With Senior Sister’s personality, she should arrive at the scene early to wait for us.”

Bai Ruoxi gently brushed away Mu Zhi’an’s hand and said softly, “You guys go ahead first. I need to change clothes and do some light makeup, which might take some time.”

After saying that, she sat on the bed with her legs to the side, the blanket wrapped around her enchanting figure, avoiding a certain someone staring at her unabashedly.

Even if they had been intimate, being watched so unreservedly would still make her a little shy.

Mu Zhi’an nodded and didn’t refuse.

He knew how long it would actually take for a girl to say “a little time to get ready.”

After leaving the room, Mu Zhi’an saw Wei Mengrou seemingly contemplating life in the courtyard.

Her outfit today seemed a bit plainer compared to usual, wearing a plain-colored long robe that completely hid her curvy figure.

Her long hair cascaded down, slightly covering her pretty face.

Although her figure looked ordinary, Mu Zhi’an knew very well how beautiful the scenery hidden under this plain-looking long robe was.

In the past, he had peeked at Wei Mengrou’s huge heart many times.

And those long legs… Mu Zhi’an had also been coveting them for a long time, but due to her strength, he could only suppress the bold ideas in his heart.

“Sister Mengrou, you’re up so early?” Mu Zhi’an took the initiative to greet her.

Although cultivators at the Spirit Transformation stage don’t need to rest, they sometimes choose to relax by sleeping to replenish their energy.

Wei Mengrou glanced at him coldly and said with disdain, “You two were too loud last night.”

“Miss Bai doesn’t seem to know that I can hear her voice next door.” She continued.

Mu Zhi’an’s expression remained unchanged as he said with a smile, “Sister Mengrou, are you confident about today’s sect assessment?”

Wei Mengrou already fully knew what kind of character her young master was, so Mu Zhi’an simply couldn’t be bothered to explain or hide anything anymore.

Wei Mengrou said lightly, “If even I can’t pass the sect assessment, then it’s even more impossible for others.”

This was indeed true. If we really talk about strength, Wei Mengrou is actually the strongest among the assessment disciples this time.

In the end, with Wei Mengrou’s talent, if she wasn’t restrained by her extremely unlucky fortune, perhaps her cultivation level would be even higher now.

This is truly a case of the heavens being jealous of a genius… Mu Zhi’an sighed in his heart.

Because her talent was so high that even the heavens were jealous, that’s why Wei Mengrou had such bad luck.

Although so far, Mu Zhi’an had never seen Wei Mengrou encounter any misfortune due to this bad luck.

“Sister Mengrou, do you want to go to the outskirts of the city with me now?” Mu Zhi’an asked.

Today’s sect assessment gathering point was just outside the city gate, and the time was set at the hour of Si, which was around nine o’clock in the morning.

Wei Mengrou hesitated for a moment, but in the end still lightly nodded.

If possible, she also didn’t want to leave Mu Zhi’an for too long.

Or rather, she couldn’t leave Mu Zhi’an for too long.

The two left the Mu Residence and saw a few scattered assessment disciples outside the city gate.

Among these people, Mu Zhi’an also saw an ‘old acquaintance’, Gongsun Cheng, and Ye Yu sitting alone on a huge rock, not speaking and acting like an expert.

In addition, some assessment disciples were not selected by Lan Mulian, so they probably came to participate in the assessment on their own this time.

Noticing Mu Zhi’an’s arrival, everyone’s gazes turned towards him, some with friendly looks, and some quite hostile, just hiding their hostility very well.

“Sister Mengrou, this sect assessment is quite dangerous. What should I do if I suddenly feel a little scared?” Mu Zhi’an said with concern.

Wei Mengrou coldly snorted and couldn’t be bothered to respond to him.

This guy doesn’t need to participate in the sect assessment at all to enter the sect, and now he’s saying this just to tease her?

Sister Mengrou really knows me too well… Mu Zhi’an felt a bit regretful.

Sooner or later, I’ll have Sister Mengrou lift her skirt with both hands for me to see, and then unwillingly obey my orders… Mu Zhi’an set a small goal for himself.

If it were Ye Qian or Bai Ruoxi, they would probably comfort him after hearing this.

If it were Ye Lingxuan, she would probably offer advice about the sect assessment in a more tsundere manner, and not directly comfort him.

At this moment, Wei Mengrou suddenly said softly, “Be careful, they seem to have some hostility towards you.”

Mu Zhi’an came back to his senses from his thoughts and looked up, just in time to catch a trace of coldness in Gongsun Cheng’s eyes.

Mu Zhi’an casually withdrew his gaze and said with a smile, “Gongsun Cheng is just rotten fish and shrimp.”

“There were also a few people who looked at you with some hostility just now. Gongsun Cheng may have secretly colluded with the disciples participating in the sect assessment this time.” Wei Mengrou continued.

Wei Mengrou could keenly sense people’s goodwill and malice.

She could also sense Mu Zhi’an’s wandering gaze on her body, but she just couldn’t be bothered to expose him.

Mu Zhi’an was stunned for a moment and said, “Rotten fish and shrimp gathering together are still rotten fish and shrimp, right?”

Wei Mengrou: “…”

Although she felt that the young master’s words were a bit too much, she indeed had the same feeling.

Mu Zhi’an seemed not to notice Gongsun Cheng’s gaze, withdrew his sight, and looked at the scenery outside the city to pass the time.

He naturally knew why Gongsun Cheng would have such great hostility towards him.

However, Mu Zhi’an felt that the other party should thank him instead.

Gongsun Cheng was obviously the same as him, originally positioned as a villainous supporting role, and a villainous supporting role who would be stepped on by the protagonist in the early stage.

It’s just that Mu Zhi’an seemed to have turned on a mocking halo, successfully attracting all of Ye Yu’s hatred to himself, so Gongsun Cheng, this villainous supporting role, didn’t play the role of being slapped in the face by Ye Yu.

After waiting for about the time it takes to burn two incense sticks, Bai Ruoxi also arrived.

Everyone’s gazes all fell on this beauty wearing a palace dress, their eyes filled with amazement and admiration.

Ye Yu’s gaze was also attracted.

However, he didn’t show it and quickly withdrew his gaze.

After these two days of cultivation, he had become much more steady.

Now, there was no rush at this moment…

When they arrived at the Two Polarities Sect and the sect assessment began, defeating Mu Zhi’an fair and square would completely end this dark history… Then he would strive to directly become an inner disciple. At that time,

Bai Ruoxi should understand how stupid her previous cancellation of the engagement was!

Mu Zhi’an didn’t know what Ye Yu was thinking about, and he also had no interest in knowing.

After waiting patiently for a while, Mu Zhi’an suddenly noticed a stream of light rushing over from a distance.

Looking up slightly, Lan Mulian, dressed in a moon-white dress, appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

Her white skirt fluttered as she quietly descended from the clouds.

Damn it, there’s even holy light. I can’t see anything… When Mu Zhi’an looked up, he didn’t see Senior Sister’s beautiful long legs. It seemed that Lan Mulian had cast some spell on herself to avoid exposure.

“Senior Sister!” Mu Zhi’an cupped his hands.

Lan Mulian nodded slightly, swept her gaze over the crowd present, and said, “It seems everyone is here.”

Her gaze lingered on Bai Ruoxi and Wei Mengrou for a moment, and she said,

“Cultivators at the Spirit Transformation stage will directly report to the sect with me. I will take the rest of you to the foot of the mountain to participate in this sect assessment.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s gazes looked enviously at the two women.

Gongsun Cheng’s eyes flashed with a hint of joy, and he glanced at Mu Zhi’an unintentionally.

He specially colluded with other assessment disciples two days in advance, wasn’t it for the sake of settling the score today?

In Tianxuan City, you have the Mu family behind you. We can’t make a move and don’t dare to make a move.

But now that we’ve gone to the Two Polarities Sect, plus the Spirit Transformation stage directly being exempt from the sect assessment… Without Wei Mengrou and Bai Ruoxi by his side, the situation is completely different.

Seeing Mu Zhi’an’s face slightly change, Gongsun Cheng and the few cultivators beside him looked at each other and all showed a knowing smile.

Ye Yu’s eyes also carried a hint of pleasant surprise as he looked up in Mu Zhi’an’s direction.

At this moment, this noble son had his brows tightly knitted, his face extremely gloomy, fully displaying the self-cultivation of a movie emperor.

As they say, a person’s name is like a tree’s shadow. Even if the Mu family’s hand couldn’t reach the Two Polarities Sect, Mu Zhi’an was still Mu Zhi’an.

There were many people who disliked Mu Zhi’an.

But there were very few people who dared to openly offend Mu Zhi’an.

Gongsun Cheng secretly contacting others to deal with Mu Zhi’an must have paid some conditions attractive enough to tempt people.

As for Ye Yu’s side, it goes without saying. He was thinking about taking revenge on Mu Zhi’an day and night, already obsessed.

In fact, from the moment the news of “Spirit Transformation stage being directly exempt” came out, this sect assessment had already become turbulent undercurrents.

Those who disliked Mu Zhi’an in the past but didn’t dare to offend him might also have some bold ideas after learning this news.

Although they didn’t know that Mu Zhi’an didn’t need to be assessed at all.

He participated in the sect assessment just purely to experience the difficulty of the assessment.

Noticing the gazes that were intentionally or unintentionally cast at him, Mu Zhi’an secretly shook his head and chuckled.

He could only say, let them make a fuss as they please.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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