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It turns out, they are the protagonists 88 p1

Chapter 88: Mu Zhi’an’s Golden Finger 

Under Lan Mulian’s lead, a group of selected assessment disciples sat on clouds wrapped in immortal energy, heading to the final destination of this assessment – the Two Polarities Sect.

Mu Zhi’an looked down at the white cloud under his feet. Standing in front of him was Lan Mulian.

She was wearing a beautiful white dress with clouds embroidered on a white base. Her curly long hair was simply tied up with a white silk ribbon, setting off her clear and peerlessly beautiful face.

Although her outfit didn’t reveal much skin, from the full arc bulging at her chest, it wasn’t hard to tell that she was a woman with ample capacity.

Lan Mulian seemed to sense something and glanced at him, smiling, “Is something the matter?”

Those at the Spirit Transformation stage are indeed different from ordinary people, much more perceptive… Mu Zhi’an inconspicuously withdrew his wandering gaze and said, “Senior Sister, can you use these clouds upon reaching the Spirit Transformation stage, or is it a special technique only you know?”

“The Spirit Transformation stage only allows flying on swords, but it’s impossible to let you step on clouds. There probably isn’t any special technique in this world that can achieve this level.”

Lan Mulian paused and continued, “This is my magic treasure.”

Senior Sister is indeed quite rich as a little rich woman… Mu Zhi’an continued to ask, “Are the clouds behind also Senior Sister’s magic treasures?”

Behind Mu Zhi’an, there were nearly ten similar clouds floating at this time, with three or four assessment disciples sitting on each cloud.

“These all come from the same magic treasure.” Lan Mulian patiently explained.

Mu Zhi’an suddenly realized.

“Have you told anyone else about you being an innate furnace?” Lan Mulian suddenly asked.

Mu Zhi’an shook his head, “I only told Senior Sister. I don’t trust others.”

Hearing this, Lan Mulian nodded with satisfaction and said, “Your physique is extremely dangerous. Even after entering the sect, you must not expose this matter, otherwise it may attract the coveting of others.”

My innate furnace body is only useful for female cultivators. Senior Sister means that if the matter of the innate furnace is exposed, I might be targeted by female cultivators or even elders in the sect?

Speaking of which… Isn’t this a good thing?

Once the innate furnace is exposed, will I open up a path of having many wives and concubines, living a boring life of being kept by rich older women every day?

Although he thought about it, Mu Zhi’an wasn’t a fool. He nodded and sincerely thanked, “Thank you for enlightening me, Senior Sister.”

His physique was special. If he was only coveted by one or two female cultivators, it would still be fine. But if too many people coveted him, the situation would be completely different.

Mu Zhi’an didn’t want to work hard. He wanted to eat soft rice.

But he didn’t want to lie in bed all day, groaning with an aching waist.

Senior Sister is still the best. Even knowing he is an innate furnace, her attitude remains the same as before, completely different from the demons and monsters outside.

Everyone coveted him, only Senior Sister was different. Senior Sister was truly considering for him.

If Senior Sister was interested in the innate furnace body, it wouldn’t hurt to sacrifice himself a little in the future…

Lan Mulian’s gaze turned to Bai Ruoxi sitting on the side, and said, “Junior Sister Bai, you can follow me to report to the sect in a bit.”

The cold and delicate girl softly “mhm”-ed, raised her head to look at Lan Mulian, and suddenly asked, “Senior Sister, can I participate in the sect assessment together?”

“If possible, I also want to participate in the sect assessment.” Wei Mengrou also said.

She wasn’t at ease with Mu Zhi’an participating in the sect assessment alone. After all, she had been by Mu Zhi’an’s side for the past few years. She originally thought that she would also accompany Mu Zhi’an to the sect assessment this time, but unexpectedly, those at the Spirit Transformation stage were directly exempt from even the sect assessment.

“For those at the Spirit Transformation stage to participate in the sect assessment, firstly, it’s meaningless, and secondly, it’s unfair to the other assessment disciples at the Qi Condensation stage.” Lan Mulian politely refused,

“You should still directly follow me to report to the sect.”

Mu Zhi’an also said with a smile, “Don’t worry and go report first. I just want to experience the difficulty of the assessment. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll withdraw early.”

Wei Mengrou’s brows unknowingly knitted as she took a deep look at the young master.

To be honest, she was a bit puzzled as to why Mu Zhi’an insisted on participating in the sect assessment when he could directly skip the assessment and go report.

Putting in so much effort, what for?

Just purely to play with Ye Yu, Gongsun Cheng and the others?

Not very likely.

Mu Zhi’an was a person who put interests first and wouldn’t go out of his way to play with others.

Bai Ruoxi also wanted to say something but hesitated. In the end, she still fell silent and chose to respect Mu Zhi’an’s decision.

“Senior Sister, let me ask one more thing. For this sect assessment trial, there should be supervisors, right?” Mu Zhi’an asked.

Lan Mulian nodded slightly, “There are elders in charge of supervising each area.”

“Then I can rest assured.” Mu Zhi’an said with a smile.

Lan Mulian couldn’t help but take another two looks at him and transmitted her voice, “What do you want to do?”

“I have too many enemies. I’m worried that they will beat me to death during the sect assessment, so I want to confirm if there will be people responsible for supervising the assessment at that time.” Mu Zhi’an transmitted his voice in response.

“Senior Sister, will you be responsible for supervising my area at that time? Can you help me if I encounter danger?”

Lan Mulian glanced at him and said lightly, “If you give up the assessment, naturally someone will take action to send you out of the assessment area.”

When she said this, she continued with a tone of teaching, “The Mu family is invincible in Tianxuan City, but in the Two Polarities Sect, the Mu family’s identity can’t help you. Don’t make too many enemies. The sect master won’t intervene in some small frictions between disciples in daily life.”

“Properly making some Dao friends will be of great help to your future sect life in the Two Polarities Sect.”

Although she said that, how come I feel like Senior Sister herself is a lone hero… Mu Zhi’an obediently nodded and said, “Thank you for the teaching, Senior Sister. I will keep it in mind.”

“Do you really only want to experience the difficulty of the assessment by participating in the sect assessment?” Lan Mulian hesitated for a moment and suddenly asked.

Mu Zhi’an pondered for a moment and ambiguously replied, “More or less.”

This guy indeed has other plans… Lan Mulian’s lips under the veil slightly opened. She couldn’t help but want to ask what plans he had for participating in the assessment.

But in the end, she still held back from asking Mu Zhi’an what the purpose of participating in the assessment was due to saving face.

In any case, once the sect assessment began, the answer would probably be revealed soon.

Two Polarities Sect.

Boundless Sea Peak.

On the mountain top, there were occasional huge shadows blocking the sun, flapping their wings and swooping across the sky.

Mu Zhi’an was successfully airdropped by Lan Mulian, thrown from midair into the trial forest at the foot of Boundless Sea Peak.

Senior Sister must be deliberately taking revenge on me… Mu Zhi’an rubbed his sore waist and sighed helplessly.

But there was no other way. After all, he had repeatedly crashed recently, and just now he deliberately teased Senior Sister by refusing to explain the reason for participating in the sect assessment, so naturally it would make

Lan Mulian want to take revenge.

Although she looks cold usually, Lan Mulian still has the temperament of a young girl after all… Mu Zhi’an looked at the lush green forest around him and secretly said in his heart.

According to Lan Mulian’s explanation on the way here, the Two Polarities Sect has a total of nine main peaks… To be precise, there are ten peaks, but the tenth peak is where the sect leader of the Two Polarities Sect resides.

Disciples rarely pass by there on weekdays, so few people count the tenth peak among them.

Mu Zhi’an looked up at the sky.

Under the sky, assessment disciples were falling from midair one after another, which looked quite spectacular.

This scene looked a bit like the ‘PUBG’ of the xianxia version.

It’s just that the scene was changed to a misty immortal sacred land.

This time, all nine peaks were trial grounds. Passing one of the trial grounds meant the assessment was over.

Among these nine peaks, there were many disciples participating in the assessment at the foot of each mountain, and the assessment requirement was also very simple

—Pass through the trial forest and reach the mountain top.

It sounded like it wasn’t difficult, but you should know that cultivators at the Qi Condensation stage simply couldn’t fly on swords. It was almost impossible for ordinary people to climb to the mountain top relying on their own spiritual energy.

Of course, it was impossible for ordinary people, but it didn’t mean it was also impossible for those with extraordinary talent.

This simple requirement had actually screened out a large number of disciples participating in the assessment this time.

“There will be more assessment disciples nearby later. I have to leave here before then…”

Looking at the cultivators continuously entering the trial forest from midair, Mu Zhi’an withdrew his gaze and walked towards the depths of the forest.

Although he could leave this place as long as he said he was giving up the assessment, Mu Zhi’an didn’t want to leave early before the assessment even started.

After all, he still had to help Ye Qian and Ye Lingxuan safely pass this assessment.

Sunlight shone down through the lush and luxuriant branches and leaves. The wind and leaves moved, and the light and shadows moved on the ground.

The view ahead was slightly hazy under the cover of mist.

Mu Zhi’an walked along the small path in the forest towards the depths.

At this time, the benefits brought by the disciples selected by the sect assessment person were reflected.

They entered this forest earlier than others, so they had more time to familiarize themselves with the terrain features of this forest in advance.

Although it was unfair, there was no such thing as fairness in this world.

Moreover, the disciples selected by the sect assessment person must all be geniuses with extremely high talent, so it was only natural for them to obtain more resources.

“Those at the Spirit Transformation stage are indeed good. After being able to fly on swords, the time efficiency is greatly improved.”

After walking for nearly half an hour, Mu Zhi’an couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

This forest was simply ridiculously large. He had been walking for so long, but he still hadn’t seen the exit, and even felt that the surrounding scenery was all the same.

Just how vast of an area must the Two Polarities Sect occupy if the forest at the foot of Boundless Sea Peak alone was so large…?

While thinking about such things in his heart, Mu Zhi’an continued to walk towards the depths of the forest.

“Strange… Is that a formation ahead?”

After walking for nearly another half an hour, Mu Zhi’an’s gaze suddenly fell on a certain location not far ahead.

The ground was shrouded in white mist, and at the end of that misty area, there stood a towering tree. Under the tree, a formation emitting a deep aura could be vaguely seen.

“Senior Sister Lan said before that the ten main peaks of the Two Polarities Sect all have formations laid by the head of the peak, which are life-and-death arrays used to guard against foreign enemies… It seems that this formation should be the outermost array in this trial forest?”

Mu Zhi’an approached that formation and unknowingly came to the front of the formation.

The surface of the formation emitted a faint purple light, but because it was blocked by a layer of mist, the faint purple light couldn’t be seen very clearly.

According to the books he had seen in the past… This formation should be the ‘eye of the formation’ of the trial forest.

After observing for a moment, Mu Zhi’an suddenly muttered to himself, “Something’s not right… This formation doesn’t seem to be rejecting me?”

In theory, it should be difficult for ordinary people to approach the eye of a formation no matter what, but he not only easily found this eye of the formation, but also easily approached the vicinity of the eye of the formation.
Mu Zhi’an took half a step forward, trying to approach the “eye of the formation”.

Still no obstruction.

Not only was there no obstruction, but the moment he stepped into the formation, he felt a wave of information surging into his mind like the tide.

He could clearly see the structure of this formation and even sense the mysteries within it!

In this formation, Mu Zhi’an also sensed a familiar cold aura.

It was a feeling of palpitation like being stared at by a giant python.

“Demon Realm Empress…?” Mu Zhi’an gasped and contributed to the warming climate of the xianxia world.

When the black-robed man was defeated back then, the Demon Realm Empress had appeared. At that time, the other party asked Mu Zhi’an to be a double agent, said a few words, and then left.

From that moment on, Mu Zhi’an had always been puzzled. Wasn’t the other party afraid that he would betray them or something?

Now it seemed that the other party had probably left some special mark on him long ago.

And the aura in this mark was similar to the aura emitted by this formation.

But even so, it couldn’t explain why he could pass through the formation so easily.



It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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