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It turns out, they are the protagonists 91

Chapter 91: Mu Zhi’an Takes Revenge Before the Night Ends

The sun shone brightly, but the autumn wind was somewhat desolate.

Lan Mulian brought Bai Ruoxi and Wei Mengrou to an ancient and majestic palace. Not far ahead was a huge high platform. Although it was already autumn, peach blossoms in pink were blooming on both sides, displaying their charming and affectionate side.

“You two, please wait here for a moment. In about half a day, the assessments of the nine main peaks should be almost over one after another,” Lan Mulian said.

“What about him?” Wei Mengrou asked casually.

“Young Master Mu’s strength is average, but he is very smart. There should be no problem.” Lan Mulian smiled faintly, “Even if he fails, as long as he forfeits, naturally an elder will take him up the mountain.”

After all, Mu Zhi’an was already confirmed to be exempt from the assessment from the beginning.

Bai Ruoxi “hmm”-ed reservedly, then said with worry, “I’m still a bit concerned. Why would he want to participate in the sect assessment for no reason?”

“Right, if I remember correctly, the Ye sisters and Miss Huang from the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce who have a good relationship with him are all there. Could it be that he’s not at ease and specially went to participate in the assessment?” She asked unintentionally.

Lan Mulian’s beautiful brows raised slightly. She said lightly, “Since Miss Bai is not at ease about him, then I’ll go take a look at Boundless Sea Peak.”

Just right, she also wanted to see Mu Zhi’an’s performance.

That evening.

After Mu Zhi’an explained the pros and cons to the disciples participating in the assessment in the trial forest of Boundless Sea Peak, he immediately gained the approval of most people.

The assessments of the nine main peaks of the Two Polarities Sect were all full of randomness. When many people heard about the content of Boundless Sea Peak’s assessment at that time, they all felt despair.

In the end, it was almost impossible for a cultivator at the Qi Condensation stage to climb to the peak of Boundless Sea Peak relying solely on their own strength.

But this young master of the Mu family said that he could take all the people participating in the assessment this time to the peak… The condition was that they needed to lend him their spiritual energy.

As soon as these words came out, many people were half convinced and half doubting.

After all, just supplying spiritual energy and being able to directly pass the assessment… This was almost no different from getting a free ride.

Those who could come to participate in the sect assessment were not fools. They also didn’t quite believe that Mu Zhi’an would be so willing to help others.

“Young Master Mu, is what you said just now true?” A charming and pleasant voice came from the crowd. It was the enchantress Huang Manting from the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce.

“You cracked a bit of the formation in this forest, and then relying on this bit of superficial knowledge, you can take us out of here?”

Mu Zhi’an smiled calmly, “I gathered everyone present here. What’s the benefit of deceiving you all?”

Everyone fell silent.

Indeed, regardless of whether Mu Zhi’an was lying or not, if what he said just now was a lie, wasn’t he afraid of being attacked by the group for playing tricks on these assessment disciples?

Since Mu Zhi’an dared to say these words, he probably really had some confidence.

Huang Manting stared at Mu Zhi’an silently. Suddenly, she smiled charmingly, “Alright, since Young Master Mu has already said this much, then I’ll accompany you to the end.”

“Anyway, there’s no loss for me.”

As soon as these words came out, people started to agree one after another, afraid that if they doubted Mu Zhi’an now, they would regret it later when they saw him really taking a group of people away from here.

Anyway, it was like what Huang Manting said. They were just putting in some effort and had no loss.

Mu Zhi’an looked at the nearly thirty people in front of him with a smile on his face and said, “Then everyone, please follow me.”

After walking for nearly half an hour with a group of people, Mu Zhi’an arrived at the eye of the formation where he had meditated yesterday.

He turned his head to look at everyone and cupped his hands, “Everyone, the preparation ritual will take one to two hours. Please wait patiently and protect me.”

“If Young Master Mu can really take us away from here, we will definitely repay this favor in the future.” Someone suddenly spoke up from the crowd.

“Young Master Mu, please rest assured. During your preparation, no one will disturb your preparation ritual. After all, this matter is of great importance.”

“If someone disturbs… Hmph.” That person snorted coldly, his tone filled with killing intent.

It’s no wonder. After all, this kind of thing could be said to be the most important thing in one’s life. Entering the Two Polarities Sect, even a chicken could turn into a phoenix.

If Mu Zhi’an was disturbed by someone, causing the formation to fail, these people would definitely be so angry that they would directly hang the other party and beat them.

“Then I’ll have to trouble you all.” Mu Zhi’an said with a smile.

After saying that, he sat cross-legged under the big tree, casually closed his eyes, seeming to be preparing in a proper manner, but in fact, he was just taking a nap.

Ye Lingxuan sat silently beside Mu Zhi’an with her knees hugged. Beside her was her sister Ye Qian.

This pair of sisters was quite attractive, but for the assessment disciples present, whether they could pass the sect assessment was the most important thing. When they saw that the sisters had a close relationship with Mu Zhi’an, everyone put away those little thoughts.

“How long does it really take to prepare the formation?” Ye Lingxuan suddenly transmitted her voice. She was very close to Mu Zhi’an, so she could see at a glance that Mu Zhi’an was just simply taking a nap.

Mu Zhi’an opened his eyes, looked at the many assessment disciples sitting on the ground not far beside him, and chuckled, “Anytime.”

Ye Lingxuan transmitted her voice, “Since that’s the case, why not leave directly…? Could it be that you’re deceiving them?”

“I’m not deceiving them. I don’t like to lie.” Mu Zhi’an shook his head with a smile.

Ye Lingxuan looked at Mu Zhi’an with a smile and transmitted her voice, “You’re a glib talker. Whether you’re deceiving people or not, you know it in your heart.”

Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look at her. The righteous young girl Ye Lingxuan already had the makings of a peerless beauty. The fine silk ribbon outlined her slender waist, a lovely face, paired with enchanting eyes and slightly pursed moist lips, looking quite alluring.

“Do you think my sincere adoration for you is a lie?” Mu Zhi’an looked at Ye Lingxuan and asked through voice transmission.

Being suddenly hit with a straight ball, Ye Lingxuan didn’t know whether to be angry or embarrassed for a while. After being silent for a while, noticing the teasing in his eyes, she was a little unhappy and asked, “I seemed to have seen you intentionally leaving your spiritual energy on the way here just now. What else do you want to do…?”

When Ye Lingxuan said this, she looked at the assessment disciples around and seemed to have remembered something. Her eyes flickered slightly as she transmitted her voice, “You want to take action against the Third Prince and Gongsun Cheng?”

Although she was still a young girl in her prime, Ye Lingxuan’s mind was quite smart. If she could be married as a wife in the future, she would probably be a virtuous wife who could often help with strategies… Mu Zhi’an sighed in his heart.

He looked at the girl’s lively beautiful eyes, a gentle smile on his face.

“I’m someone who takes revenge before the night ends.”

Ye Lingxuan said faintly, “But a night has already passed.”

Mu Zhi’an: “…”

He didn’t discover before that this girl would also ruin the atmosphere.

But it didn’t matter. After officially entering the sect, he would give her some stick education!

At the same time.

Ye Yu, wearing a black robe, was walking on the small path in the trial forest, his eyes vigilant and suspicious as he swept the surroundings.

He felt a bit strange. After walking for a while, he could see groups of two or three assessment disciples, but now he couldn’t see any.

It couldn’t be that they had all already left this trial forest and were preparing to officially start climbing Boundless Sea Peak, right?

This was unlikely. After all, they were the first batch of people to arrive at the trial forest, so those selected by the assessment person should also be the first to leave the trial forest.

He also didn’t know how Qian and Lingxuan were doing now… Ye Yu suddenly became a bit worried.

Mu Zhi’an had taken them away for a whole night.

A man and a woman alone together for a whole night, and that person was also Mu Zhi’an…

Seeming to have thought of something bad, Ye Yu’s face instantly became extremely unsightly.

With Mu Zhi’an’s personality, since he could lay his hands on Bai Ruoxi so quickly before, it wasn’t impossible for him to lay his hands on Lingxuan or Qian now.

When Ye Yu thought of this, his heart became even more anxious. He even woke up the old man in his heart, “Master, can you possess my body and find Mu Zhi’an’s location?”

“You’re too anxious. Mu Zhi’an won’t do anything to your two sisters here.” The old voice was full of helplessness.

“That’s Mu Zhi’an! With that person’s personality, it’s not impossible for him to lay his hands on my Qian and Lingxuan even in the sect assessment!” Ye Yu immediately replied.

In the past, when there were two sisters calling him “Brother Ye Yu,” Ye Yu only had eyes for cultivation. Now that Mu Zhi’an had intercepted them midway, Ye Yu finally woke up, only to find that his two sisters had been taken away. Naturally, this made Ye Yu hate Mu Zhi’an even more.

If hatred value could directly convert to damage, Mu Zhi’an would probably have been chopped into a thousand pieces by Ye Yu by now.


The old man sighed lightly, but still helped search the surroundings with his spiritual consciousness.

After a while, he spoke, “I just searched with my spiritual consciousness. Mu Zhi’an is under the big tree where he meditated yesterday. You need to go back the way you came.”

Why did he go back again…?

Ye Yu thought as he thought, but he had no hesitation. He turned around and took big strides back the way he came.

At the same time, on the other side, the Third Prince, after resting for a night, was searching everywhere for Mu Zhi’an’s whereabouts.

At this moment, someone rushed over in a hurry, their face excited, and said, “Your Highness, we found Mu Zhi’an’s whereabouts.”

Ning Long instantly raised his head and heard the attendant continue, “Just now, our people found spiritual energy suspected to be left behind by Mu Zhi’an on the way, so we followed it to take a look and indeed discovered him.”

“He is now at the place where he meditated yesterday and hasn’t left.”

Ning Long sneered, “He only knows some little tricks. Does he think the most dangerous place is the safest place? He really thinks we won’t think of it?”

“Go inform Gongsun Cheng’s people and tell them about Mu Zhi’an’s whereabouts.” Ning Long ordered.

Watching the attendant bow slightly and leave, Ning Long showed a meaningful smile and opened the folding fan in his hand.

This time, he had nowhere to escape!

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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