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It turns out, they are the protagonists 94

Chapter 94: Three Snow Lotuses, Directly Causing the Collapse of Heaven

Almost the moment they heard the three words “Liuguang soil,”(1)* everyone’s gazes more or less looked towards Mu Zhi’an.

The cold and delicate Miss Bai had a faint, heart-stirring smile on her face, affectionately gazing at Mu Zhi’an.

Ye Lingxuan’s gaze also fell on Mu Zhi’an, as if thinking of something.

Speaking of which, Liuguang soil is a special soil used to seal some rare medicinal materials or to preserve flowers for a long time. And the day Senior Sister Lan went to the Morning Glory Auction House happened to be when the Morning Glory Auction House was importing a batch of Liuguang soil.

…Why was it such a coincidence?

Ye Lingxuan’s eyes flickered slightly, doubt in her gaze. Her eyes fell on Lan Mulian and she suddenly said,

“I remember Senior Sister also went to the Morning Glory Auction House last time. Did you go to buy something then?”

Mu Zhi’an had a calm smile on his face, but in fact, the little soul in his body was roaring.

If this Miss Bai was dissected, she might really be black inside. Listening to her tone, she obviously had a bit of intention to specifically mention “Liuguang soil” just now…

As for the reason, it goes without saying.

Bai Ruoxi was an extremely intelligent woman. Although she had a love-struck brain, it didn’t mean she was a silly sweet girl.

Did Mu Zhi’an specially participate in the sect assessment just purely to experience the assessment difficulty?

Probably not.

From the moment the Ye sisters walked together with Mu Zhi’an, Bai Ruoxi, who had no ill intentions, had vaguely guessed something.

“Could it be that Senior Sister also went to buy Liuguang soil?” Bai Ruoxi asked curiously.

“My main purpose was not to buy things, but simply to meet someone.” Lan Mulian said with a faint smile.

Last time Lan Mulian went to attend the auction, it was purely to see her sister’s appearance at the auction.

But she probably won’t be able to see Feiying at the auction for a long time afterwards.

After all, today Lan Feiying had already entered the sect and had gone to Silver Moon Peak to meet the peak master with the sect disciples not long ago.

Mu Zhi’an remained silent, listening to the conversation between the few people.

Until he heard Lan Mulian’s answer, Mu Zhi’an’s mood finally calmed down.

At this time, Lan Mulian glanced at Mu Zhi’an unintentionally, continuing with a smile, “But if I have to say, I was indeed planning to buy something that day, but later someone gave me one.”

Ye Qian asked curiously, “What was Senior Sister originally planning to buy?”

You should know, this person was the sect leader’s closed-door disciple. What else did she lack that she needed to specially go to the Morning Glory Auction to bid for?

Lan Mulian said lightly, “Liuguang soil.”

“What does Senior Sister want Liuguang soil for?” Ye Lingxuan asked in puzzlement.

Lan Mulian smiled charmingly, “Naturally, it’s to preserve some special flowers.”

Everyone present was extremely sensitive to the word “flowers.” Bai Ruoxi and Ye Lingxuan almost simultaneously raised their heads to look at this senior sister with an alluring curvy figure.

“What kind of flowers?” Wei Mengrou, who had been silent, suddenly asked, intentionally or unintentionally looking at the young master, deliberately fanning the flames.

Mu Zhi’an had a smile on his face, but in fact, he felt unprecedented pressure, cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

He tried to interrupt the rhythm and changed the subject, “Senior Sister, let’s go to our future residence first.”

Lan Mulian pursed her lips slightly, her clear and cold eyes flickering slightly. She took a deep look at Mu Zhi’an and smiled charmingly, “You’re right. I’ll take you to your future residence first.”

Why do I have the feeling that this woman already knows everything… Mu Zhi’an looked at Lan Mulian’s alluring back curves and inexplicably had this thought in his heart.

As Lan Mulian controlled the cloud under her feet, towering mountain peaks constantly passed by in their field of vision.

Occasionally, they could see quite a few sect disciples sparring in the square. Unknowingly, Lan Mulian had already brought a few people down gracefully from the sky, standing on the peak of a certain mountain.

In front of the peak, a road paved with golden talismans led straight to the majestic palace not far ahead. Below their feet was a bottomless cliff, shrouded in mist.

If an ordinary person saw this, their legs would probably go soft.

Lan Mulian turned her head to look at the few people and said with a smile, “Everyone, ahead is your future residence. You can’t directly fly on the road ahead. Follow me.”

Mu Zhi’an and the others followed behind Lan Mulian. There were no protective measures on either side. If they accidentally fell in, the consequences would be unimaginable.

As if guessing what Mu Zhi’an was thinking, Lan Mulian explained, “Disciples at the Qi Condensation stage can’t fly, but falling from here won’t be fatal. The formation set up by Ling Long will transfer the falling disciples to a safe place.”

“Ling Long?”(2)* Everyone’s eyes carried a hint of curiosity.

Ye Lingxuan’s beautiful brows raised slightly as she said softly, “I heard before that below the cliff of the Two Polarities Sect lives a spirit dragon that has existed since the founding of the sect. So… the rumor is true?”

Lan Mulian “mhm”-ed and said, “Ling Long rarely leaves the bottom of the cliff, but if disciples happen to encounter it, it is rumored that they will receive a blessing of fortune from Ling Long.”

While chatting, they unknowingly arrived in front of the palace. Two female cultivators in black robes immediately stepped forward from the entrance and respectfully said, “Senior Sister Lan.”

When they spoke, their eyes looking at the cold beauty contained a few hints of admiration that were hard to conceal.

It seems that Senior Sister Lan not only has a high position in the sect but also attracts both men and women… Mu Zhi’an saw the hint of worship in the female disciples’ eyes and silently understood in his heart.

But that was also the case. After all, she was the sect leader’s closed-door disciple, and her personality was not arrogant. Cold on the outside but warm on the inside, it was no wonder she would be so admired.

Mu Zhi’an also quite admired Senior Sister.

Unfortunately, with his shy personality, before his feelings were in place, he didn’t dare to hold hands and such for the time being.

Lan Mulian turned her head to look at Mu Zhi’an and said, “Later, they will take you to your specific residence. There’s nothing much this week. You can go around with the other disciples at that time. Most places in the sect can be visited.”

“Is Senior Sister leaving?” Mu Zhi’an asked.

Lan Mulian nodded slightly, “I still have to go back and report to Master.”

The sect leader of the Two Polarities Sect, the current empress, a powerhouse at the Unified Dao Realm, on the same level as the Demon Realm Empress… Mu Zhi’an thought of the scene when he saw the Demon Realm

Empress that day and slightly adjusted his mentality. With a respectful attitude, he cupped his hands and said, “Senior Sister, take care.”

Behind Mu Zhi’an, Bai Ruoxi and the others also slightly bowed to Lan Mulian, showing full etiquette of juniors to seniors.

Phew, she finally left… Mu Zhi’an watched Lan Mulian leave on a cloud, secretly breathing a sigh of relief in his heart.

Just now, even Mu Zhi’an felt the pressure.

Miss Bai was obviously jealous, so she wanted to make an issue of the snow lotus just now.

What he needed to do now was to separate them as soon as possible.

“Everyone, please follow us.” The two female disciples behind them said with a smile.

At this time, one of the female disciples’ gazes passed over Mu Zhi’an’s shoulder and quickly fell on a certain person not far ahead.

“You’re also a disciple who passed the assessment today, right? If you don’t mind, I’ll take you to your future residence together.” She said with a smile.

Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look. A young man who looked quite delicate was standing not far behind them.

He seemed extremely exhausted, and even now, he was still slightly panting. The spiritual energy in his dantian was in a chaotic mess.

Did this Ye Yu really climb Boundless Sea Peak by himself…? Mu Zhi’an sized up Ye Yu a few times in some surprise and then sighed in his heart: He truly lives up to being the chosen one. I didn’t expect him to be able to pass such a difficult assessment.

He originally thought Ye Yu would give up the assessment due to the overly difficult sect assessment, and then throw out a sentence like “I don’t need to stay in a mere Two Polarities Sect!”

Then turn around and leave, train for three years, and then go up the mountain to take revenge on him, the villainous supporting role.

But in three years… Maybe by the time Ye Yu went up the mountain, Bai Ruoxi would have completely taken on Mu Zhi’an’s shape.

Oh… Maybe at that time, Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian could also share a deep sisterly bond.

“You guys go in first with the two senior sisters.” Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look at Bai Ruoxi and the others behind him and said.

Bai Ruoxi didn’t even look at Ye Yu. With her chest proudly raised, her eyes looked at Mu Zhi’an with worry and transmitted her voice, “We just arrived today. Don’t start a conflict with him here.”

The problem is that he’s the one coming to find me now… Mu Zhi’an transmitted his voice in response, “I know what I’m doing. Don’t worry. Wait for me in the room later.”

Ye Yu took in all of this. Seeing Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian following beside Mu Zhi’an again, although his heart was filled with anger, he still maintained a calm expression on his face and sneered,

“Young Master Mu, you’re really good at playing little tricks. Be careful not to be expelled from the mountain in the future due to insufficient strength.”

Mu Zhi’an was stunned, “You mean I cheated?”

“What else?”

“Using some little tricks to directly reach the peak, isn’t this cheating?”

“The two sisters Lingxuan and Qian who went up the mountain with me at that time also cheated?” Mu Zhi’an continued to ask.

Ye Yu suddenly became silent as if a silencing spell had been cast on him.

Mu Zhi’an continued to ask curiously, “You mean to say that the thirty plus assessment disciples who were with me at that time also all cheated?”

After a brief silence, Ye Yu snorted coldly, “You could do whatever you wanted in Tianxuan City, but in the Two Polarities Sect in the future, can you still be like in the past?”

“Of course not.” Mu Zhi’an casually smiled, “Young Master Ye being able to pass the assessment with your own strength is really great.”

Ye Yu sneered and no longer paid attention to Mu Zhi’an.

No matter what, he had passed the sect assessment. In the future, the sky was high and the birds could fly freely.

The Two Polarities Sect was not like Tianxuan City. The Mu family’s hand couldn’t reach in. There would be plenty of opportunities to deal with Mu Zhi’an in the future.

Mu Zhi’an also withdrew his gaze and turned his head to look at Bai Ruoxi following the two female disciples, as well as Ye Lingxuan walking at the very back, turning her head to look over here from time to time.

It was mid-autumn, but Ye Lingxuan was wearing a slightly thin purple gauze dress. The lapel short top vaguely outlined her alluring snow-white skin, and the curves of her back were quite slender and enchanting.

Mu Zhi’an quietly stepped forward and lightly grabbed Ye Lingxuan’s small hand.

Ye Yu’s footsteps that were about to enter the palace with them abruptly stopped, his gaze slightly frozen on Mu Zhi’an’s back.

Mu Zhi’an glanced at him and then lightly withdrew his gaze.

That last glance seemed to say: Big brother-in-law being able to pass the assessment with strength is great, but… your two sisters are the best.

For a moment, the spiritual energy in Ye Yu’s body almost couldn’t be controlled and burst out, his blood surging.

But in the end, he still suppressed that spiritual energy.

Calm down a bit… If he took action first in front of this palace, the responsibility would be his to bear.

He couldn’t fall for Mu Zhi’an’s trick… Ye Yu suppressed the anger in his heart and slowly walked into the palace.

On the other side, it was the first time a man suddenly held her hand like this. Ye Lingxuan’s body obviously also stiffened for a moment. She pursed her lips and transmitted her voice, “Young Master Mu, please restrain yourself a bit.”

“If Qian sees it, she will misunderstand.” She transmitted her voice again.

Although she said this, she didn’t immediately break free from Mu Zhi’an’s hand.

Seeing the pure and refined girl’s alluring red lips as she lightly bit her lip, Mu Zhi’an couldn’t help but take another two glances. He smiled and said, “Sorry, I’ll pay attention next time.”

After saying that, he was about to let go.

After all, Ye Lingxuan was a relatively reserved girl. He couldn’t push too hard and had to give her some appropriate buffer time.

However, at this moment, Mu Zhi’an suddenly inexplicably felt a chill behind him. When he turned his head to look, his entire person suddenly froze there, dazed for a long time.

Behind Mu Zhi’an in midair stood a beauty in a white dress, cold as ice. She stepped on a cloud, her face veiled, her eyes faint, but the corners of her mouth carried a slight smile.

Lan Mulian!

Didn’t she leave? Why did she come back?!

Mu Zhi’an’s heartbeat quickened. At this moment, he was still tightly holding Ye Lingxuan’s small hand. Letting go was not right, and not letting go was also not right.

At this time, the trouble with having a high realm was reflected. Mu Zhi’an had no idea when Lan Mulian had stood behind him.

After all, the other party was at the peak of the Spirit Transformation stage. If she intentionally concealed her aura, she wouldn’t be detected at all.

Noticing Lan Mulian’s gaze, Ye Lingxuan’s usual calm smile disappeared. Her pretty face flushed red, and she hurriedly withdrew her small hand that was held by Mu Zhi’an.

And at the same time, Bai Ruoxi also seemed to sense something. She stopped her footsteps and turned her head to look over.

“Senior Sister, why did you come back? Is there anything else?”

Ye Qian also stopped her footsteps and turned her head to look at Lan Mulian behind her.

Lan Mulian descended gracefully on the cloud, looked around at everyone, and said with a smile,

“I forgot to tell you just now. New sect disciples can go to the Book Pavilion to choose one or two cultivation techniques these few days.”

“In addition, regarding Junior Brother Mu’s pink light fortune that day, I will ask Master. But if you have time, you can also go to the Book Pavilion these two days to look for information passed down from the past. Maybe you will find the answer.”

Although he felt a bit flustered in his heart, Mu Zhi’an had a strong heart. He showed a smile without a trace and said, “Thank you for the reminder, Senior Sister.”

Lan Mulian looked at Mu Zhi’an, her eyes smiling, and nodded slightly.

She suddenly said casually, “By the way, the snow lotus Junior Brother sent me last time has an excellent fragrance. I’m a bit interested. If you have time in a few days, you can find me at the back mountain of Two Polarities Peak.”



“Liuguang soil,”(1): Radiant Soil or Earth

Lin Long(2): Spirit or Divine Dragon

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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