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It turns out, they are the protagonists 95

Chapter 95: Snow Lotus Represents Loyalty to Love?

A simple sentence, but at this moment, it was like a bolt from the blue, completely exploding in the ears of the three girls.

Ye Lingxuan blinked her eyes, looking at Lan Mulian with a gaze full of astonishment.

She recalled that last time when she mentioned the “snow lotus” Mu Zhi’an gave her at the Yang Feng Inn, Lan Mulian’s gaze seemed a bit strange.

Now thinking about it, Lan Mulian at that time should have thought of the snow lotus Mu Zhi’an gave her, and then thought that Mu Zhi’an also gave snow lotuses to other people, so that’s why she had that complex gaze.

“Se- Senior Sister received the snow lotus Brother Mu gave?”

Ye Qian also slightly widened her eyes, seeming to look at Lan Mulian in some disbelief, with both surprise and loss and sadness in her eyes.

The surprise was because this aloof Senior Sister Lan would actually accept the snow lotus Mu Zhi’an gave, and the loss and sadness was thinking that both her sister and Senior Sister Lan received snow lotuses, only she didn’t.

“Is Senior Sister joking?” Bai Ruoxi forced a smile, still unwilling to believe it.

Lan Mulian smiled charmingly, “Why would I make this kind of joke?”

With these words, no one questioned Lan Mulian anymore.

Indeed, with Lan Mulian’s proud personality, she wouldn’t possibly tell this kind of lie.

In other words… Mu Zhi’an really gave Senior Sister a snow lotus…

Ye Lingxuan and Bai Ruoxi both silently looked towards Mu Zhi’an.

And on the other side, Ye Yu, who had originally planned to leave, stopped in his tracks, looking at this scene with suspicion, feeling a bit awkward for a moment, not knowing whether to stay or leave.

He remembered seeing a similar scene last time, that time was at the auction, and that matter in the end seemed to not have affected the feelings between Mu Zhi’an and the others.

But this time… It was probably different.

After all, he gave the same snow lotus to three people at the same time… This kind of behavior would definitely be disliked by the girls.

And at that time…

Ye Yu’s heart suddenly felt a bit excited for some unknown reason, both feeling schadenfreude at Mu Zhi’an’s multi-line operation crashing and some eager thoughts.

After this time, Lingxuan and Qian would definitely be thoroughly disappointed in Mu Zhi’an, and at that time, it might be the best time for him to take action… Ye Yu stood not far away, watching everything here, his heart full of anticipation for the future.

Bai Ruoxi slightly raised her eyes, faintly looking at Mu Zhi’an, and said softly, “He once said that this snow lotus represents the purity and loyalty of love, very similar to me, so he gave this snow lotus to me.”

As her voice fell, the scene was silent.

Ye Lingxuan’s gaze towards Mu Zhi’an instantly darkened, and she faintly said, “Young Master Mu said similar words to me before.”

The gazes of the three all looked over, and Mu Zhi’an’s scalp went numb.

Lan Mulian sized up Mu Zhi’an with a hint of a smile and said with a faint smile, “The snow lotus represents the loyalty and purity of love? Why does this sound so familiar?”

“If I remember correctly, Young Master Mu seemed to have said similar words in the paper crane communication with me before?”

Where is Sister Mengrou, Sister Mengrou save me… Mu Zhi’an subconsciously looked at Wei Mengrou, but saw Wei Mengrou in a plain long dress with her arms crossed, silently disappearing from sight, pretending to know nothing.

At this moment, Mu Zhi’an felt a sense of oppression he had never felt even from the black-robed man.

How on earth did this senior sister know about the snow lotus… Just mentioning the snow lotus by chance?

No, if it was just a coincidence, it would be too coincidental… She should have learned about this matter from somewhere…

Thinking of this, Mu Zhi’an subconsciously looked up at Lan Mulian.

As a result, as soon as he raised his head, he saw this senior sister who looked cold on the outside but was actually a bit black-bellied, looking at him with a half-smile, half-not smile. Although her face was lightly veiled with gauze, her eyes carried undisguised teasing.

“Brother Mu, who do you think this snow lotus is most similar to?” Bai Ruoxi asked softly.

Although she looked delicate and cold, her voice was also soft at this moment, but as soon as these words came out, it completely detonated the atmosphere, and the gazes of the three silently fell on Mu Zhi’an.

Although Wei Mengrou didn’t care, her gaze also intentionally or unintentionally looked at Mu Zhi’an.

“Junior Brother Mu, who do you think this snow lotus is more like?” Lan Mulian stared at the side of Mu Zhi’an’s face, her voice seeming to have softened a bit.

When the voice of this kind of ice mountain beauty softens, either she is privately chatting with her lover, or it is… killing intent!

Obviously, Lan Mulian belonged to the latter.

Ye Lingxuan didn’t say anything, only smiling and watching Mu Zhi’an.

Although she didn’t like to compete and win or lose with others, she still wanted to know who Mu Zhi’an thought was more in line with this characteristic of the snow lotus.

“Brother Mu, say something?” Bai Ruoxi called out softly and gently.

Say it, say it, if I say it now, won’t I be completely done for…

Mu Zhi’an’s heart said he was very f*cked. If he could start over by jumping off this road paved with golden talismans, he would do so without hesitation.

Originally, according to his deduction, the girls around him were not the kind of people who would deliberately show off the snow lotus to others.

Who on earth told Senior Sister about the snow lotus… Or did Senior Sister Lan guess it herself?

No… Now this kind of thing is no longer important. What they want is for him to give an answer.

It’s not that they all love Mu Zhi’an to death. It’s just that everyone present has a proud personality and wants to know who the snow lotus is more compatible with in Mu Zhi’an’s heart.

I have to give an answer before they start fighting, or let Ye Yu attract their hatred… But how should I operate?

Although Mu Zhi’an looked stable on the surface, he was actually feeling heavy in his heart, secretly thinking about what to do.

At this moment, his gaze suddenly fell directly behind Lan Mulian. On this road paved with golden talismans, a young man in luxurious robes with a gloomy face was walking towards them.

Mu Zhi’an’s originally heavy mood slightly relaxed, looking at this young man as if seeing a savior.

Gongsun Cheng!

Almost in this instant, a complete plan formed in Mu Zhi’an’s mind.

And on the other side, Gongsun Cheng also discovered Mu Zhi’an, his face suddenly becoming gloomy, staring at him resentfully.

Not long ago, he was beaten up by that group of assessment disciples from Boundless Sea Peak. After spending a great deal of effort and pills to recover his spiritual energy, he barely managed to climb to the peak of Boundless Sea Peak with his eighth level Qi Condensation stage strength.

If it weren’t for Mu Zhi’an, he wouldn’t have had to consume so much spiritual energy in the trial forest before, almost failing to pass the assessment.

Seeing Mu Zhi’an at this time, Gongsun Cheng naturally became angry. Under Mu Zhi’an’s gaze, he walked over with big strides and cupped his hands to Lan Mulian, “Senior Sister.”

Gongsun Cheng, whose mind was muddled by anger, obviously didn’t notice that the atmosphere here was a bit off. Seeing Lan Mulian nod slightly, Gongsun Cheng asked in a deep voice,

“Senior Sister, if I discover that someone cheated in this sect assessment, will their qualification for the assessment be cancelled?”

Mu Zhi’an played a little trick and brought a group of people up to Boundless Sea Peak, which obviously already belonged to the category of “cheating.”

With Gongsun Cheng here to interrupt, there is salvation, but I still need to add fuel to the fire… Mu Zhi’an was delighted in his heart, but on the surface, his brows were tightly knitted, and he said in a deep voice, “Young Master Gongsun, how can you prove that I cheated?”

Although he looked like he didn’t want Gongsun Cheng to “report” him, he actually wished Gongsun Cheng would cause more trouble in his heart.

Who knew, before Gongsun Cheng could speak, Lan Mulian lightly interrupted, “The peak master of Boundless Sea Peak already knows about this matter. You can leave first.”

Her tone was very calm and polite, but also exuded an icy coldness that rejected people thousands of miles away.

Gongsun Cheng looked at Lan Mulian’s indifferent gaze, his mouth slightly open, seeming to want to say something.

But at this moment, he inexplicably felt a chill on his back. Raising his head to look, the cold and delicate eldest miss of the Bai family was faintly looking at him.

The moment he saw her, Gongsun Cheng seemed to see the bronze sword behind Bai Ruoxi, and for a moment, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured down, actually making him feel the urge to retreat.

Very quickly, the calmed down Gongsun Cheng realized that the atmosphere here was obviously a bit off. Not only Bai Ruoxi, but even the gazes of the Ye sisters and even Senior Sister Lan seemed to have a bit of a dangerous meaning in them…

Looking to the side, there was also Wei Mengrou with her arms crossed, watching coldly.

Gongsun Cheng’s heart skipped a beat, and he immediately cupped his hands, no longer speaking, and quickened his pace into that majestic and tall building.

You should at least have some use… Mu Zhi’an looked at Gongsun Cheng leaving directly like this and secretly cursed in his heart.

And then, he quickly noticed Lan Mulian’s gaze coming intentionally or unintentionally, and swept his eyes over the faces of Bai Ruoxi and Ye Lingxuan again, feeling extremely heavy in his heart.

How do I choose…?

After a brief silence, Mu Zhi’an suddenly sighed,

“This snow lotus originally grows on the peak of a snowy mountain, so it also has the meaning of being cold and difficult to approach. In fact, every girl… no, regardless of gender, is difficult to approach before coming into contact with them.”

“I think this snow lotus can actually represent thousands of cultivators. Before approaching it, you think it’s high and mighty, but when you actually come into contact with it, you’ll know that in fact, as long as you work hard to pursue it, you can still hold it in your hands in the end.”

Mu Zhi’an looked around at everyone, his gaze finally falling on Bai Ruoxi, and said,

“If I have to say who is most in line with the term snow lotus, I think it should be Miss Bai.”

Although he laid out so much before, in the end, he actually still chose Bai Ruoxi.

Ye Lingxuan lightly bit her lip, thinking back to the scene of him specially entering the trial forest for her sake not long ago. For a moment, her heart actually felt a bit of gain and loss. Without looking back, she walked into the great hall.

Ye Qian’s eyes glistened with tears. She politely bowed to Lan Mulian and ran to catch up with her sister.

Lan Mulian took a deep look at Mu Zhi’an and said lightly, “I still have some matters to deal with. Young Master Mu, please make yourself at home.”

After saying that, she left on a cloud without looking back.

Mu Zhi’an acted as if he didn’t notice and turned his head to look at Bai Ruoxi, saying, “Let’s go back and take a look at our future residence first.”

Seeing the joyful smile blooming on Bai Ruoxi’s face, Mu Zhi’an also smiled and walked into that majestic great hall while chatting with her along the way.

Wei Mengrou didn’t care about these things and leisurely followed behind.

After finding his future residence, Mu Zhi’an chatted with Bai Ruoxi for a while in the backyard, then suddenly patted his head and said, “I almost forgot. We still need to go collect our future sect tokens later. I’ll go outside and ask the senior martial brothers passing by. Later, let’s go collect the sect tokens together?”

Bai Ruoxi was obviously in a great mood. She lightly brushed away the hair on her forehead and raised her snow-white chin to make an “mhm” sound.

Mu Zhi’an smiled slightly, turned around, and leisurely walked out of the room.

He closed the door and suddenly quickened his pace, coming to the yellow-dressed beauty leaning against the stone pillar with her arms crossed.

Glancing at the maid’s huge breasts, he said, “Sister Mengrou, did you see where Sister Lingxuan went?”

Wei Mengrou’s lips curled up slightly as she teased, “Now you know that girls’ personalities aren’t so easy to guess, right?”

Mu Zhi’an said helplessly, “You guessed long ago that today would happen?”

“Giving the same snow lotus to three girls, did you really think that by speculating the surface personalities of girls, nothing would happen?” Wei Mengrou sneered.

Then, she also sized up Mu Zhi’an with suspicion and said, “You don’t seem to be flustered… Could it be that you’ve given up on Ye Lingxuan and the others?”

Mu Zhi’an lightly shook his head and said with a smile, “That won’t do. I can’t bear to see girls sad.”

“Then what do you plan to do? Go comfort her now?”

“Whether it’s Ye Lingxuan or Ye Qian, they probably don’t want to see you now, right?” Wei Mengrou said lightly.

“They will see me.” Mu Zhi’an said.

Actually, thinking carefully, this matter this time isn’t completely a bad thing… Of course, it also has nothing to do with a good thing.

Noticing Wei Mengrou’s suspicious gaze, Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look at the fellow cultivators walking into the great hall one after another and said, “When a girl is wronged, of course, she needs to be coaxed well.”

This point is the same for any girl.



“Liuguang soil,”(1): Radiant Soil or Earth

Lin Long(2): Spirit or Divine Dragon

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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