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It turns out, they are the protagonists 96 p1

Chapter 96: Ling Long’s (Spirit Dragon) Appearance 

Mu Zhi’an left the courtyard and hurried in the direction Wei Mengrou pointed.

Along the way, he occasionally saw assessment disciples entering the great hall one after another, including those who had participated in the assessment at Boundless Sea Peak before. When they saw Mu Zhi’an, they all took the initiative to greet him.

Mu Zhi’an nodded with a smile and didn’t linger. Instead, he quickened his pace and finally saw the elegant purple figure standing in front of the courtyard.

Ye Lingxuan noticed Mu Zhi’an’s presence, but after glancing at him, she ignored him and turned to walk into her room.

“Sister Lingxuan, please wait!”

Mu Zhi’an stepped forward to try to stop her, but Ye Lingxuan didn’t care and instead quickened her pace, her dress fluttering.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly flashed in front of her eyes, just blocking Ye Lingxuan’s way.

Ye Lingxuan raised her delicate and alluring face to look. The young man was wearing a black robe, with a gentle smile on his face, and asked,

“Lingxuan, why do you look so unhappy? Did something happen?”

Ye Lingxuan’s beautiful brows slightly knitted, but she still politely nodded and said, “It’s nothing. I’m a bit tired and want to go back to my room to rest. Can Brother Ye Yu let me pass?”

Seeing Ye Lingxuan’s indeed somewhat tired expression, Ye Yu nodded slightly with a smile and said, “Alright, then I won’t disturb your rest.”

After all, Ye Lingxuan had already said this much. If he continued to stop her at this time, it would probably only make this sister dislike him.

When Ye Yu thought of this, he made way.

After Ye Lingxuan walked along the pavilion to her future room, Ye Yu turned his head to look at Mu Zhi’an who was about to catch up. His spiritual energy burst out from behind, forcibly blocking Mu Zhi’an in front of him, and said lightly,

“Young Master Mu, didn’t you hear what Lingxuan just said? She’s tired now and wants to rest. You should leave.”

Being suddenly blocked by Ye Yu’s spiritual energy, Mu Zhi’an wasn’t angry. He looked up at Ye Yu with a smile and said, “Is this your home?”

“I plan to take a walk around here. Do I need you to manage me?”

With that said, he no longer paid attention to Ye Yu and closely followed Ye Lingxuan.

“Even if you go now, she won’t acknowledge you.” Ye Yu sneered in secret, but when he saw Mu Zhi’an closely following that purple figure, his heart inexplicably felt a bit uneasy.

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Yu followed closely.

Before long, Mu Zhi’an followed Ye Lingxuan to a unique small courtyard.

He didn’t know how this great hall was constructed. Every time he passed a small path, it seemed to have a different world.

Peach blossoms were blooming in the small courtyard, and the tranquil fragrance was refreshing. Mu Zhi’an raised his head to look at Ye Lingxuan and called out, “Lingxuan, wait a moment!”

After saying that, he stepped forward and blocked Ye Lingxuan’s way.

“Young Master Mu, I’m already tired enough from participating in the sect assessment today. I want to rest well. Please go back.”

After saying that, she walked into the room and closed the door, completely ignoring Mu Zhi’an.

Ye Yu witnessed this scene from behind and secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Eating from the bowl while looking at the pot, this is what Mu Zhi’an deserves!

Seeing Mu Zhi’an walk to the door and knock a few times, but still not getting Ye Lingxuan’s response, Ye Yu finally put his mind at ease.

Continuing to disturb at this time would only make Lingxuan dislike him more. This Young Master Mu seemed to be really flustered this time, not even understanding this reason.

Ye Yu quietly turned and left.

Mu Zhi’an gently knocked on the door again. Noticing that there was no response from inside the room, he couldn’t help but sigh lightly, “Lingxuan, do you not want to see me, or do you dislike me?”

“I don’t have any particular like or dislike for Young Master Mu. I’m just simply tired and want to rest.” Ye Lingxuan’s indifferent voice responded.

“Elder Wei, please see him out.”

As her voice fell, in front of Mu Zhi’an, an old man in a black robe appeared, with a smile on his face, and said, “Young friend Mu, please go back. My young lady is tired today and doesn’t want to see anyone.”

Mu Zhi’an was “driven” out of the courtyard by Elder Wei, abruptly stopping his footsteps. He turned his head to look at the old man behind him and said, “You are the servant beside Sister Lingxuan, right? But non-sect disciples are not allowed to enter the Two Polarities Sect, right?”

“This old man was not at ease about the young lady, so I secretly followed to take a look. I’ll be going back in a few days.” Elder Wei said slowly.

In fact, his matter in the Two Polarities Sect was tacitly approved by those peak masters and elders turning a blind eye.

But even as Ye Lingxuan’s servant, he couldn’t stay in the Two Polarities Sect for long.

The Two Polarities Sect gave him this face, so he had to give them face as well.

“In the future, my young lady will have to trouble Young friend Mu to take more care of her.”

Hearing this, Mu Zhi’an showed a helpless bitter smile on his face, “Becoming like this now, I’m afraid it will be difficult to get close to Sister Lingxuan in the future…”

Who knew, Elder Wei quickly changed his face, slightly narrowed his eyes, and said, “Young friend Mu, this old man has traveled the world for decades and has eaten more salt than you have eaten rice. Do you really think this old man is one of those stupid girls who are inexperienced and easily fall into love?”

Are you indirectly calling your young lady stupid… Mu Zhi’an cupped his hands and said, “In the future, this junior will take good care of Sister Lingxuan, but I still need Senior to temporarily let me stay here.”

Elder Wei waved his hand, gesturing for Mu Zhi’an to quickly scram over.

Mu Zhi’an nimbly rushed into the courtyard, came to the door of Ye Lingxuan’s room, and knocked on the door again, “Sister Lingxuan, can I come in?”

After a moment of silence in the room, Ye Lingxuan’s indifferent voice came, “Why did you come again? Didn’t I say that I’m tired today and don’t want to see anyone?”

Mu Zhi’an sighed lightly and said, “Sister Lingxuan, I know you’re in a bad mood today, but if possible, I still hope you can listen to my explanation.”

There was no sound in the room. After a while, Ye Lingxuan pushed open the window, looked at Mu Zhi’an lightly, and said, “Young Master Mu, I’m really tired today. Please go back.”

Her tone was extremely indifferent. After saying that, she turned and went back into the room, no longer paying attention to Mu Zhi’an.

If it were an ordinary person, at this time, they would probably have left with a sense of gain and loss.

But Mu Zhi’an was not disappointed. Looking at the open window, he felt a bit delighted in his heart.

The girl closed a door for you, but at the same time, she opened a window for you.

If you still don’t understand her meaning, then you’re a fool.

The so-called being tired and wanting to rest, not wanting others to disturb, probably only Ye Yu would believe such words.

When a girl is wronged, it happens to be when her psychological defense is the weakest.

From the moment Ye Lingxuan opened the window, she had already subconsciously accepted that she would listen to Mu Zhi’an’s explanation.

Mu Zhi’an didn’t hesitate. He climbed in through the window and happened to see Ye Lingxuan sitting calmly at the head of the bed, with an elegant temperament. There was still a hint of anger on her snow-white cheeks.

And at her feet, a pure and flawless snow lotus was thrown on the ground, obviously just thrown.

This had never been seen before, enough to imagine how angry this matter made her this time.

However, such anger instead made her look more humanized, rather than being like a goddess high above, difficult to approach.

Seeing that Ye Lingxuan didn’t open her mouth to drive him out after he entered the room, Mu Zhi’an knew there was indeed a chance. He came to Ye Lingxuan’s side, looked at that lovely face, and said, “Is Sister Lingxuan angry?”

As soon as Mu Zhi’an spoke, Ye Lingxuan immediately turned her head to look over, and said indifferently, “Young Master Mu, please say what you have to say directly. I’m going to rest later.”

She knew long ago that this guy Mu Zhi’an had ulterior motives towards her and even wanted to have one foot in two boats.

It’s just that those thoughts were all in her subconscious, and Ye Lingxuan also subconsciously avoided this fact.

However, today’s snow lotus incident brought all these things that she originally intended to hide in her subconscious to the forefront. Even if she originally planned to avoid these things, now she couldn’t avoid them anymore.
Noticing that Mu Zhi’an’s gaze was staring straight at her, Ye Lingxuan didn’t want to look at him, so she turned her face away, only leaving Mu Zhi’an a peerless side profile.

“Sister Lingxuan, actually I always felt that the snow lotus matches you very well.” Mu Zhi’an suddenly sighed lightly and sat down beside her.

Ye Lingxuan said indifferently, “Young Master Mu, you can use such words to deceive those inexperienced young girls. What did you say in front of the great hall just now? Have you forgotten?”

Not long ago, Mu Zhi’an had just said that the snow lotus was more suitable for Bai Ruoxi. Now he suddenly came to say that the snow lotus matched her better. Only a fool would believe such words.

“Perhaps Sister Lingxuan thinks I’m a fickle man with one foot in two boats.” Mu Zhi’an sighed lightly, “Actually, the facts are in front of us. I have nothing good to say.”

He slightly bent down and picked up the snow lotus that was thrown on the ground.

“However, I indeed think this snow lotus matches you very well. Take it. Maybe after this, I won’t have a chance to give you gifts anymore.”

“In a while, I might be labeled as a traitor.” Mu Zhi’an sighed lightly.

Ye Lingxuan originally didn’t want to pay attention to him. Hearing this, she couldn’t help but feel stunned and subconsciously looked at Mu Zhi’an, saying, “What did you say just now?”

Mu Zhi’an didn’t speak, only gently patting the dust off the snow lotus, and said, “The snow lotus is very similar to Sister Lingxuan, but Ruoxi is also the same, extremely similar to it.”

“Previously, I had a battle with your Brother Ye Yu in Dragon Head Forest. You should have heard Elder Wei mention it.”

Ye Lingxuan’s eyes flickered slightly, not saying anything.

She had previously sent someone to secretly investigate Mu Zhi’an’s matter and indeed knew about this, but at this moment, she still didn’t know what Mu Zhi’an wanted to say.

“Actually, at that time in Dragon Head Forest, Ruoxi and I were almost killed by a demonic cultivator at the cave entrance. If it wasn’t for Ruoxi at that time, I might have already…”

Mu Zhi’an looked at the snow lotus in his hand and said softly, “Before dying, the black-robed man left a demonic cultivator’s mark on me. I don’t know when this mark will erupt. If that day really comes, I’m afraid I will be mistaken for a demonic cultivator.”

“The pink light fortune you emitted before, could it be related to a demonic cultivator?” Ye Lingxuan’s eyes changed slightly, and she subconsciously raised her head to look at Mu Zhi’an.

Mu Zhi’an slightly raised his head, looked at the high beam under the ceiling, then lowered his eyes, looked at the snow lotus in his hand, and sighed lightly,

“I’m not too clear about the specifics. Perhaps it’s really as you said. That pink light fortune might be the mark the demonic cultivator left in my body.”

“If it’s noticed by people in the sect, the best outcome for me in the future might be being expelled from the sect. Ruoxi and I have similar experiences. She used to be self-conscious for a long time because of this matter. If I don’t choose her today, she will probably become even more self-conscious.”

Ye Lingxuan’s originally indifferent expression slightly softened, but she didn’t forgive him and said, “In the end, the person you really want to give the snow lotus to is still Bai Ruoxi, right?”
Although her tone was still cold, the indifference in her eyes had obviously melted a lot.

So he considered everyone’s feelings at that time, and in the end, in order to avoid Bai Ruoxi becoming more self-conscious, he chose her…

“Why didn’t you say earlier that you have a demonic cultivator’s mark in your body?” Ye Lingxuan still had doubts.

Mu Zhi’an smiled bitterly, “When Sister Lingxuan was so wary of me at the beginning, what would be the use of saying it? Besides, I also didn’t want to cause you so much trouble.”

Hearing this, Ye Lingxuan’s eyes softened a bit, but also carried a hint of displeasure, and said, “You completely treat me as an outsider, don’t you?”

At first, your attitude towards me was indeed that of an outsider, right? No, to be precise, it should be like guarding against a thief… Mu Zhi’an said in his heart.

Ye Lingxuan suddenly paused and snorted, “If you had said it earlier, I could still help you…”

“But it’s not too late now.” She added another sentence.

Mu Zhi’an was slightly moved. Looking at Ye Lingxuan, his eyes were filled with gratitude, and he said, “If in the future, the sect discovers that mark left by the demon realm in my body, will Sister Lingxuan plead for me to the sect?”

“But doing so might make you and the sect become hostile. That’s not what I want to see.”

“The Two Polarities Sect won’t become hostile to my family for a small cultivator like you.” Ye Lingxuan said lightly.

It seems that the mysterious force behind Ye Lingxuan is indeed quite amazing, even giving some face to a huge entity like the Two Polarities Sect… Mu Zhi’an understood in his heart.

Ye Lingxuan’s voice softened a bit and said softly, “If that day really comes, I will ensure your safe departure.”

Mu Zhi’an didn’t speak, only staring blankly at Ye Lingxuan’s delicate and flawless lovely face.

At this moment, there was only gratitude and deep affection in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand, lightly took Ye Lingxuan’s hand, and placed the snow lotus in her hand.

“I know you’re still angry now. If seeing this snow lotus later still makes you think of unhappy things, then throw it away.”

“What will you do if I throw it away?” She glanced at Mu Zhi’an.

“I will find a flower that matches Sister Lingxuan better than the snow lotus and give it to you.” Mu Zhi’an said softly, looking at Ye Lingxuan seriously.

“It is rumored that in the Demon Realm, a flower called Ziyang(Purple Sun or Hortensia) Flower blooms. If I find it in the future, I will pick it and give it to you.”

Upon hearing “Demon Realm,” Ye Lingxuan’s face changed slightly.

Then, looking at Mu Zhi’an’s serious expression, her eyes softened a bit, but her tone still carried elegance and reserve, and she said, “Young Master Mu is really good at making people happy.”

Saying this, there was no longer that cold indifference of rejecting people a thousand miles away at the beginning.
Phew… It seems there’s no problem for now.

Seeing this scene, Mu Zhi’an secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

It was the right choice to choose Bai Ruoxi at that time, just as he had guessed.

Bai Ruoxi looked cold and delicate, but the interaction during this period made Mu Zhi’an realize that Miss Bai’s tea art level was actually quite high. If he had chosen someone else, he might have been served by the Heart-Binding Lock after going back.

Senior Sister was an extremely proud and intelligent person, but who knows when she learned about his multi-threaded operation. Choosing her wouldn’t make Senior Sister’s mood better either, and she might dislike his behavior of looking at the bowl while thinking of the pot.

Dealing with Senior Sister should be like the gentle spring rain, moistening things silently.

As for Ye Lingxuan, although she usually appeared elegant and refined and seemed to have quite a bit of depth, in fact, she had no experience in love.
Moreover, she was a princess who had been coaxed and pampered since childhood, so as long as she could be sincerely coaxed to be happy, although she appeared indifferent on the surface, her frozen heart would further melt.

“Qian just went back to her room without saying a word, but you can go find her later. She won’t see you now.” Ye Lingxuan suddenly said.

Ye Qian was really a pure girl without any ill intentions. This incident would naturally make her sad and disappointed, but as long as he went to see her later and carefully comforted her, that girl would open her heart.

Mu Zhi’an lightly nodded, thinking that the timing was about right, and said,

“Right, you haven’t collected your sect token yet, right? I’m going out in a bit. I’ll bring you a sect token on the way back.”

Ye Lingxuan nodded reservedly and said, “Then I’ll trouble Young Master Mu.”


It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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