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It turns out, they are the protagonists 98

Chapter 98: Already… Can’t Go Back 

Mu Zhi’an stepped on the flying sword, his chest pressed against Wei Mengrou’s back, his hands tightly hugging her slender waist.

Perhaps because they were close together, he seemed to be able to faintly smell a tranquil fragrance from her hair.

Girls are indeed fragrant and soft… Mu Zhi’an sighed in his heart.

Although when going out most people’s gazes would focus on Bai Ruoxi, in fact Wei Mengrou’s appearance was not inferior to Bai Ruoxi. The two each had their own good points. In terms of temperament, Bai Ruoxi was probably more likely to attract men’s love.

But a girl like this maid, who often looked at you with disdain and disgust, would make people anticipate what kind of expression she would have when she was shy.

Noticing the warm breath on the back of her neck, Wei Mengrou couldn’t help but turn her head to faintly glance at Mu Zhi’an and said, “I’ll throw you down if you dare to make a move on the way.”

If you throw me down, I might be able to meet Senior Ling Long earlier… Mu Zhi’an obediently nodded and said, “Rest assured, I definitely won’t lay a hand on Sister Mengrou.”

“You are at the Spirit Transformation stage. Wouldn’t I be seeking death if I really made a move on you?”

Wei Mengrou sneered, “Isn’t Bai Ruoxi also at the Spirit Transformation stage? You still do whatever you want with her, don’t you?”

“Ruoxi and I are simply in love with each other. If she gets serious, I can’t suppress her either.” Mu Zhi’an said.

He almost forgot that this maid even knew what underwear he wore. He couldn’t deceive her.

“Let’s hurry up and catch up. The paper crane is about to disappear.” Mu Zhi’an changed the subject.

Wei Mengrou slightly raised her head, made a hand seal, and the flying sword quickly caught up with the paper crane that was already gradually disappearing from sight.

She turned her head to look back, her hair fluttering in the wind, her lips slightly parted, and said, “If you reach the Spirit Transformation stage earlier, you won’t need to trouble me with these small matters in the future.”

If I reach the Spirit Transformation stage earlier, how can I experience the beauty of Sister Mengrou’s figure… Mu Zhi’an smiled without speaking.

The paper crane carried immortal energy and flew over towering mountain peaks. One after another, the peaks slowly passed by behind them.

The Two Polarities Sect not only had nine main peaks, but also many side peaks. At this time, many peaks could be seen with disciples meditating and cultivating.

Wei Mengrou looked at the flying paper crane in front and suddenly asked, “I heard today that the assessment difficulty of Boundless Sea Peak is extremely high. How did you pass the assessment in the end?”

“Every main peak’s trial forest has several layers of formations set up, and at that time, I comprehended a bit of the outermost layer’s formation.”

Mu Zhi’an leisurely swept his gaze around and continued, “That formation has an effect similar to teleportation. Using that effect, one can easily pass the assessment.”

Wei Mengrou’s eyes showed a slight realization.

No wonder Gongsun Cheng said that Mu Zhi’an cheated… So that’s how it was.

“Why did that peak master of Boundless Sea Peak set the assessment difficulty so high?” Wei Mengrou suddenly muttered to herself.

This was indeed a very strange matter. Normally, the number of assessment disciples passing a main peak should be at least a dozen or so.

But Boundless Sea Peak was different. It required the Qi Condensation stage assessment disciples to climb to the peak of Boundless Sea Peak with their own spiritual energy… Usually, before the Qi Condensation stage cultivators could climb to the peak, their spiritual energy would have been exhausted.

Even for a cultivator at the eighth level of Qi Condensation, it would be difficult to pass the assessment.

Mu Zhi’an pondered for a moment and said with a smile, “If my guess is correct, that peak master’s purpose from the beginning was not to let the assessment disciples pass. The sect assessment is just a front.”

“What does the peak master want then?” Wei Mengrou asked.

“Vinegar.” Mu Zhi’an said seriously.

“The Sect master just wanted to eat vinegar, so the sect master wrapped a plate of dumplings.”

In order to eat “vinegar,” he made a plate of “dumplings” with great fanfare. This was actually not uncommon in the government.

Wei Mengrou’s eyes showed a bit of confusion and turned her head to look at Mu Zhi’an.

But this time, this young master only smiled at her and didn’t explain further.

It was obvious that this guy was teasing her.

If you don’t want to say it, then don’t say it… Wei Mengrou pouted, didn’t pursue the matter, and caught up with the paper crane.

After nearly two incense sticks of time, they passed several main peaks. Unknowingly, they finally saw the paper crane flying towards a certain peak.

“Which peak is this again?” Mu Zhi’an looked at the paper crane in puzzlement and muttered in his heart.

Wei Mengrou took a few glances and suddenly said, “It should be Two Polarities Peak.”

This main peak and side peak happened to blend together. When looking down from the sky, it looked like a black and white yin-yang diagram.

It goes without saying that this was precisely the tenth main peak, the Two Polarities Peak where the sect leader of the Two Polarities Sect had once unified the Dao and became an emperor.

And at this moment, that paper crane carrying immortal energy was slowly floating towards the Two Polarities Peak.

Even Mu Zhi’an was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene.

The paper crane came out from the Two Polarities Peak…?

But didn’t I hear that apart from that sect leader and her own disciples, there were no other disciples on Two Polarities Peak?

Could it be that the rumor is false?

But if the rumor is true and there are only that sect leader and her own disciples on Two Polarities Peak… Then when Senior Sister Lan was in Tianxuan City before, the other pen pal who wrote to him from the Two Polarities Sect couldn’t possibly be…

Mu Zhi’an looked up at Wei Mengrou and asked, “Can we follow and take a look?”

Wei Mengrou slowly shook her head, “This main peak has a complex formation set up outside. Rashly intruding may cause trouble.”

Ordinary cultivators can’t approach, but the paper crane can easily enter it… Mu Zhi’an pondered for a moment and immediately said, “Then let’s go back for today.”

He could only readjust his plans.

He also needed to calm down.

If his previous pen pal was really the sect leader…

Mu Zhi’an felt unprecedented pressure.

Although I want to expand a fish pond to raise fish, the sect leader is not some fish… She is a great shark. If she enters the fish pond, she will eat people. Maybe even he, the fish pond owner, will be eaten together.

According to the legends about the Two Polarities Sect he had seen in the past, that empress might have already lived for thousands or even tens of thousands of years… That beautiful snake empress of the Demon Realm could read minds, so this sect leader should be able to as well.

In front of her… it was indeed not good to operate.

Although he couldn’t be sure of the other party’s identity yet, in any case, it was better to be steady and maintain correspondence with the other party for now.

Even in investments, it is known to proceed step by step. Of course, in terms of feelings, it should also proceed step by step.

On the way back, Mu Zhi’an took Wei Mengrou to the Pilgrimage Palace in passing, picked a peach blossom, turned around and stepped on the flying sword, saying with a smile, “Alright, let’s go back first.”

“What are you picking a peach blossom for no reason?” Wei Mengrou hesitated.

“It’s for you.” Mu Zhi’an gazed at the maid.

Who knew that Wei Mengrou would sneer, glance at him, and say indifferently, “Scumbag.”

It was obvious that this peach blossom was not for her.

Mu Zhi’an had already comforted Ye Lingxuan and Bai Ruoxi before, and Lan Mulian was still in Two Polarities Peak. As for the remaining one, it was obvious who it was.

That night, the stars were shining brightly.

A girl with an egg-shaped face wearing a blue-green gauze dress sat by the window, looking at the night scene outside, and let out a faint sigh.

She was holding a teacup in her hand, her eyes slightly lowered, as if in a daze.

Although her appearance was sweet, giving people a sense of immaturity that had not completely faded, the blue-green lapel top could hardly hide the two soft and full breasts, making her temperament mixed with a charm that she shouldn’t have at this age, a special charm that blended purity and charm together.

Knock, knock.

A slight knocking sound came from outside the room.

Ye Qian turned her head slightly to look and hesitated, “Is it Sister?”

“Sister Qian, it’s me.” Mu Zhi’an’s voice came from outside.

Ye Qian’s expression changed slightly. For some reason, there was a hint of joy in her heart, but also a sense of annoyance.

The joy was because of Mu Zhi’an’s arrival, and the annoyance was because she felt that she was too uncompetitive, actually being so happy just because he came to find her, even though he had never even given her a snow lotus.

“Young Master Mu, what’s the matter so late?” Ye Qian’s voice remained cold as she imitated her sister’s tone.

“Can you open the door and let me come in to talk?” Mu Zhi’an asked.

“It’s so late. I’m already planning to rest. Young Master Mu, please go back.”

Mu Zhi’an smiled bitterly in helplessness, “Do you really refuse to listen to me, Qian?”

There was no response from inside the room.

Mu Zhi’an was silent for a long time and sighed lightly, “I know you were hurt today, but things are much more complicated than you think.”

Mu Zhi’an seemed to be talking to himself and continued,

“The peach blossoms are blooming at the Pilgrimage Palace. I specially went there again after returning today.”

“If you like snow lotuses, I’ll go back to the Mu Residence in a couple of days and pick one for you.”

Mu Zhi’an let out a light sigh, seeming a bit lost, and said in a low voice, “I’ll leave the flower at your door for you.”

After saying that, the footsteps outside gradually faded away.

Ye Qian quietly pushed open the door and saw the pink flower placed at the door.

At this moment, Ye Qian’s eyes were filled with complexity. She slightly bent down and picked up the flower from the ground.

She didn’t know what kind of feelings she had. She just felt mixed emotions when she saw this flower.

Ye Qian held the peach blossom with both hands, her eyes misty as if shrouded in a layer of water vapor, and muttered to herself,

“Brother Mu…”

At this time, a figure loomed over her.

Ye Qian slightly raised her head. What came into view was a young man wearing luxurious robes, with slightly messy black hair, a handsome face, and a pair of dark eyes looking at her tenderly.

“You finally agreed to come out and see me?” Mu Zhi’an looked at her gently.

Ye Qian’s eyes became a bit flustered. She got up and wanted to go back to her room.

At this moment, Mu Zhi’an suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist.

“Qian, wait a moment.”

Ye Qian’s body stiffened slightly. She hesitated in her heart and was about to harden her heart and tell him to go back.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from behind,

“Young Master Mu, didn’t you hear what Qian just said to you? Being so persistent will only make girls dislike you, right?”

Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look behind him.

Ye Yu in a black robe was standing there at some unknown time, his expression indifferent, staring closely at Mu Zhi’an.

At the door of the residence, some people seemed to have noticed the commotion here. Disciples from the sect stood at the door one after another, watching the excitement and occasionally whispering in low voices.

This scene was a bit like the classic “bullying” of a girl by a bad boy, and at this time, the ‘protagonist’ descended like a divine weapon, scolding, and finally protecting his sister, angrily gaining favorability.

But… In the past, Mu Zhi’an could rewrite such a plot. Moreover, now that the Ye sisters’ favorability had already risen a lot.

Rather… Ye Yu came just at the right time.

Mu Zhi’an looked at the black-robed youth in front of him and frowned, “I just have something to say to Sister Qian.”

Who cares about you… Ye Yu sneered, “Young Master Mu, please go back. Making a move on female disciples in the sect on the first day of entering the sect, aren’t you afraid of being kicked out of the Two Polarities Sect by the sect elders tomorrow?”

Mu Zhi’an’s face changed slightly. Ye Qian could even clearly feel that his grip on her wrist seemed to have tightened a bit.

But after a while, he slowly let go of his hand and said softly, “If this is the punishment for my fickleness, I’ll accept it.”

Ye Yu heard this and couldn’t help but feel happy in his heart.

If he informed the peak master that Mu Zhi’an harassed female cultivators tonight, even if he wasn’t kicked out of the sect, he would definitely be punished!

And he, who stopped Mu Zhi’an tonight, could repair the rift in his relationship with Ye Qian in the past.

Thinking of this, Ye Yu slightly opened his mouth and was about to speak.

At this moment, Ye Qian’s soft and gentle voice suddenly rang out, “Brother Mu and I just have some personal emotional issues… He didn’t harass me tonight.”

She raised her eyes and looked at Ye Yu who was standing there in a daze, and said softly, “You go back first, Brother Ye Yu.”

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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