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It turns out, they are the protagonists 99

Chapter 99: Sorry, the one I like is Brother Mu 

“This is a private matter between Brother Mu and me.”

Ye Qian’s sweet and gentle voice once again clearly entered Ye Yu’s ears. Although there was no aggression in her words, it directly caused Ye Yu’s expression to freeze.

What Ye Qian just said to Ye Yu sounded nice: This is a private matter between Brother Mu and me.

Put bluntly, it roughly meant: This has nothing to do with you, you are not my close relation.

Thinking back, Ye Qian had once respectfully called him “Brother Ye Yu” and even sought his help. But at that time, he held the arrogance of an “alchemist” and even turned a cold eye to this cousin.

He even fantasized that she would take the initiative to seek his help again… but never thought that by then, Mu Zhian had already found an opening with Ye Qian.

That Qi Condensation Pill became the beginning of the rift between him and Ye Qian.

Now in Ye Qian’s address to him, there was no longer any of the previous respect.

Her eyes only held Mu Zhian.

This fact made Ye Yu’s face darken uncontrollably as he stared intently at his cousin.

At this time, the girl was wearing a small jacket embroidered with peony flowers, paired with a light blue silk skirt, having the noble elegance of an oriental beauty.

And her early developed bosom propped up the short jacket, adding a few points of charm.

Why did his past self completely fail to notice Qian’er’s beauty, only until now… Ye Yu stared at Ye Qian’s graceful back, and Mu Zhian’s shameless shoulder tightly close to her side.

In the dim light, Ye Yu’s eyes carried a hard to conceal jealousy.

Ye Qian gently pulled the corner of Mu Zhian’s clothes and said softly:

“Let’s go inside the room to talk.”

This was actually a kind of stance, with the underlying meaning probably refuting Ye Yu’s previous “slander” of Mu Zhian.

It was not Mu Zhian harassing female disciples late at night, but that this female disciple originally had an intimate relationship with Mu Zhian.

In this way, this incident was not a “harassment” incident, but an emotional entanglement.

If not for Ye Yu’s words, tonight Qian’er may not have forgiven him so quickly… For a moment, Mu Zhian didn’t know if he should turn his head and give Ye Yu a nod of etiquette, to thank him.

Without Ye Yu’s “threat” just now, Ye Qian would not have been moved by compassion so quickly and spoken these words to protect her Brother Mu.

According to Mu Zhian’s original plan, it would take at least two or three days to appease Ye Qian, but because of Ye Yu’s words, it was directly accelerated to one night.

Ye Yu raised his head and watched as Ye Qian slightly extended her small hand out of her sleeve, grabbed the corner of Mu Zhian’s clothes, and walked towards her own room. His eyes turned slightly cold, and he could no longer hold back.

“Wait a moment!”

Ye Qian’s charming back slightly paused in place.

Ye Yu’s voice sounded again: “Qian’er, have you forgotten how he deceived you?!”

Mu Zhian could clearly feel Ye Qian’s body slightly stiffen, her eyes revealing a trace of sadness.

She lightly bit her lip and glanced at Ye Yu, saying, “These things have nothing to do with you, Brother Ye Yu doesn’t need to manage my affairs.”

“You’re my cousin, how can it have nothing to do with me?!” Ye Yu stared at Mu Zhian’s tall back and said coldly, “He’s just eating from the bowl while looking at the pot, a two-timing scumbag!”

“Now that he’s here to find you, isn’t it also a sign of his fickleness?”

Ye Qian subconsciously turned her head to look at Mu Zhian, who was also looking at her, but did not offer any explanation.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yu couldn’t help sneering inwardly.

At that time, Mu Zhian had publicly chosen Bai Ruoxi in front of several women. No matter how sweet-talking Mu Zhian was, it couldn’t change this fact.

Ye Qian was not a fool and couldn’t possibly be unaware of such a thing.

“Young Master Mu, you’re going too far. Since you’ve already chosen Miss Bai, why do you still come to disturb Qian’er? Do you want to have your cake and eat it too?” Ye Yu looked at Mu Zhian’s back and spoke slowly.

Mu Zhian never looked back at Ye Yu, only turning his head to look at Ye Qian’s pure and lovely face, and her difficult to conceal dejected expression.

This girl was too naive, even her inner thoughts would be directly exposed on her face.

Mu Zhian reached out a hand and gently placed it on the back of Ye Qian’s hand.

Ye Qian subconsciously raised her head to look at him, blinking her peach blossom eyes, which were covered with a layer of mist in the dim moonlight, sparkling like crystals, making one’s heart soften at the sight.

“Let’s go back to the room and talk, okay?” Mu Zhian said softly.

Even though she had already decided not to pay attention to him anymore, when her palm was held by Mu Zhian’s warm hand, Ye Qian’s heart couldn’t help but feel a little thrilled.

She slightly opened her small mouth, about to speak.

At this time, that abrupt voice behind them spoke again, interrupting the two: “This guy also went to find Lingxuan during the day.”

Ye Yu stared at Mu Zhian and sneered, “He probably only came to find you because Lingxuan ignored him.”

Ye Qian slightly turned her head to look at this cousin behind her.

Objectively speaking, although Ye Yu was not handsome, he was not ugly either. He belonged to the delicate type, looking more refined the more one looked.

In the past, Ye Qian did admire this cousin, because Ye Yu was a genius in the clan. Although he had fallen greatly in cultivation due to some reasons, he later relied on himself to return to the Qi Condensation stage.

He was even one of the few alchemists in Tianxuan City.

However, when Ye Yu once again joined the ranks of geniuses in the Ye family, his attitude towards these clan members became much colder.

In the past, they treated Ye Yu coldly. Now that Ye Yu had returned to the ranks of geniuses, he naturally would not give them any face either.

Even in his treatment of his cousin Ye Qian, Ye Yu had the same indifferent attitude.

But thinking carefully, Ye Yu’s rejection at that time didn’t seem to be a bad thing.

After all…

Feeling the warmth of Mu Zhian’s palm on the back of her hand, Ye Qian lowered her eyes slightly and said softly, “I know what Brother Ye Yu said. I have my own judgment. Please go back first.”

Now she already had someone else by her side.

And that person had a very bad relationship with her cousin, so she could only choose one of them…

The person Ye Qian chose was Mu Zhian.


Ye Yu stared at Ye Qian furiously and said angrily, “The person he chose today was Bai Ruoxi, not you. You know this better than me, don’t you?!”

Ye Yu obviously didn’t know that girls were emotional rather than rational creatures.

From a rational point of view, if someone did something wrong, how they should act and what judgment they should make, rational people all knew.

But if starting from an emotional point of view… the final result would be a different matter.

Ye Qian slightly lowered her eyes and said softly, “I’m very clear about these things in my heart. Brother Ye Yu doesn’t need to worry.”

Thump thump thump!

Ye Yu staggered back a few steps, his eyes fixed on the two, not knowing what to say for a moment.

He originally thought this would be an opportunity for him to mend the cracks in their relationship… but Ye Qian’s few words completely destroyed this possibility.

Ye Qian turned her head to look at Mu Zhian and said, “Let’s go back to the room and talk, Brother Mu.”

After saying that, she lightly pulled Mu Zhian’s hand and walked towards her room along the corridor.

“Mu Zhian, I challenge you to a duel!” Ye Yu stared at Mu Zhian’s back, his internal qi erupting with a boom.

Why are you still coming?

Mu Zhian stood still, turned his head to look at Ye Yu, and said, “Young Master Ye, it’s late at night now and the disciples of the sect are resting. Don’t make such a big fuss and disturb others’ rest.”

“You don’t dare?” Ye Yu tried to provoke him.

At this time, someone among the disciples watching from outside the courtyard suddenly laughed and said, “If Young Master Ye wants to find someone to spar with, I can play with you for a bit.”

That sudden voice made the crowd, including Ye Yu, all look over. Among the crowd was a youth who looked like a dashing young master. He said with a smile, “Young Master Mu has done us a favor in this sect assessment. This is an opportunity to repay the favor.”

Who are you… Mu Zhian muttered in his heart and couldn’t help but take a closer look at this youth.

Soon after, he had a slight realization.

Since the sect assessment was mentioned, he should be one of the disciples who participated in the assessment at Boundless Sea Peak.

“If Young Master Ye’s hands are itchy, I can also spar with you for a round.” Another female disciple’s voice came from the crowd.

Following that, four or five more people spoke up one after another, choosing to stand on Mu Zhian’s side.

Those who spoke up were surprisingly all the assessment disciples who had received Mu Zhian’s help before.

Mu Zhian’s gaze fell on Ye Yu, and he said with a smile, “Young Master Ye, I have no interest in sparring with others tonight. If your hands are really itchy, you can find someone else.”

Ye Yu stared at Mu Zhian and said coldly, “You want to run away? Is this worthy of being the person Qian’er likes?”

Mu Zhian shook his head and smiled, “Love is free. Who Qian’er likes doesn’t depend on whether I’m worthy or not, but on who she likes.”

He no longer paid attention to Ye Yu, but cupped his hands towards the crowd and said, “Thank you all for your kind intentions. This time, I’ve really made everyone see a joke.”

“Everyone must be tired in body and mind after participating in the sect assessment. It’s better to rest early.”

After saying that, under Ye Yu’s gaze, Mu Zhian gently held Ye Qian’s small hand and walked into the room along the courtyard.

Ye Qian slightly lowered her head and followed behind Mu Zhian. Under Ye Yu’s slowly widening gaze, the two entered a small courtyard together.

This hall was quite magical. Everyone had their own “small world”.

The layout of the residences in the small worlds was entirely determined by the owner, so everyone’s living quarters were completely different.

Ye Yu blankly watched this scene. But this time, he didn’t speak up to stop them again, only his eyes becoming increasingly cold.

This was the Two Polarities Sect. If he made a move in front of so many people, no matter whether he was right or not, he would end up being the one in the wrong.

Now that he had calmed down and thought about it, although he hadn’t been able to stop Mu Zhian from making a move on Ye Qian, perhaps… not being able to stop Mu Zhian wasn’t necessarily a bad thing either.

At least through this incident, it could also let Lingxuan see Mu Zhian’s true colors!

When Ye Yu thought of this, he turned around and pretended to leave the courtyard.

But in fact, he did not leave. After the crowd dispersed, he turned back again, using a special secret art learned from the old patriarch to conceal his aura, and quietly approached the room with the candlelight.

“Sister Qian’er, are you still blaming me?” Mu Zhian’s soft sigh came from the room.

Ye Qian gently shook her head and said softly, “Brother Mu and I originally had no relationship. There’s nothing to blame or not blame.”

“Qian’er, if you say that, Brother Mu will really be sad.”

Mu Zhian got up and sat down beside Ye Qian, reaching out to grab her small hand, but Ye Qian immediately retracted her hand to avoid it.

Seeing this, Mu Zhian was not discouraged and asked softly, “Did you like the peach blossom I gave you?”

Ye Qian looked at the peach blossom in her hand, her peach blossom eyes slightly moist.

She steeled her heart and threw the peach blossom on the ground, pretending to be indifferent, “Brother Mu, just say what you have to say quickly. I’m going to rest soon.”

As her voice fell, she found that there was no sound in the room.

She couldn’t help but raise her eyes to look at Mu Zhian.

He lowered his head and quietly looked at the peach blossom on the ground, never saying a word, just staring at it like that.

Ye Qian felt a little distressed and silently turned her face away, trying her best to continue pretending with an indifferent expression, “Compared to peach blossoms, I still prefer snow lotuses.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Mu Zhian took out a snow lotus from his storage ring.

Ye Qian was stunned for a moment and subconsciously looked up at Mu Zhian, “How do you still have snow lotuses…?”

“Actually, I wanted to give you this snow lotus before the sect assessment, but unexpectedly, quite a few things happened and I never had the chance to give it to you.” Mu Zhian let out a soft sigh and handed the snow lotus in his hand to Ye Qian.

He looked at Ye Qian who had a pure and lovely face, and said softly, “Take them.”

“The snow lotuses cultivated by the Mu Manor are very precious. The people Brother Mu gave them to are all great beauties with extremely good aptitude. Is it really okay to give them to me?” Ye Qian asked sourly.

These words already indicated she was relenting. Mu Zhian naturally wouldn’t miss this opportunity. He took the chance to grab her small hand, gazed into Ye Qian’s eyes and said, “Snow lotuses are precious and peach blossoms are also very beautiful. However, there is a girl here more moving than peach blossoms and snow lotuses.”

“Qian’er.” Mu Zhian boldly reached out and hugged Ye Qian’s slender waist, lowering his head to gaze at her.

“Don’t, don’t be like this…”

“Brother Mu…”

Ye Qian’s eyes flashed slightly. She shyly wanted to avoid him but had nowhere to escape in his arms. She could only make a symbolic motion of wanting to push him away.

Slowly, her body gradually softened in Mu Zhian’s embrace. She raised her eyes and looked at him in a daze, her seductive lips opening and closing, seeming to exhale a sweet breath.

Mu Zhian gazed at her, slowly lowered his head, and captured the girl’s tempting lips.

Ye Yu stared intently at this scene, suppressing the anger in his heart. His fists clenched as he turned and walked towards the separate courtyard where Ye Lingxuan lived.

No one could persuade Qian’er now, because she had already been bewitched by Mu Zhian.

But at the same time, this was also a perfect opportunity…

He must take this opportunity to let Lingxuan know Mu Zhian’s true colors!

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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