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It turns out, they are the protagonists c97 p1

Chapter 97: Someone Actually Wants to Keep Me, the Fish Pond Owner?

Two Polarities Peak.

Behind the mountain, in front of a simple and elegant pavilion, a woman dressed in black luxurious clothes was lazily leaning on a stone chair, outlining a tall and mature enchanting figure.

Her long hair cascaded straight down to her calves like a waterfall, the ends tied simply with a white hair ribbon. Her legs with rich elasticity under her skirt were crossed as she sat, her fingertips holding a chess piece, playing against an opponent.

Her full breasts proudly supported the loose luxurious clothes. The proportions of her shoulders and neck were just right. Coupled with the faint smile outlined on her face, if it were someone unfamiliar with her, they would probably only treat her as an extremely beautiful woman and not have any reverence.

But if it were someone who knew her identity, they probably wouldn’t even have the courage to lift their head and peek at her.

The sect leader of the Two Polarities Sect, one of the few powerhouses in the Unified Dao Realm in the current era, Shang Yanfei.

The person playing chess against Shang Yanfei was her disciple, Lan Mulian, who had just returned to the back mountain of Two Polarities Peak not long ago.

“What’s wrong, in a bad mood?” Sect Leader Shang Yanfei raised her eyes to glance at her disciple and suddenly asked casually.

“If I remember correctly, the sect assessment seems to have ended. Could it be that something happened to you in Tianxuan City?” Shang Yanfei played with the chess piece in her hand and opened her mouth to ask again in a casual manner.

Lan Mulian came back to her senses, smiled charmingly, and replied to her master with a clear and cold pleasant voice, “It’s nothing. This disciple was just thinking about something.”

She paused and continued, “When I was testing a small cultivator’s fortune in Tianxuan City, I discovered a fortune I had never seen before.”

“That person’s fortune was pink.”

Lan Mulian paused and continued, “Does Master know what this represents?”

Shang Yanfei lightly tapped the table with her fingertips and said with a faint smile, “Make a move.”

“Master also doesn’t know?” Lan Mulian said in surprise.

Shang Yanfei sized up her disciple’s peerlessly beautiful face that could enchant all living beings with a hint of a smile and said with a smile, “Why are you so concerned about a small cultivator?”

“Could it be that your bad mood today is also related to that small cultivator?”

Lan Mulian silently looked at this woman with peerless grace and said, “…Let’s continue playing chess.”

After playing chess for a while, Lan Mulian suddenly asked, “Seven days later, there will be an opening ceremony for the newly entered disciples at the Pilgrimage Palace. After that, the nine peak masters will select their favored inner sect disciples. Will Master go at that time?”

Shang Yanfei placed a black piece on the chessboard, raised her eyes to look at her disciple, and said with a faint smile, “I won’t interfere with the trivial matters in the sect anymore, but I will go to the opening ceremony.”

When she said this, she glanced at the chessboard on the table, her beautiful brows slightly raised.

I’m at a disadvantage…

She slightly raised her finger and moved a black piece to another position favorable to her, then casually said, “It’s your turn to make a move.”

Lan Mulian came back to her senses, picked up a white piece, lowered her head to look at the game, her beautiful brows tightly knitted, seeming to be seriously thinking about how to make the next move.

At this moment, Shang Yanfei suddenly seemed to sense something and slightly raised her head to look in a certain direction.

Lan Mulian noticed her master’s abnormality and raised her head to look in the direction of her master’s gaze.

That direction is… the direction of the Book Pavilion?

Lan Mulian was a bit puzzled at first, and then she saw that the clouds in the sky seemed to quietly gather under the sky in an extremely beautiful shape.

Those were auspicious clouds.

Under normal circumstances, let alone in the outside world, even in the Two Polarities Sect, it was very rare to see such a scene.

Almost the entire sky’s clouds condensed into auspicious clouds one after another, wrapped in seven-colored flowing light, lighting up in the sky.

Lan Mulian seemed to have thought of something, her gaze slightly frozen, and she muttered to herself,

“…Ling Long actually appeared?”

Was it attracted by the fortune of which disciple?

Ye Yu, or Bai Ruoxi?

Or Ye Lingxuan?

These three people were all people with great fortune and indeed had the possibility of attracting Ling Long.

But for some reason, another person came to Lan Mulian’s mind.

“Or is it him…?” The name of a scumbag man surfaced in Lan Mulian’s heart.

Book Pavilion.

On the top floor of the Book Pavilion, three cultivators of the Two Polarities Sect were sitting together, tasting tea and discussing the Dao.

The pavilion master of the Book Pavilion, Yan Ruyu, was holding a delicate teacup with a complex pattern in her hand, playing with the teacup in her hand.

She was wearing a loose black long robe, hiding her curvy figure in that loose robe. Her hair was let down. Although she always had a gentle smile on her face, those pale golden eyes had a sense of awe wherever they passed.

“Fellow Senior Brothers, now the assessments of the nine main peaks have all ended. In a few days, it will be the day to select disciples. Do you have anyone you favor?” Yan Ruyu looked around at the two and asked with a smile.

The two senior martial brothers Yan Ruyu referred to were Ning Yuan, the peak master of Drunken Dream Peak, and Xiang Yan, the peak master of Pure Yang Peak.

Ning Yuan stroked his beard and said with a smile, “Every year’s sect assessment will have many geniuses appear, but most of them have a proud temperament and need to be tempered for a while before they can become useful. No need to rush to choose. I’ll observe for a couple of days before making a decision.”

“Although there are many geniuses, on the path of cultivation, even geniuses, if they only have enough state of mind, can also easily fall.” Xiang Yan played with the cigarette in his hand and lit it with a flick of his finger.

Yan Ruyu looked at Xiang Yan with a smile and said softly, “Senior Brother Xiang.”

Xiang Yan was slightly stunned for a moment, then sighed helplessly, threw the cigarette in his hand out the window, and it instantly turned into dust and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Xiang Yan was different from other cultivators. He was quite interested in the mortal world and often hid his identity to take a walk alone in mortal cities and towns. He was especially interested in the popular “cigarettes” among the people and often lit one when thinking.

But this place was the Book Pavilion, and this Junior Sister Yan disliked men with strong scents the most.

“How are the newly entered disciples of Boundless Sea Peak this time? Are there two or three?” Ning Yuan suddenly asked curiously.

As fellow sect peak masters, only Boundless Sea Peak was relatively special because the content of Boundless Sea Peak’s sect assessment was really too outrageous.

Um… it was very outrageous in all senses.

Therefore, the number of newly entered disciples of Boundless Sea Peak was quite small every year. If there were no accidents, there probably wouldn’t be much change this year either.

However, Yan Ruyu smiled charmingly and said, “Most of the assessment disciples of Boundless Sea Peak passed this time.”

When she said this, she couldn’t help but recall the small cultivator who had comprehended part of the formation in the trial forest before.

He was only at the fifth level of Qi Condensation, but that Lan Junior Sister was quite attentive to him, which was rarely seen in the past and was indeed a bit strange.

Seeing that the two senior martial brothers seemed a bit surprised, Yan Ruyu only smiled slightly and didn’t explain.

Suddenly, she vaguely sensed a commotion coming from outside.

Yan Ruyu turned her head to look out the window, only to see a giant dragon with a body resembling a flood dragon and a pair of antlers on its head sticking its huge head out of the clouds in the cliff outside the Book Pavilion.

Ning Yuan and Xiang Yan both looked over, then glanced at each other, both seeing a hint of surprise in each other’s eyes.

Ning Yuan said in surprise, “Senior Ling Long actually appeared on the day of the assessment? Could it be attracted by the assessment disciples this time?”

“Ling Long’s existence itself represents the word fortune. It especially favors the imperial purple aura, but if it’s a person with great fortune, it will occasionally receive their favor.” Xiang Yan muttered to himself, “Could it be that among these disciples, there is a person with great fortune?”

Even so, it didn’t make sense for Ling Long to appear…


It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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