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It turns out, they are the protagonists chapter 10

Chapter 10: Winning Her Over

Bai Ruoxi sat on a chair in the side hall, the tea on the table having long gone cold.

She tightly knitted her delicate brows, pursing her lips, looking absent-minded.

This was not surprising. After all, Mu Zhi’an had said before to give him two or three more days to consider. Now that two full days had passed, the longer time dragged on, the greater the losses for the Bai family. Today, under the pressure from her mother, she had no choice but to visit the Mu residence again.

A servant walked into the main hall and respectfully called out, “Miss Bai.”

Bai Ruoxi slightly raised her eyes. Seeing that Mu Zhi’an was not with the servant, her gaze was inevitably disappointed as she softly said, “Young Master Mu is not free now?”

The servant respectfully said, “Young Master Mu went to the brothel and asked you to wait for him at the teahouse opposite first.”

“The brothel…?” Bai Ruoxi repeated this name, her brows unknowingly furrowing.

She found Mu Zhi’an’s actions a bit incomprehensible.

Generally speaking, who would go to the brothel and tell a woman so openly?

Unless the other party didn’t consider that woman as a potential romantic partner at all.

But this was impossible…

There must be some reason behind this.

Bai Ruoxi was an extremely intelligent woman. At the same time, she also considered herself a great beauty.

This was not narcissism, but simply a fact.

In the entire Tianxuan City, there really wasn’t a second woman more beautiful than Bai Ruoxi.

Those with looks comparable to her didn’t have breasts as big as hers, and those with breasts as big as hers had inferior looks.

Although Mu Zhi’an’s current behavior seemed to show not much interest in her, it was absolutely impossible to say he didn’t like her at all.

He probably had some matter to go to the brothel for… But what matter required going to the brothel?

Bai Ruoxi quickly came back to her senses. She politely thanked the servant and left with the umbrella she had borrowed from the Mu residence last night.

The brothel.

Mu Zhi’an lazily leaned on the soft couch. Behind him, the half-dressed top courtesan Yang Yanyan lightly massaged his shoulders, softly saying, “Young Master hasn’t come to the brothel these past few days. Could it be that you’ve found a new love outside?”

In Tianxuan City, no matter where people saw Mu Zhi’an, they would actively avoid him to prevent any contact with him. But only places like the brothel and hooker alleys were different.

On the contrary, they welcomed Mu Zhi’an.

On one hand, Mu Zhi’an’s features were quite handsome, so chatting with him was often very pleasant. On the other hand, sometimes when he got excited while chatting, he would also give some tips.

In Tianxuan City, there weren’t many wealthy young masters who could spend money lavishly and frequently give tips. Coincidentally, Mu Zhi’an was one of them.

Mu Zhi’an smiled and lightly patted the beauty’s slender and fair hand, saying, “These past few days, there were clan matters to handle, so it was really inconvenient to come out and play.”

Yang Yanyan’s eyes flashed, then she charmingly smiled, “So that’s how it is. Then Young Master Mu must be tired.”

Although she didn’t believe this debaucherous young master could also handle the Mu family’s matters, since the other party had said so, she naturally couldn’t poke holes in his words and would follow along with what Mu Zhi’an said.

Mu Zhi’an clearly saw that Yang Yanyan didn’t believe him, but he only smiled and didn’t explain.

He enjoyed Yang Yanyan’s shoulder massage while picking up the teacup to take a sip, casually chatting with the courtesan for a bit.

Then he suddenly asked casually, “By the way, has Gongsun Zan come by these past few days?”

Yang Yanyan was stunned for a moment. While kneading Mu Zhi’an’s shoulders, she raised her head to recall and softly said, “I still saw him come last night, but the one receiving him was not me.”

These courtesans in the brothel generally sold their art, not their bodies. Yang Yanyan was the same. Unless she found the other party particularly pleasing to the eye or the other party gave too much to be tempting, she would usually leave after performing.

“He hasn’t come today yet?” Mu Zhi’an asked.

Yang Yanyan lightly shook her head, “I’m not too sure about this… Why is Young Master Mu suddenly asking this?”

As she spoke, her eyes gained a few hints of curiosity as she looked at Mu Zhi’an.

Although Gongsun Zan’s clan also had immense power, unlike Mu Zhi’an, most people, including the courtesans in the brothel, didn’t quite like him.

On one hand, it was because Gongsun Zan had done quite a few bad things in the past that made people detest him. On the other hand… it was because Gongsun Zan was not very good-looking.

Mu Zhi’an lightly patted the courtesan’s buttocks and smiled, “Why are you asking so much?”

The courtesan coquettishly twisted her body and said “How naughty” in a charming voice, but didn’t brush away Mu Zhi’an’s hand.

Then, she hesitated for a moment and suddenly lowered her voice, saying,

“Speaking of which, I did hear someone serving Young Master Gongsun say something yesterday.”

Mu Zhi’an raised his brows slightly and said, “What is it?”

The courtesan glanced left and right as if afraid of being overheard.

She leaned close to Mu Zhi’an’s ear and softly said, “I heard that Gongsun Zan is going to lead people to confiscate a family’s property today.”

Mu Zhi’an looked pensive.

Confiscating a family’s property was not uncommon. Tianxuan City was so big. The Gongsun family, Mu family, and even the Bai family had deep relations with the imperial court. Sometimes, the task of confiscating a family’s property was handed to these three major families.

It was said that the property confiscated would be entirely turned over to the government, but the three major families would always embezzle some each time. This was also within the scope of tacit approval.

“Whose family are they confiscating from?” Mu Zhi’an asked.

Yang Yanyan lightly shook her head, “This I don’t know. Gongsun Zan didn’t say.”

Mu Zhi’an lightly “mm”ed and didn’t ask further.

Since Gongsun Zan was going to confiscate a family’s property today, he could only wait until later to make contact with Gongsun Zan… Thinking of this, Mu Zhi’an put down the teacup and stood up.

“Young Master Mu is leaving?” Yang Yanyan was somewhat surprised.

Mu Zhi’an smiled, “There are still some matters to handle later, so I’ll leave for now today.”

Although Yang Yanyan tried to make him stay repeatedly, Mu Zhi’an still politely refused.

Leaving the brothel, Mu Zhi’an was about to walk towards the teahouse not far opposite the brothel.

At this moment, he saw a youth in his early thirties with average looks walking towards him. His lips were thin, and his triangular eyes gave off a bit of a gloomy feeling. His body exuded an unruly aura, and just looking at his appearance made one feel like avoiding him.

This person was the third young master of the Gongsun family, Gongsun Zan.

If Mu Zhi’an’s “bad boy” image walked the boy next door route, then Gongsun Zan purely walked the “bully” route. He also didn’t care about his own appearance. Anyway, with the Gongsun family’s power, obtaining anything was not difficult, so there was no need to pretend.

I guessed right. Gongsun Zan indeed still came… Mu Zhi’an smiled, “Young Master Gongsun, just arrived?”

Gongsun Zan was stunned for a moment, seemingly not expecting Mu Zhi’an to take the initiative to greet him.

Although both had a terrible reputation, the two didn’t have much interaction in the past.

Gongsun Zan slightly nodded and smiled, “I haven’t seen Young Master Mu these past few days. I thought you had turned over a new leaf. Now it seems Young Master Mu was probably grounded the past few days?”

It sounded like a greeting, but in reality, his tone carried a few hints of mockery.

This was a matter of course… Because Gongsun Zan looked down on Mu Zhi’an, or rather, he was jealous of him.

Even though they were both notorious bad boys, the treatment Mu Zhi’an received in the brothel was much better than his. Sometimes, the specific courtesans Gongsun Zan requested might not accept him.

But if it was Mu Zhi’an, none of the courtesans in the brothel had rejected him so far.

And this was purely because of Mu Zhi’an’s handsome face that easily aroused the pity of older sisters.

Before Mu Zhi’an could speak, Gongsun Zan cupped his hands and said, “I still have some matters to handle later, so I’ll go first. Young Master Mu, please enjoy yourself.”

Saying that, he walked past Mu Zhi’an and entered the brothel. Glancing at Mu Zhi’an’s handsome face, he curled his lips disdainfully.

Even if it was the Mu family, so what? This eldest young master of the Mu family was just a waste like him, only able to find a sense of existence on the women in the brothel.

He even had the nerve to pursue Bai Ruoxi some time ago?

Did he think that proud woman would take a liking to him?

“Then I won’t disturb Young Master Gongsun.”

Mu Zhi’an also cupped his hands. Seeing Gongsun Zan curl his lips disdainfully before leaving, he only smiled and didn’t mind.

After all, he was already like this, so why not go along with him?

In the Gongsun family, Gongsun Zan had the lowest status. Even the two younger brothers below him could order him around at will.

And this was purely because Gongsun Zan was already thirty-two years old this year, yet he still didn’t strive to improve himself and was still stuck at the Qi Refinement stage.

However, it was precisely because of this that it was simpler to get some information out of Gongsun Zan’s mouth.

Afterwards, he would just have more contact with him… After all, for this kind of person, their inner defenses were very weak.

Mu Zhi’an glanced at Gongsun Zan entering the brothel from the side, smiled, and turned to walk into the teahouse opposite.

Bai Ruoxi was already waiting in a spacious private room. Today, she wore a white low-cut long dress, with a bit of snow-white skin exposed, adding a few degrees of unique charm to her.

Her legs were long and round, her knees clasped together as she sat. Her flawless, snow-white face was delicate and charming, looking good enough to eat.

Seeing Mu Zhi’an, Bai Ruoxi’s eyes immediately lit up a few degrees. She softly said, “Young Master Mu, sit over here.”

She gestured to the seat opposite her.

Mu Zhi’an smiled and nodded, then sat beside Bai Ruoxi.

Bai Ruoxi glanced at Mu Zhi’an faintly but didn’t open her mouth to ask him to stay away.

After pouring a cup of tea for Mu Zhi’an, Bai Ruoxi softly said, “Young Master Mu just went to the brothel. There must be some important matter, right?”

“Miss Bai is indeed smart,” Mu Zhi’an smiled. “I went to see Gongsun Zan.”

“The third young master of the Gongsun family…?” Bai Ruoxi’s delicate brows unknowingly furrowed.

After all, the Gongsun family was one of the culprits for the Bai family’s current state. Hearing about the Gongsun family now, Bai Ruoxi naturally felt a bit strange.

Mu Zhi’an leisurely took a sip of tea and continued, “I received news from a secret agent today that Gongsun Zan and Ye Yu seem to have some close connection.”

“Ye Yu? How could he be together with Gongsun Zan?” Bai Ruoxi found it a bit hard to believe.

No matter what, the relationship between the Ye family and the Bai family was there. Now that the Bai family was in trouble, even if the Ye family didn’t lend a hand, they shouldn’t have any cooperation with the Gongsun family…

Mu Zhi’an smiled, “They probably got the news from somewhere and don’t want the Mu family to interfere in this matter, so they used Ye Yu to disrupt our good thing.”

“Ye Yu being able to find the Mu residence a couple days ago was likely because someone from the Gongsun family leaked this matter.”

Mentioning the words “good thing”, Bai Ruoxi seemed to have thought of something. Her cheeks immediately flushed a few degrees redder as she sneaked a glance at Mu Zhi’an and softly said, “I’m really sorry about what Ye Yu did that night.”

Ever since returning that night, Bai Ruoxi had been a bit worried that Mu Zhi’an would get angry from being splashed with tea by Ye Yu and no longer consider stepping forward to help the Bai family.

Although Mu Zhi’an had sent an umbrella that night and expressed needing to consider it a bit more, no one knew what his true thoughts were.

At this moment, Mu Zhi’an gently held Bai Ruoxi’s soft little hand and smiled, “What does Ye Yu’s matter have to do with you?”

Bai Ruoxi’s body stiffened slightly. She sneaked a glance at that handsome face, her eyes filled with complexity.

Sometimes she couldn’t tell if she wasn’t resisting simply because she had no choice… or for other reasons.

This teahouse happened to be located not far opposite the brothel. Officials and nobles often came to the teahouse to order a pot of hot tea and chat with colleagues over tea after finishing their business.

The private room Mu Zhi’an was in was relatively secluded, so not many people passed by.

He inadvertently glanced at the curtain outside the private room. Behind the curtain, a figure seemed to quietly retreat.

Mu Zhi’an’s thoughts moved.

Someone was eavesdropping…?

Was it someone from the Gongsun family or the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce?

No… They shouldn’t have the guts. If the Mu family found out, the consequences would be very serious.

Was it that mysterious black-robed man who wanted Ye Yu…?

Mu Zhi’an pondered for a moment. With one hand holding Bai Ruoxi’s slender hand, he slightly turned his head and leaned close to her ear, making a motion as if he was going to kiss the girl’s cheek. He softly said something in her ear.

Bai Ruoxi’s eyes flashed. Very quickly, a faint blush appeared on her face. After remaining silent for a long time, she softly said,

“Young Master Mu is right. His matter indeed has nothing to do with me.”

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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