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It turns out, they are the protagonists chapter 25

Chapter 25: Two Polarities Sect


After inquiring about the location of Bai Ruoxi’s father, Mu Zhi’an first went back to the Mu residence and invited Old Master Ren, who was drinking tea in the Mu family’s main hall.


Upon hearing that Mu Zhi’an had difficulties, Old Master Ren set out with him to go to Bai Ruoxi’s father’s hiding place without saying a second word.


What surprised Mu Zhi’an was that he only learned from Bai Ruoxi that her father was not in the Bai family’s residence, but in a secluded mansion a few miles west of the city gate.


At this moment, Mu Zhi’an sat in the carriage heading to the destination, his brows tightly furrowed.


When he set out, there was something he couldn’t figure out, and now he felt even more suspicious.


Bai Ruoxi seemed to sense the change in the young man beside her and couldn’t help but ask softly, “What is Young Master Mu thinking about?”


Mu Zhi’an said, “Miss Bai, when was the last time you saw your father?”


“I went to visit him yesterday. He seemed to have much better complexion and should recover in another month or two,” Bai Ruoxi replied.


She looked pale, obviously still in shock from her mother’s attempt to harm the Bai family, to the point that her originally bright and charming eyes appeared a bit dim.


“That’s a bit strange then…” Mu Zhi’an frowned slightly.


Under Bai Ruoxi’s confused gaze, Mu Zhi’an continued, “If your mother betrayed the Bai family, why didn’t she get rid of Uncle Bai along with him, but instead let him recuperate in peace?”


Bai Ruoxi said softly, “With Father’s strength, even if he’s severely injured, it’s not something a Foundation Establishment cultivator can deal with.”


“What if the Gongsun family is added?” Mu Zhi’an retorted.


“Since the Gongsun family could know the route your father took to return to the city and set up an ambush in advance to attack him, then why couldn’t they uproot the problem?”


Bai Ruoxi was obviously stunned.


That’s right… Since they knew Father’s location, why didn’t Mother have someone eliminate him?


Because of old feelings…?


Or was there another motive?


While Bai Ruoxi was still pondering, Mu Zhi’an lightly shook his head and said,


“Forget it, there’s no use thinking about these things now. Let’s wait until we see Uncle Bai and ask about the specific situation in detail.”


Unknowingly, they arrived at an extremely secluded wooden house.


Bai Ruoxi got off the carriage, turned around and said to the three, “Please wait for a moment. There’s a formation set up outside. I need to inform the guards in advance.”


After saying that, Bai Ruoxi gracefully stepped up a few steps and walked into the wooden house.


Before long, she pushed open the door of the wooden house and lightly nodded to the three.


Walking into the house, they saw a man with a pale face lying on the bed. The man looked a bit rough and had a messy beard. If outsiders knew he was Bai Ruoxi’s biological father, they would probably have this thought: How did he give birth to such a beautiful daughter?


Mu Zhi’an said respectfully, “Uncle Bai.”


Bai Ruoxi’s father propped himself up with his hands, and the guards beside him hurriedly supported him to sit on the bed.


“Sit anywhere, no need to be polite.” Bai Ruoxi’s father’s breathing seemed disordered, but his voice was still loud.


Mu Zhi’an nodded slightly, sat on a wooden chair nearby, and decided to cut to the chase, saying,


“Uncle Bai, Ruoxi and I came here this time because there’s something we want to say…”


Hearing this, Bai Ruoxi’s small hand subconsciously grasped the fabric of her white dress tightly, her eyes filled with complex emotions.


The atmosphere seemed a bit solemn.


Mu Zhi’an subconsciously glanced at the two guards.


“You all go down first.” Bai Ruoxi’s father understood Mu Zhi’an’s intention and raised his hand, ordering the two to leave.


To avoid airing dirty laundry, Mu Zhi’an also asked Old Master Ren and Wei Mengyou to temporarily leave the wooden house.


After everyone left, Mu Zhi’an hesitated slightly and said, “This matter is related to Madam Bai…”


Bai Ruoxi’s father was obviously stunned and said, “My wife?”


Mu Zhi’an nodded, and then briefly recounted what he had seen.


Beside him, Bai Ruoxi emotionally nodded, confirming the truth of the matter.


Bai Ruoxi’s father fell silent for a long time. He tore off the bandages on his chest, revealing well-defined muscles. Although his face was pale, it couldn’t conceal his sturdy physique, making people feel that he wasn’t a Spirit Refinement realm cultivator, but a crude martial artist.


He looked at Mu Zhi’an meaningfully and smiled, “Kid, to be honest, my wife indeed doesn’t like me, but she also wouldn’t betray the Bai family.”


“She has always been the one managing the Bai family, with both power and money. What benefit would she get from betraying the Bai family?”


A glimmer of hope rose in Bai Ruoxi’s heart. She slowly raised her eyelids to look at her father and said, “If that’s the case, why would Mother and Gongsun Xiong…?”


Hearing this, Bai Ruoxi’s father fell silent for a while and sighed, “She doesn’t like me, nor does she like Gongsun Xiong.”


“From the beginning when she married into the Bai family, she was unwilling. I just thought that the affection between husband and wife over the years would make her cherish old feelings. I didn’t expect…” Bai Ruoxi’s father deeply sighed.


“Then who does Mother… who does she actually like?” Bai Ruoxi couldn’t help but ask.


Bai Ruoxi’s father didn’t speak, only slightly raised his head to look at the ceiling, his eyes seeming to carry a hint of reminiscence.


Unfortunately, there was no smoke at this time. Otherwise, Mu Zhi’an wanted to hand Bai Ruoxi’s father a cigarette and listen to him talk about the past.


“Actually, from the moment I married her, I knew she wouldn’t be content with being the lady of the Bai family,” Bai Ruoxi’s father said.


“Then what exactly does she want?” Mu Zhi’an couldn’t help but ask.


Bai Ruoxi’s father looked at Mu Zhi’an meaningfully and said, “Power, and money.”


After his voice fell, Mu Zhi’an was puzzled for a moment, but then, when he connected a series of events in his mind, his expression slightly stiffened.


He stared at Bai Ruoxi’s father and said softly,


“She wants to devour the three major families?”


Bai Ruoxi’s father had just said that when Bai Yuanfeng first married into the Bai family, she was reluctant, which was why she later tried to get rid of Bai Ruoxi’s father.


Afterwards, she planned to have her daughter marry into the Mu family… Because the Mu family was heavily guarded, Bai Yuanfeng didn’t have any chance to infiltrate at first. But as long as Bai Ruoxi married into the Mu family, it was equivalent to planting a spy.


After that, she just needed to drive away the wolf and devour the tiger.


No… With the Mu family’s power, it should be driving away the tiger and devouring the wolf!


If Mu Zhi’an’s memories hadn’t awakened in time, he would have probably gladly accepted Bai Ruoxi’s request now, and after their marriage, the Mu family would naturally stand up for the Bai family.


And Mu Zhi’an was Bai Yuanfeng’s son-in-law. After that, as long as she got along well with her son-in-law and made him trust her, the Mu family would also gradually fall under her control.


This Bai Ruoxi’s father originally knew everything. He was on the fifth level…


Mu Zhi’an said, “In other words, Uncle Bai being severely injured now is also part of the plan?”


Bai Ruoxi’s father grinned and said, “If I had known, I wouldn’t have taken that route back to the city. Who knew she would target me first instead of Gongsun Xiong?”


Mu Zhi’an: “…”


The Bai family being suppressed to the point of being unable to fend for themselves seemed to not be simply because of being besieged by two families, but because this crude old fart really didn’t know how to play smart after Bai Yuanfeng stopped helping manage things… Mu Zhi’an couldn’t quite hold it in.


“Uncle Bai, I invited Old Man Ren over. If you don’t mind, let him take a look at your current condition,” Mu Zhi’an forcibly restrained his thoughts and decided to change the topic.


He was afraid that if he continued chatting with the other party, he would get a brain hemorrhage.


Bai Ruoxi’s father sized up the quite handsome young man in front of him and said, “Why are you willing to help me?”


Mu Zhi’an pondered for a moment and said, “For love.”


Bai Ruoxi’s little face turned red. She secretly glanced at Mu Zhi’an but didn’t say anything.


But Bai Ruoxi’s father understood something. He frowned slightly and said, “Back then, I had an agreement with that crude old fart of the Ye family. If a son was born, the two would become brothers. If a daughter was born, they would become in-laws. You want me to break the promise?”


“It’s precisely because of this arranged marriage by parents that led to Madam Bai’s betrayal today,” Mu Zhi’an struck at the heart.


Very obviously, back then, Bai Yuanfeng was forced into marriage and had no choice but to marry into the Bai family, which was why today’s play happened.


But thinking about it, it was really ironic. The person who was forced into marriage back then was now also forcing her own daughter… Mu Zhi’an inwardly shook his head.


At this moment, Bai Ruoxi suddenly said, “Father, I have already broken off the engagement.”


Bai Ruoxi’s father’s eyes widened slightly. For a moment, terrifying spiritual energy seemed to burst out from the crude old fart. He raised his head to look at his daughter’s clear and beautiful face, angrily saying, “You—”


Bai Ruoxi wasn’t the least bit timid and looked at her father in the eyes, saying, “I don’t like Ye Yu.”


Faced with his daughter’s fearless gaze, Bai Ruoxi’s father’s aura slowly retracted. He sighed,


“Although that kid from the Ye family is useless now, I can see that perseverance in him. His future achievements won’t be low.”


As he spoke, he took another deep look at his daughter.


Ruoxi might regret her decision today in the future.


“Daughter doesn’t like that Ye Yu, regardless of his achievements. It’s just simple dislike,” Bai Ruoxi said softly.


Some people just don’t like each other at first sight, so no matter what they do later, no matter how well they do it, the girl will only feel disgusted and annoyed.


The more Ye Yu wanted to be a clingy dog, the more Bai Ruoxi disliked him.


Most women wouldn’t like extremely humble pursuers.


Seeing Bai Ruoxi’s determined expression, Bai Ruoxi’s father sighed, “I won’t interfere in this matter. Back then, the Ye family and I arbitrarily arranged the childhood marriage, indeed neglecting your feelings after growing up.”


As he spoke, he looked at Mu Zhi’an and said, “Thank you for the trouble, Nephew Mu. If my injuries can heal earlier, it can be considered owing the Mu family a favor.”


He knew that the Mu family’s Old Master Ren was a renowned physician. With him here, perhaps his injuries could be cured ahead of time.


Before long, an old master with a white beard and an elderly appearance walked in from outside the door.


Bai Ruoxi’s father slightly nodded and said, “Old Ren, long time no see.”


The old master only indifferently “mm”ed and stretched out his hand to take Bai Ruoxi’s father’s pulse.


Mu Zhi’an stood to the side, quietly waiting.


After a while, the old master slowly opened his muddy eyes.


Under everyone’s gazes, he slowly shook his head.


“I’ll refine a medicine after returning that can allow him to recover from his injuries within a month.”


“But it’s unlikely to recover in a short time.”


Hearing this, Mu Zhi’an couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed in his heart.


One month… In one month, the Bai family would probably be completely done for.


Moreover, in two days, it would be the match with Ye Yu. Now the Gongsun family was wavering, and the black-robed man was also eyeing like a tiger.


He originally wanted to invite Bai Ruoxi’s father and the two Spirit Refinement realm cultivators of the Mu family to secretly protect at that time to guard against the unexpected.


But from the looks of it, he could only think of another way.


At this moment, the old master suddenly sighed again and said, “Actually, if there was a medicinal ingredient, let alone a month, he could probably recover in a day.”


Bai Ruoxi’s eyes lit up. She raised her head to look at the old master and said, “Old Man Ren, what medicinal ingredient are you talking about? I can send someone to find it.”


The old master shook his head, “That medicinal ingredient is called Beast King Vine. It only grows in a place shrouded in immortal energy, and only the Two Polarities Sect has this ingredient.”


Two Polarities Sect… The hope that had just risen in everyone’s hearts instantly seemed to be doused with cold water. They all fell silent.


This is the same as not saying anything… Mu Zhi’an inwardly shook his head.


Tianxuan City was hundreds of miles away from the Two Polarities Sect. Not to mention, the Two Polarities Sect didn’t allow outsiders to enter, let alone go in to gather medicine.


After bidding farewell to Bai Ruoxi’s father and returning to the Mu residence, Mu Zhi’an ordered the maidservant to take Bai Ruoxi to the guest room to rest.


Today’s impact on Bai Ruoxi was immense. She needed to have a good rest.


Mu Zhi’an was also a bit fatigued and was about to return to his room.


Passing by the study, his footsteps slightly paused. He turned his head to look.


He seemed to vaguely see a faint white light flashing in the study.


Mu Zhi’an pushed open the door of the study. In the dark study, three paper cranes emitting a faint white light quietly rested by the window, immortal energy lingering on the paper cranes.


I’ve been too busy these past two days and almost forgot about replying… Only then did Mu Zhi’an remember this matter. He walked into the study, lit a candle, and unfolded the first two paper cranes.


The first letter was the same as usual, purely venting and struggling with whether to leave home or not, hoping Mu Zhi’an could give some advice.


The second letter asked if he had been busy recently, and why he hadn’t replied.


Very obviously, after discovering that Mu Zhi’an hadn’t replied, the other party was anxious…


Being so invested in “online dating” and even waiting for the paper crane every day was enough to imagine how boring the life of this paper crane’s owner was.


Mu Zhi’an unfolded the third paper crane. Unlike the one-sided venting and complaining in the past, the letter contained some caring words…


Mu Zhi’an smiled in amusement, finding it interesting.


He sat on the chair, picked up the brush, dipped it in some ink, and wrote down his thoughts of missing the paper crane’s owner on the letter paper.


Of course, he didn’t write the contents of the letter too mushily.


After doing all this, Mu Zhi’an folded the letter paper and lightly threw it out the window.


After becoming familiar with each other, it was time to say some ambiguous words.


Otherwise, if the other party treated you as a “brother”, it would be a tragedy.


“By the way, where exactly does this paper crane fly to…?”


Looking at the paper crane flying towards the sky, Mu Zhi’an’s eyes moved and this thought arose.


He jumped out from the window and closely followed behind the paper crane.


But the paper crane’s flying speed became faster and faster. At first, Mu Zhi’an could catch up to the paper crane by exerting all his strength, but gradually his stamina could not keep up. He could only watch as the paper crane slowly flew out of Tianxuan City and gradually flew towards the horizon.


At the Foundation Establishment stage, one still couldn’t fly on a sword. Mu Zhi’an could only watch as the paper crane gradually disappeared from his field of vision.


At this moment, his shoulder was suddenly lightly tapped.


Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look. The voluptuous and enchanting Wei Mengrou stood on a flying sword and said softly, “Come up.”


This cold beauty wore a yellow long dress, a thin satin belt tied around her waist, outlining her slender waist that could be held in one hand. Her figure was plump and sexy, perky front and back. Even wearing short boots, she was almost as tall as Mu Zhi’an.


As soon as she sensed Mu Zhi’an leaving the Mu residence just now, Wei Mengrou had been secretly following behind, only lending a helping hand now.


Sure enough, Sister Mengyou is reliable in the end… Mu Zhi’an didn’t hesitate at all, stepping onto the flying sword. His hands tightly hugged Wei Mengyou’s slender waist that could barely be held, feeling the softness of her delicate body.


Very soft and fragrant… Even if he didn’t catch up to the paper crane this time, it was still a profitable gain.


Mu Zhi’an sighed in his heart.


However, Wei Mengrou’s body obviously stiffened for a moment. She coldly glanced at Mu Zhi’an.


Mu Zhi’an explained, “I’m just afraid of accidentally falling off the flying sword.”


Wei Mengrou said indifferently, “If you move around randomly later, I’ll really throw you down.”


After saying that, she raised her fingertip. The flying sword flew up like a fish, turning into a stream of light, catching up to the paper crane that had originally gradually left their field of vision.


Time passed silently, and only the sound of the whistling wind could be heard in the ears.


Unknowingly, nearly two hours had passed. Mu Zhi’an’s attention had also successfully shifted from “Sister Mengrou’s body is so soft and fragrant, and it’s really big” to the paper crane dancing like a butterfly in front.


He increasingly felt that something was a bit off.


He originally thought that the paper crane should be written by some young miss in Tianxuan City or a neighboring city… But now it seemed that the paper crane’s owner was not from Tianxuan City or even a neighboring city, but from the outside world?


Just as Mu Zhi’an thought of this, he suddenly felt a misty white fog surrounding him, and abundant spiritual energy permeated the air. Just taking a deep breath made one feel refreshed.


But before Mu Zhi’an could enjoy this spiritual energy, he vaguely saw several mountain peaks faintly visible in the distance.


Taking another slight look up, the paper crane actually flapped its paper wings and flew gracefully towards one of the mountain peaks.


After a long silence, Mu Zhi’an muttered to himself,


“This paper crane actually came from the Two Polarities Sect(1)*?”




Two Polarities Sect(1)*: Earth and Sky or Yin and Yang


It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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