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It turns out, they are the protagonists chapter 26

Chapter 26: Fairy Sister, I Don’t Want to Work Hard Anymore!


The Two Polarities Sect has nine peaks, each guarded by a chief disciple with countless disciples under them.


Among the nine peaks, the tenth peak is the steepest and most treacherous.


At the summit of the tenth peak, immortal qi surrounds a elegant pavilion built against the mountain. Opposite it is a flower field, and besides that, a lush bamboo forest stands beneath the sky, as if reaching straight to the heavens.


According to legend, this tenth peak is where the sect master of the Two Polarities Sect goes into seclusion to cultivate, and this unique pavilion was built for her.


The reason it’s called a legend is because most of the sect’s disciples have never seen the legendary empress, and apart from the sect master’s closed-door disciples, no other disciple is allowed to approach this place.


However… in reality, this is not a legend.


In a simple and clean elegant pavilion, a woman wearing a veil sits in front of a pavilion, looking somewhat absent-minded.


She wears a moon-white long dress, her figure is curvaceous and alluring, and her eyes are pure and cold, like a lotus flower, beautiful but unapproachable.


Even though she is wearing a thin veil, just seeing such a charming figure, it’s not hard to imagine what kind of stunning beauty she has when she takes off the veil.


“Master, your disciple has a matter to report.” Lan Mulian softly speaks, even her voice is as clear and cold as her temperament.


Not far from Lan Mulian, a woman wearing a jet-black long dress stands, the night breeze blowing her dress back, her lapels tightly pressed against her full breasts. Her hair is simply tied up with a jade hairpin, even with a simple dress, it still can’t hide her peerless elegance.


Seeing that the sect master did not speak, Lan Mulian was silent for a moment, then sighed softly:


“Forget it, it’s not a big deal, I won’t bother Master then.”


Before entering the Reversion Realm… it’s better not to leave the sect after all.


After saying that, Lan Mulian turned around and was about to leave.


At this moment, the woman spoke: “You want to go down the mountain to relax, is it related to the paper cranes you have received in the past few days?”


Lan Mulian’s footsteps that were about to leave suddenly stopped, and she slowly turned her head to look at her master.


“Master even knows about this little thing?” Lan Mulian asked softly.


Her voice was still calm, but for some reason, it seemed to be mixed with a trace of emotion that had never been there before.


She didn’t expect that the sect master would know about her exchanging paper cranes with someone recently… obviously for the master, this should only be a trivial matter.


“The paper cranes fly to the back mountain every day, even a fool would know.” The sect master looked over, only then could one see her appearance clearly.


Black hair cascades down to her waist, her hair falls on her classically exquisite melon seed face, from the side, there is a sense of flawless three-dimensionality.


The sect master sits at a tea table on the side, her long legs crossed, propping her chin and looking at her disciple.


Her slender fingers, like green onions, tap the table from time to time, the other hand props her chin, her eyes don’t show much authority, as if pondering something.


“Dao companion?” The sect master asked.


Lan Mulian gently shook her head: “It’s just that your disciple had previously thrown out a paper crane, and later that paper crane seemed to be picked up by someone. After that, we chatted a few words in our spare time, but not a Dao companion.”


“But it seems that you haven’t received any paper cranes in the past two days?”


Lan Mulian pursed her cherry lips, lowered her eyes slightly, and said softly, “Perhaps they are busy with other things and have no time to reply.”


As she finished speaking, she suddenly seemed to sense something and turned her head to look outside the elegant pavilion.


She could feel that her “magic treasure” was returning to her side.


“It seems that your paper crane is back.”


When the sect master spoke, her beautiful eyes glanced unintentionally in a certain direction outside.


…A natural furnace.


If that person becomes a disciple of the sect in the future, I’m afraid the female elders will fight between them until their heads are broken and bleeding.


The sect master slowly shook her head, made a pot of tea, picked up a black Go piece with her fingertips, and started playing chess at ease.


A one-person game.




After leaving the elegant pavilion, Lan Mulian raised her hand and plucked a cloud from the sky.


That cloud stopped under her feet as if it had come to life.


She stepped on the cloud and slowly floated in the direction of the paper crane.


When passing a certain mountain peak, the disciples training below couldn’t help but look up.


“Look, it’s Senior Sister Lan…”


“Reaching the peak of Spirit Refinement at the age of twenty-three, just one step away from entering Reversion Realm and becoming an earthly immortal… Senior Sister Lan’s talent is really too strong.”


“And she’s also very beautiful, right? If you could marry such a beauty… it would be worth living a few decades less.” A disciple sighed softly.


“Shh… keep your voice down, do you want to be beaten up by others later?” A fellow senior brother beside him warned in a low voice.


Only then did the disciple realize that as soon as his voice fell, there were dozens of unfriendly gazes around him.


He looked at his senior brother gratefully, not daring to speak recklessly anymore. He just raised his head and gazed blankly at the charming figure of the woman gradually leaving.


Only then did he withdraw his gaze with trepidation, sighing inwardly with some emotion.


A woman like this was destined to have no affinity with disciples of the sect like them.




“This paper crane actually came out from the Two Polarity Sect… Could it be that the person who had been writing to me before was the daughter of a chief disciple or something?”


At this moment, Mu Zhi’an, standing on his flying sword, looked up at the distant peak and couldn’t help but guess.


He had to suspect the possibility of this matter, because from the tone in which the owner of the paper crane spoke to him before, it was not difficult to judge that the other party should have grown up in a relatively affluent environment.


But he didn’t expect that the other party was actually a disciple of the Two Polarity Sect.


Moreover, from the manner of speech in the letter at that time, it was not difficult to see that the other party’s status in the Two Polarity Sect should not be low.


I wonder if there will be a chance to meet the other party during the next sect assessment…


Also, Sister Mengrou said that the person in black seemed to have a reaction to the paper crane… Could it be that the other party also has some connection with the Two Polarity Sect?


Mu Zhi’an shook his head lightly, not thinking too much, and said, “Sister Mengrou, the Two Polarity Sect is ahead. Let’s go back.”


Before becoming a disciple of the sect, if he was discovered to have trespassed into the Two Polarity Sect at will, there might be quite a bit of trouble.


Mu Zhi’an was not stupid enough to brazenly intrude into someone else’s sect.


Wei Mengrou nodded slightly and turned around to leave.


At this time, she seemed to sense something, the flying sword stopped in mid-air, and she turned her head slightly to look behind her.


Mu Zhi’an looked over accordingly.


He saw that in the distant horizon, a woman in a white dress seemed to be floating over on a cloud.


Mu Zhi’an was not surprised by this. After all, they were already near the foot of the Two Polarity Sect’s mountain, so it was not strange to be noticed.


However, they had not trespassed into the Two Polarity Sect just now, so as long as they explained it to the other party, there should be no problem.


When Mu Zhi’an thought of this, he had just raised his head and saw that the woman had already gracefully arrived in front of the two of them.


A thin veil covered her beautiful and charming face, her figure was graceful and curvaceous, exuding an undisguisable cold and gorgeous aura.


Mu Zhi’an was quickly attracted by this female cultivator.


Then, his gaze suddenly froze slightly, his eyes falling on the paper crane in her hand.


Hmm…? Paper crane?


Mu Zhi’an found a blind spot.


Then, there was a hint of strangeness in his heart, and he secretly looked at the white-clothed woman in front of him twice more.


To be honest, he was a little unsure of the other party’s identity. The owner of the paper crane in the letter seemed to speak in a lively and cheerful tone, like a young lady, but what the woman in front of him exuded was a cold aloofness that rejected people thousands of miles away.


There was no way to connect the two.


At this time, Wei Mengrou spoke: “We are just passing by and have not entered the sect.”


Lan Mulian lightly “hmm”ed, sparing her words.


She had just come out to look for the paper crane and happened to notice someone outside the sect, so she came over to take a look.


Saying that, she glanced at Wei Mengrou unintentionally.


With a Spirit Refinement maid following him… it seems that this young man should also be the eldest young master of a certain family.


His talent is not bad either…


But only at the Qi Refinement stage… it seems he is someone who has talent but likes to be lazy.


Lan Mulian shook her head inwardly, losing interest in the two, and said, “If you two have nothing else, leave as soon as possible.”


After saying that, she had no intention of chatting with the two, and was about to leave on the cloud.


Seeing this, Mu Zhi’an suddenly said, “Senior Sister, since you’ve already come down the mountain, why not take this opportunity to run away from home?”


Lan Mulian’s back, which was about to leave, obviously paused.


She slowly turned her head and looked at Mu Zhi’an. Under the thin veil, her cold and beautiful eyes showed a hint of surprise.


And Mu Zhi’an also took in the woman’s reaction, and his heart also had an answer.


It seems that she really is the owner of the paper crane…

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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