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It turns out, they are the protagonists chapter 28

Chapter 28: Eliminating the Bandits


Ye Family. 


In the dead of night when everyone was in deep sleep, only the candlelight in a certain room was still burning brightly.


In the room, a young man with delicate features slowly opened his black eyes.


He adjusted the spiritual energy in his body, then took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.


His eyes were filled with an undisguisable joy as he muttered to himself,


“Peak of Qi Refinement!”


In just a few short months, he had risen from a waste to the peak of Qi Refinement once again.


The talent displayed by Ye Yu amazed everyone in the clan, whether it was his female cousins, parents or those elders, they all looked at him with fresh eyes.


However, this time, he would not be as impetuous and complacent as he had been in the past.


During this period of being a “waste”, Ye Yu’s originally impetuous heart had long become extremely calm.


However, this calm heart couldn’t help but become a little violent whenever he thought of Mu Zhi’an.


He must defeat Mu Zhi’an… Only then can the sky in the future be broader… Ye Yu clenched his fists tightly, his eyes filled with fighting spirit.


“Although it’s impossible to reach the Qi Condensation Realm within two days, with my current trump card, it’s not a problem even if I have to fight across realms.”


Although that Mu Zhi’an was in the Qi Condensation Realm, because he had been indulging in beauties for many years, his body had long been hollowed out.


Although he was in the Qi Condensation Realm, his true strength was probably only comparable to his own.


“Just wait and see, Ruoxi.” Ye Yu thought to himself.


After defeating Mu Zhi’an cleanly and decisively in the Dragon Head Forest in two days, Ruoxi would regret her choice that day.


Thinking back to the scene of being jilted in the courtyard of the Bai Mansion that day, the look in Bai Ruoxi’s eyes and her attitude when she looked at Mu Zhi’an, and then thinking of how he had worked so hard to pursue her for so long, only to be treated coldly by her, Ye Yu felt a flame of jealousy burning in his heart.


Even if he could act as calm as possible in front of others, seeing the fiancée he admired so inclined towards that scoundrel made it hard for him to swallow this anger.


However, this matter would soon come to an end…


With it… Tianxuan City was just the beginning for him.


Ye Yu looked at the “Heavenly Dao Aura” that had quietly condensed in his hand, his eyes filled with confidence.


According to the old man in his body, the Heavenly Dao Aura was a “fragment” left behind by a “Immortal Ascension Realm” powerhouse who had fallen in the past.


Each Heavenly Dao Aura possessed different abilities.


And the Heavenly Dao Aura in his hand could constantly refine the spiritual energy from the outside world and bring it into his body.


If actively used, it could accelerate the refinement of the surrounding spiritual energy for his own use.


It could be said that the Heavenly Dao Aura played a decisive role in Ye Yu’s return to the ranks of the “geniuses” of the Ye family.


It was just a pity that the old man in his body was still in a deep slumber. Only after he entered the Qi Condensation Realm could he awaken.


Otherwise, with that old man present, this trump card… a mere Mu Zhi’an would be no match at all.


Ye Yu slightly restrained his mind, sat cross-legged at the head of the bed, took out the Heavenly Dao Aura, closed his eyes, and entered the state of cultivation once again.




At the same time.


On the other side, Mu Zhi’an had returned to the Mu Mansion late at night. He handed the Beast King Vine to Wei Mengrou for temporary safekeeping and told her to give it to Elder Ren the next day.


After doing all this, Mu Zhi’an was about to return to his room to rest.


As he passed through the courtyard corridor, he saw Bai Ruoxi standing in front of the courtyard.


She was bathed in the moonlight, her snow-white skin seemed to be stained with a layer of silver glow, setting off her stunning features.


The sorrow in her eyes added a pitiful quality that made people feel for her.


In just a few short days, not only had the Bai family suffered a calamity, but her mother was suspected of betrayal, her father was seriously injured, and now she had a home but couldn’t return.


This series of events was like a heavy burden, directly pressing down on the shoulders of the young girl, leaving her physically and mentally exhausted, to the point that she had no sleepiness at all when lying on the unfamiliar bed tonight.


How glorious was the Bai family in the past?


Miss Bai walking on the street was like the moon surrounded by stars… Although she was still pursued by many now, there were still some long-tongued women who were jealous of Bai Ruoxi’s beauty and would gossip behind her back.


When they had money, they called Miss Bai’s aloofness elegant and noble, but now, those gossiping long-tongued women scolded her behind her back for being pretentious and putting on an act for men.


No matter what era, there would always be such jealous people.


Seeing others make money made them feel even worse than losing money themselves… This was envy.


The beauty in the white dress looked up at the hazy moonlight, thinking back to all that had happened in the past few days, and couldn’t help but let out a soft sigh.


At this moment, she suddenly felt a warmth behind her. Turning her head, she saw that a light blue leather jacket had somehow appeared on her shoulders.


“Young Master Mu?” Bai Ruoxi blurted out.


The young man who looked like a gentle scholar stood behind her with a smile and said,


“It’s getting cold. It’s best to pay attention to keeping warm when going out.”


Bai Ruoxi looked at Mu Zhi’an with a complicated gaze and said softly, “Thank you…”


She hesitated for a moment before continuing, “But once you reach the Qi Condensation Realm, wind and cold can be easily expelled from your body–“


Before she could finish, Mu Zhi’an pressed his index finger against the girl’s soft lips. Under her wide-open beautiful eyes, he smiled and said, “This is not the time to say such things. This way there’s a bit of atmosphere.”


Bai Ruoxi fell silent.


If it were usual, she would probably chat with Mu Zhi’an for a few more words, but too many things had happened tonight, and her mood was now too heavy to joke around.


“I found the Beast King Vine.” Mu Zhi’an suddenly said.


Bai Ruoxi let out a distracted soft “hmm”.


Then, her expression suddenly froze. She slowly raised her head to look at the smiling young man and said, “Young Master Mu, what did you just say?!”


The Beast King Vine was a rare medicinal ingredient that could only be found near the mountain gate of the Two Polarity Sect. She knew that Mu Zhi’an had just gone out, but she didn’t expect that he had gone to look for the Beast King Vine.


Moreover, he had actually found it?!


“I’ve already handed it over to Sister Mengrou. Tomorrow, we’ll go to the auction house to prepare the medicinal ingredients, and then we can refine the pills to heal Uncle Bai’s injuries.” Mu Zhi’an continued.


Bai Ruoxi’s small mouth was slightly open, blinking her eyes, as if she was still digesting this information.


It was only after a long time that she finally broke free from her previous thoughts. She raised her head and said, “Young Master Mu… is this true?”


She looked up slightly, her originally gloomy and beautiful eyes showing a glimmer of hope, her lofty breasts proudly lifting up the fabric, looking bright and moving under the moonlight.


Mu Zhi’an looked at the girl’s delicate face and sighed helplessly, “Do you think there’s any point in me deliberately lying to you?”


Bai Ruoxi stood there in silence for a long time before smiling charmingly and saying softly, “That’s true… I’m sorry, I lost my composure.”


Come to think of it, there was absolutely no point in Mu Zhi’an lying to her now, because if it was a lie, it would be exposed tomorrow.


“Go back and rest first. Go to the auction house early tomorrow. I still need to prepare some more materials.” Mu Zhi’an gently placed his hand on the beauty’s shoulder.


Bai Ruoxi suppressed the joy in her heart, nodded lightly, then turned around and gracefully walked towards a room in front of the courtyard.


When she was about to reach the door, her footsteps paused slightly. She turned her head to look at Mu Zhi’an and said sincerely, “Thank you. Ruoxi will definitely repay this kindness in the future.”


“Please believe me, Young Master Mu.” Bai Ruoxi said in a serious tone.


Mu Zhi’an just smiled and nodded.


He believed Bai Ruoxi’s words.


Last time in the carriage, when Bai Ruoxi asked him for help, her tone was a little perfunctory, but this time, it was obvious that she was serious.


As for the reason… it naturally had to do with Bai Ruoxi’s contact with Mu Zhi’an over the past few days and the difficulties that had happened to the girl.


In fact, from this moment on, the outcome of the competition with Ye Yu two days later was not important at all.


No matter what he did, Ye Yu had already lost.


The protagonist might still be Ye Yu… but the female lead was no longer Bai Ruoxi.


Now the real focus was not on Ye Yu, but on…


‘Eliminating the bandits’.


Eliminating the “bandit” in black robes.


After watching Bai Ruoxi’s figure leave, Mu Zhi’an also turned around and was about to return to his room to rest.


At this moment, a distorted shadow quietly emerged from the darkness beside him.


It was a secret agent of the Mu family.


Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look at the secret agent and said indifferently, “What’s the matter?”


“Young Master, the Grand Elder wants you to meet him in the secret room.” The secret agent said respectfully.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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