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It turns out, they are the protagonists chapter 29

Chapter 29: Eating Soft Rice Ruthlessly 4K


As the largest force in Tianxuan City, the Mu family naturally had more than just the experts on the surface.


In addition to Wei Mengrou and Old Man Ren on the surface, Mu Zhi’an’s parents were also in the Spirit Transformation Realm.


It’s just that they had left Tianxuan City some time ago due to some matters, and the affairs of the Mu family were all left to Old Man Ren to manage.


However, in the past few days, it was basically Mu Zhi’an who had been handling the Mu family’s affairs, and the main reason was that the old man wanted to temper Mu Zhi’an.


Although Mu Zhi’an’s past performance was not satisfactory, he seemed to have gradually matured a lot recently.


Even if Mu Zhi’an couldn’t handle it in the end, there were other trump cards to clean up the mess.


One of the true trump cards of the Mu family was these few elders who were in closed-door cultivation.


Even Mu Zhi’an’s parents had to call them “Elder” when they saw them.


Under the guidance of the secret agent, Mu Zhi’an walked along a winding and secluded path and unknowingly came to a secret room.


At the same time, the secret agent beside him had already quietly left the entrance of the secret room.


One of the things that secret agents need to keep in mind is “don’t know too many secrets”.


If you want to live a long life, you have to keep this sentence in mind at all times.


Why does this place look so gloomy… Mu Zhi’an said in a respectful tone, “Grand Elder, I don’t know what’s the matter that you called me over so late at night?”


Even Mu Zhi’an had never seen this Grand Elder from childhood to adulthood. It was said that because of his old age, he was often in a deep slumber and had never interfered in the big or small matters of the clan.


The people in the clan even thought that this Grand Elder had already passed away.


What kind of thing could have disturbed such an existence…?


Even Mu Zhi’an couldn’t help but be a little curious.


When Mu Zhi’an thought of this, an aged voice came from the secret room, “Your foundation is solid, but your essence is fragile. You must have frequently visited the brothel, right?”


How does this Grand Elder even know about the brothel… Mu Zhi’an cupped his hands and said respectfully, “Greetings, Grand Elder.”


The aged voice came out from the secret room again, “I heard from the secret agent about the recent events in Tianxuan City. Removing harm for the people shows that you have good character. However, you need to be careful and guard against Ye Yu in the competition.”


“To be able to rise to the peak of Qi Refinement in just a few short months, that young man’s future achievements are bound to be not low.”


“Peak of Qi Refinement…?” Mu Zhi’an was slightly stunned and a little surprised. “He’s already at the peak of Qi Refinement?”


He remembered that Wei Mengrou had said a few days ago that Ye Yu was only at the seventh level of Qi Refinement.


“With that thing, a few days is enough to reach the peak of Qi Refinement…” The elder in the secret room sighed.


Mu Zhi’an’s eyes moved slightly and he asked, “There’s something in Ye Yu’s body that accelerated his cultivation?”


“I’m not sure if there’s something in that Ye family’s kid’s body, but I know what the black-robed man who secretly infiltrated the Mu family a few days ago wanted.”


The old man in the stone door said slowly, “Heavenly Dao Aura.”


Mu Zhi’an’s gaze froze slightly.


No wonder Ye Yu’s cultivation speed was so fast. If it was the Heavenly Dao Aura, it should indeed have such speed.


Mu Zhi’an had previously read about the Heavenly Dao Aura in ancient books and had a rough idea of what kind of treasure this was.


But Mu Zhi’an was still puzzled and said, “Grand Elder, since that’s the case, why didn’t the black-robed man directly take away the Heavenly Dao Aura in Ye Yu’s body, but instead asked us to assist?”


“Is it because he fears the experts in Tianxuan City, or is it because he has made certain vows?” Mu Zhi’an spoke again to make a guess.


“Your comprehension is not bad.” There was a hint of praise in the Grand Elder’s tone.


In the cultivation world, cultivators cannot casually make vows. Once they break their promise, they may invite tribulation lightning. But if they entrust others to do this, they will not trigger the tribulation lightning.


The black-robed man had never made a move against Ye Yu. The most likely possibility was that he had made certain vows in the past.


“Does the Grand Elder hope that I will stop the black-robed man from taking away the Heavenly Dao Aura, or… hope that I will replace the black-robed man?” Mu Zhi’an suddenly asked.


“I’m just giving you a reminder. As for what to do… you can decide for yourself.”


“However, that Ye Yu is definitely not an ordinary person in the future. If possible, try not to be on bad terms with him.”


The Heavenly Dao Aura was a rare treasure that would only choose a “Heaven’s Chosen One” with great destiny as its host.


To put it bluntly, great destiny meant jumping off a cliff without dying and encountering strange experiences, being pursued and killed but not dying and definitely being saved by someone, having average looks but always attracting girls’ attention and affection in various postures and angles.


Mu Zhi’an was stunned, feeling a little conflicted, “It’s too late.”


“The minor conflicts between the younger generation will generally not be held against each other when they grow up in the future. It’s not difficult to be on good terms with Ye Yu.” The Grand Elder spoke with deep feeling.


“His fiancée is staying at our Mu family tonight.” Mu Zhi’an’s words were concise.


Grand Elder: “…”


Did this kid really hook up with the Bai family’s beloved daughter… The elder in the stone door was silent for a while, sighed softly, and said, “Forget it… Did you go to the Two Polarity Sect when you left the Mu family tonight?”


“Yes.” Mu Zhi’an said.


“Old Man Ren chatted with me that to treat the Bai family’s patriarch, the Beast King Vine is needed, but that Beast King Vine is a medicinal ingredient that can only be found inside the Two Polarity Sect. Without the help of the Bai family, you have to be careful yourself.”


“Also, focus on cultivating. As for Dao companions, when you enter the Two Polarity Sect in the future, it’s not a problem to find a few. Whatever medicinal ingredients you want, you can find them there.”


Obviously, the Grand Elder wanted to warn Mu Zhi’an to focus on cultivation and not to indulge in women.


However, Mu Zhi’an hesitated for a moment and said, “But I found the Beast King Vine…”


Perhaps feeling that the voice in the secret room was silent for a moment, Mu Zhi’an explained, “We met a fairy sister outside the sect gate of the Two Polarity Sect. She gave me a Beast King Vine and said that when I refine a furnace of pills, giving her one pill would be enough.”


After a long silence, the old man in the stone door slowly said, “…Although it’s good to rely on external forces, you must also remember to improve your own strength.”


“I understand… But the Grand Elder doesn’t know that I have a bad stomach by nature.” Mu Zhi’an said neither humbly nor arrogantly.


So he had to eat soft rice ruthlessly.


A faint sigh came from the secret room, “You may leave.”


He clearly had talent, but he wanted to eat soft rice… How did the eldest son of the Mu family give birth to such a child?


The old man in the secret room slowly shook his head.


But he did have a bit of his own style when he was young.




Not far from the city center of Tianxuan City, one could see a tall building decorated in a rather classically elegant style.


The five large characters “Morning Glory Auction House” were written on it.


This was the largest auction house in Tianxuan City and also one of the properties under the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce.


The next morning, Mu Zhi’an arrived at the hall behind the auction under the reception of Feiying, the auctioneer of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce.


Feiying sat on the tea chair next to Mu Zhi’an. Her red cheongsam outlined her extremely charming slender waist and perky buttocks. She crossed her left leg over her right, dangling her feet in red embroidered shoes. She had an excellent figure, and the beauty mark under her right eye added a few points of mature charm to her.


In the past, some of the auction items were able to be sold at high prices, partly because some passionate youths wanted to earn a smile from this woman or attract her attention.


However, up to now, no one had successfully won the beauty’s heart.


“Young Master Mu, what are you planning to buy this time? I have specially prepared a private room for you. I’ll have my subordinates take you there in a bit.” Feiying had a charming smile on her face, her autumn water-like eyes staring straight at Mu Zhi’an.


In the past, Mu Zhi’an was also one of those passionate youths who wanted to earn a smile from the beauty. He had “made a name for himself” at the auction by buying some useless things.


For auctioneers like Feiying, their favorite kind of patron was someone like Mu Zhi’an.


Therefore, it was natural to give them special treatment.


Some auctioneers would even occasionally satisfy the special requests of patrons in order to secure their source of customers.


Of course, someone of Feiying’s level did not need to do these things to secure customers. The main reason for this was her business ability.


Mu Zhi’an took out a note that he had prepared in advance and placed it on the table, smiling, “Today, I won’t go to the auction house. Feiying sister, just prepare three portions each of the medicinal ingredients written on this.”


Hearing this, Feiying picked up the note on the table and glanced at it.


These medicinal ingredients were not particularly precious. It wasn’t difficult to gather them.


“Okay, I’ll have someone prepare them right away.” Feiying nodded lightly. Then, her eyes turned and she looked at Mu Zhi’an with a smile, “Are you sure you don’t want to take another look around the auction house? Sister can give you a special discount.”


As she spoke, she lightly supported the table with her palm, lowered her head to look at the young man sitting in the chair, her eyebrows and eyes smiling charmingly at Mu Zhi’an.


With just one glance, Mu Zhi’an saw a huge sense of oppression coming.


Well… oppression in various senses.


The cheongsam was indeed the outfit that best highlighted a woman’s figure.


Mu Zhi’an reached out and wrapped his arm around the woman’s mature and charming slender waist, looked up at her, and smiled, “If the discount sister is talking about is this, I would be very happy to accept.”


Unexpectedly, she was teased instead. But Feiying’s expression remained unchanged. She just looked at Mu Zhi’an with a smile and said, “This place is not convenient. Let go quickly. If someone sees it, it won’t be a good thing if word gets out.”


Mu Zhi’an smiled, “Does sister think I’m still afraid of my reputation being ruined?”


As he spoke, he boldly held her in his arms.


Feiying’s cheeks finally flushed with a hint of redness. She gave Mu Zhi’an a coquettish glare and said in a charming voice, “Little rascal… hurry up and let go.”


Only then did Mu Zhi’an release his hand and leisurely poured himself a cup of tea.


Feiying subconsciously took two steps back and glanced at the young man sitting leisurely in the tea chair with a bit of embarrassment and anger.


Then, she couldn’t help but slightly narrow her eyes.


The aura on this kid seemed to have undergone quite a change compared to before…


It seemed that the rumor about Mu Zhi’an standing up for justice was probably true?


Previously, the incident of Mu Zhi’an stopping Gongsun Zan from violating a civilian girl had spread throughout Tianxuan City. At that time, some people questioned the authenticity of this rumor. Even when the parties involved came forward to prove it, there were still people who doubted the truth of the matter.


This couldn’t be helped. In the past, Mu Zhi’an’s image as a scoundrel was too deeply rooted. Rather than believing that the scoundrel saved someone, they would rather believe that the sky would rain blood.


Feiying was also one of them.


Because in the past, the way Mu Zhi’an looked at her was filled with desire.


In Feiying’s impression, it would have been good enough if this young master of the Mu family didn’t join Gongsun Zan in violating the maid. How could he possibly stop Gongsun Zan?


But judging from Mu Zhi’an’s performance today, that rumor might really be true.


Although Mu Zhi’an made some intimate gestures towards her today, his demeanor and tone were much more natural than in the past, completely lacking that lecherous feeling.


This kind of confident aura was the most attractive to women.


Thinking was thinking, but now was not the right time for idle chat, nor was it appropriate to find out what exactly had happened to this young master.


Feiying was very clear about what to do at what time.


She quickly restrained her emotions and said, “Wait here for a bit. I’ll have someone prepare the medicinal ingredients for you.”


Mu Zhi’an nodded, “Mm.”


Then, he looked at the woman’s back as she was about to leave, swaying her hips, and suddenly said, “By the way, has President Huang come to the auction house?”




Feiying’s footsteps paused slightly. She turned her head and looked at the smiling young man in confusion, “Do you have something to discuss with our president?”


“It seems he should have come?” Mu Zhi’an asked.


Feiying nodded lightly, “The president did come to the auction house today. He said he was waiting for an important guest…”


Mu Zhi’an smiled, “Then go and invite your president over first. Just say that the important guest has arrived.”


Feiying obviously didn’t believe him and thought he was joking. She glanced at Mu Zhi’an and smiled, “Don’t mess around. I don’t dare to disturb the president casually.”


“Wait for me here for a bit. I’ll bring the medicinal ingredients you want in a moment.”


Mu Zhi’an gently put down the teacup and said, “I’m very serious, Sister Fei.”


“You just need to tell President Huang that I’ve arrived. As for whether he comes or not, it’s up to him.”


Feiying looked at the young man a few more times with a mixture of belief and doubt.


She could see that Mu Zhi’an was not joking… In that case, was the important guest the president mentioned really this young master of the Mu family?


Since the other party had already said this much, she might as well go and inform the president… Thinking of this, Feiying quickly revealed a charming smile on her face and said, “Since that’s the case, I’ll go and inform the president. But I can’t guarantee whether he will come or not.”


Mu Zhi’an nodded with a smile, watching Feiying’s enchanting figure disappear from his sight.


He was not afraid that President Huang of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce would not come.


President Huang was a smart man, so he would definitely come.


The Gongsun family provided thugs, and the Mu family would solve the black-robed man and also provide thugs.


The Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce, even if they didn’t provide thugs, had no reason to do nothing at all, right?


Solving demonic cultivators required funds.


This money definitely couldn’t come from the Mu family.


It was also not appropriate for the Gongsun family to provide it.


It was very appropriate for the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce to provide this money.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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