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It turns out, they are the protagonists chapter 30

Chapter 30: The Deal


In the side hall, the old master of the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce was sitting in a chair. He was dressed quite lavishly, his face already bearing the traces of time. At this moment, he was leisurely brewing tea, looking quite at ease.


“Old Master, where is this important guest you mentioned? I still have to go to the auction soon. Maner is already waiting for me.” The beautiful lady beside him asked while massaging the Old Master Huang’s shoulders.


“This is the first time someone has been late for an appointment with you, right?” There was a hint of dissatisfaction in the beautiful lady’s tone.


She could see that her Old Master regarded this “important guest” very highly, so he had come to the auction house early in the morning to wait.


As a result, nearly an hour had passed, but the important guest still hadn’t arrived.


Hearing this, Old Master Huang couldn’t help but stroke his beard and laugh, “I didn’t make an appointment with him.”




The beautiful lady looked at her husband in surprise and said, “If you didn’t make an appointment, how did you know he would come?”


“He will come. This is business.” Old Master Huang said with a smile, “If he doesn’t come, it would be troublesome.”


Hearing this, the beautiful lady couldn’t help but ask worriedly, “Is this deal so important?”


Old Master Huang nodded and said seriously, “Important, very important business.”


“If he doesn’t come, I’ll make some easy money, but that would make me very uneasy.”


“Making easy money… but feeling uneasy instead?” The beautiful lady repeated in puzzlement.


Old Master Huang tapped the table lightly with his jade-ringed index finger and smiled, “There’s no such thing as bending down to pick up money in this world. If you make some easy money now, you might have to spit out even more in the future.”


“Free things may not really be free.”


The beautiful lady seemed to half-understand.


Then, she said tentatively, “Old Master, it’s been over an hour. The auction is about to start. If I don’t go over soon, Maner will get angry again.”


“Let her be angry. You’re the one who spoils that girl too much, that’s why she’s so unrestrained. If this continues, sooner or later she’ll suffer outside.” Old Master Huang frowned.


His tone carried a hint of rebuke, but thinking of that clever and mischievous daughter, his expression softened a little. He said,


“Forget it, you go find Maner first. If he still hasn’t come later, I’ll find some time to visit him in the next few days.” 


Old Master Huang had no sons, only a daughter born to him and his wife. And this daughter had been doted on by the two of them since she was young, so she had developed some strange little quirks.


The beautiful lady nodded lightly and left the side hall.


Not long after, Feiying, dressed in a red cheongsam, walked into the side hall and said respectfully, “Old Master, the auction is about to start.”


Old Master Huang played with two smooth and round gemstones in his hands and nodded, “I know… but these kinds of things are usually handled by you. You don’t need to ask me specifically.”


Saying that, he casually asked, “Is there something else?”


“The young master of the Mu family said he wanted to see you… He also said he is the important guest you’re looking for.”


Feiying paused for a moment, glanced at Old Master Huang who showed no expression, and continued, “Should I go reject him?”


“No need, you go preside over the auction.”


Old Master Huang put down the two gemstones in his hand and stroked his beard with a smile,


“For an important guest, it’s better for me to go over personally. At least I have to show some basic sincerity.”


Feiying was slightly stunned and looked at Old Master Huang with surprise.


Then, thinking of what that mischievous young master of the Mu family who had inappropriately touched her had said earlier, she was dazed for a moment.


In other words… the important guest Old Master Huang was waiting for was really the young master of the Mu family?


When Feiying thought of this, her slender fingertips lightly pressed against her seductive lips, her eyes flickering slightly.




Old Master Huang walked into the side hall and saw the young man who was drinking tea there.


Mu Zhi’an had obviously noticed and looked up with a smile, “Uncle Huang.”


Old Master Huang nodded with a smile and sat down on the chair opposite Mu Zhi’an.


A maid beside them stepped forward to pour him a cup of tea and quietly retreated to the side.


He raised his hand and ordered the servants in the side hall to withdraw from the hall one after another. Then, he leisurely picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and sighed softly, “Nephew Mu, uncle has been quite restless these past few days.”


Mu Zhi’an said with concern, “If your sleep is not good, I can ask Old Man Ren to refine a couple of calming pills for you later. Maybe you can sleep more soundly.”


“Then please convey my thanks to Old Man Ren first.” Old Master Huang laughed heartily.


Then, he suddenly sighed softly and said, “However, the most important factor that can make uncle sleep more soundly is not the calming pills, but you.”




Old Master Huang nodded and said, “These past few days, I was worried that Nephew Mu would treat me as an outsider, so I couldn’t sleep.”


Mu Zhi’an smiled, “How could that be? I have always regarded uncle as one of my own, so that’s why I came to find you today.”


He got straight to the point and continued, “Uncle should have heard about the black-robed man, right? As long as he is in Tianxuan City for a day, we can’t have peace of mind for a day.”


Old Master Huang nodded in agreement, “Nephew Mu is right. This black-robed man must be driven out.”


Old Master Huang’s tone changed and he continued, “However, the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce was established not long ago and has a weak foundation. Uncle doesn’t have much to help you with. But if there’s anything you need, just say it. Uncle will try to get it for you.”


It’s really comfortable to deal with such a smart person… Mu Zhi’an nodded and said, “Actually, I asked Sister Feiying for some medicinal materials today. These are the related medicinal materials needed to deal with the black-robed man later…”


Hearing this, Old Master Huang waved his hand and said, “Consider these medicinal materials a gift to Nephew Mu. In addition, uncle will also prepare some gold for you as funds to deal with the black-robed man.”


Mu Zhi’an shook his head and said, “There’s no need for gold. But I do need some spirit stones…”


As he spoke, he glanced at the Chamber of Commerce president who was being so generous.


If gold and silver were the passes in the mortal world, then spirit stones were the banknotes in the cultivation world.


These spirit stones were different from gold and silver. They could be immediately refined and absorbed into the body as spiritual energy.


Therefore, for those cultivators, the importance of spirit stones was far more precious than gold and silver.


Of course, gold and silver naturally had their advantages. At least among the common folk, people only recognized these gold, silver, and jewels.


Old Master Huang’s eyes flickered slightly. He murmured thoughtfully, “Spirit stones… I wonder how many spirit stones Nephew Mu wants?”


“Fifty thousand.” Mu Zhi’an gestured a number.


Under normal circumstances, even the monthly allowance of disciples from major sects was only three to five thousand spirit stones. According to Mu Zhi’an’s mental expectation, the number of spirit stones Old Master Huang could bear should not exceed fifty thousand.


However, Old Master Huang still shook his head.


“No, that’s too little.”


He looked up at Mu Zhi’an and said seriously, “I’ll give you a hundred thousand spirit stones.”


Mu Zhi’an was slightly stunned.


For a moment, he couldn’t figure out the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce president’s intention… Not only did he not bargain down the price, but he doubled it instead?


He shook his head and said, “The black-robed man isn’t worth this price.”


“But Nephew Mu is worth this price.”


Old Master Huang put down his teacup and smiled, “You should know that I am a merchant. I don’t have much interest in power. It’s enough for me to live in seclusion in a corner.”


“As for your matters with the Gongsun family or the Bai family, I have no interest and won’t interfere.”


The meaning of these words was that he would pay what he should, but after that, don’t involve him in their disputes. He just wanted to make money in peace… Mu Zhi’an understood.


“There’s one thing I don’t understand.” Mu Zhi’an said, “Since uncle doesn’t want to be involved in disputes, why did you cooperate with the Gongsun family to take action against the Bai family?”


Old Master Huang shook his head, “I have never used any force against the Bai family. In our industry, this is called a business war.”


Now that he mentioned it, Old Master Huang indeed hadn’t sent anyone to attack the Bai family… At least from the intelligence on the surface, what the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce really did was just suppress the Bai family’s market in Tianxuan City… Mu Zhi’an thought to himself.


“I will have someone send the spirit stones to the Mu family later. I hope they can be of some use.” Old Master Huang smiled.


“Uncle Huang is an understanding person.” Mu Zhi’an said sincerely.


Old Master Huang laughed loudly and put down his teacup.


“Nephew Mu is also a smart person.”


The two chatted for a while. Old Master Huang suddenly changed the subject and said, “The auction is still going on now. If you don’t mind, nephew can go take a look. Miss Feiying is the one presiding over it today.”


He knew that Mu Zhi’an had some interest in Feiying in the past, but Old Master Huang was also unwilling to offend that auctioneer too much.


With Feiying’s ability, it wouldn’t be difficult for her to switch to other auction houses.


And most importantly, because of certain forces behind Feiying, Old Master Huang had no way to take any revenge after she switched jobs.


Merchants valued benefits. If harming someone would greatly damage their own interests, they would consider whether it was worth it to vent their anger.


The hundred thousand spirit stones given to Mu Zhi’an were like this, and it was the same with treating Feiying.


“Hmm… That’s true. Since I’m already here, I might as well go take a look.” Mu Zhi’an nodded.


Old Master Huang nodded with a smile and said, “But you must be careful not to do anything bad to Miss Feiying. Otherwise, if any problems arise, uncle won’t have any way to solve them.”


After all, Feiying still had an elder sister behind her.


She was a disciple of the Two Polarity Sect.


And it was said that she had already been promoted to the level of an inner disciple.


The Two Polarity Sect… just this identity was enough to make people wary.


The sect elders of the Two Polarity Sect naturally wouldn’t casually make a move to pressure people.


But one had to know that being in the Two Polarity Sect represented connections.


Offending Feiying might offend a large group of people… Old Master Huang was very clear about this.


Mu Zhi’an nodded with a smile, “I know.”


He was clearer about this than anyone else.


Generally speaking, killing one person was basically equivalent to offending a group of people. Killing one person would make their father pop out, killing their father might make their grandfather pop out, their great-grandfather, or even their great-great-grandfather.


Even in the immortal world, one had to consider the ways of the world.


Those protagonists who killed people and didn’t get killed themselves were because they were chosen by heaven and born with great destiny, so they didn’t die easily.


Generally speaking, in a situation where the realms were vastly different, how could it be possible to kill someone and let them escape?


Under the guidance of a maid, Mu Zhi’an arrived at the auction venue and sat down in a private room that had been prepared in advance.


Compared to the hustle and bustle outside, the space here was obviously much more spacious and comfortable.


However, just as he sat down, the corner of Mu Zhi’an’s eye suddenly fell on one of the people attending the auction outside.


Among those people, he saw an old acquaintance.


Ye Yu.


“What a coincidence…”


Mu Zhi’an smiled and thought to himself, could it be that he was destined to clash with the protagonist?


Although it was just a coincidence, it felt like the heavens were trying to let Ye Yu step on him, a supporting character, to rise to the top in various roundabout ways.


On the stage, the enchanting Feiying surveyed the crowd, her voice charming, and said,


“The next item up for auction is quite special. It is said to be a weapon fragment of a powerful figure from ancient times. Although it looks rusted now, perhaps in the future, a method can be found to use it to forge a divine weapon.”


Mu Zhi’an took a closer look. On the stage, the latest item was a rather ordinary-looking bronze piece with complex patterns engraved on it, but it looked worn and tattered.


People’s eyes instantly lost interest.


If it weren’t for Feiying presiding over it, someone might have already shouted something like “RNM, refund the money(1)*”.


After all, they didn’t come to the auction to see this kind of junk.


“Starting price, one hundred spirit stones.”


As soon as Feiying’s voice fell, there was dead silence in the venue. No one followed up with a bid.


This was within Feiying’s expectations. She still looked at the crowd below with a charming smile.


These people still didn’t quite understand the value of this bronze piece… Although it looked like scrap metal, according to the investigation of her subordinates, this bronze piece might really be a weapon fragment of a powerful figure from ancient times.


One hundred spirit stones was basically the same as giving it away for free. If this bronze piece could be incorporated into a weapon in the future, it would be a priceless treasure.


Even if not, it could still be collected as a treasure.


It was just a pity that in this venue, there was no one who could appreciate its value.


“One hundred and fifty spirit stones.”


At this moment, a calm voice of a young man suddenly came from the crowd below.


Feiying looked over in slight surprise.


It was that waste from the Ye family… Recently, it was said that he had cultivated to the peak of Qi Refinement in just a few months, a true genius.


There were still people who could appreciate its value… The charming eyes of the cheongsam-clad big sister showed a hint of appreciation.


Noticing Feiying’s gaze, Ye Yu couldn’t help but feel a little smug, but he still maintained a calm appearance.


However, when he stared at the bronze piece, his eyes couldn’t hide the burning passion.


Just now, the old man sleeping in his body told him that this bronze piece was a good thing… He must find a way to get his hands on it.


Fortunately, no one else in the venue had noticed… Otherwise, it would be troublesome.


“One hundred and fifty spirit stones. Is there anyone who will bid higher?”


Feiying looked around at the crowd and waited for a moment before saying, “One hundred and fifty spirit stones, once—”


“Five hundred spirit stones.”


At this moment, a voice suddenly rang out from a private room.


The atmosphere in the entire venue seemed to freeze for a moment. Ye Yu also froze and subconsciously turned his head to look.


Although he couldn’t see the other party’s face, just by hearing this voice, he knew who it was.


…Mu Zhi’an.


As Mu Zhi’an’s bid fell, the atmosphere in the auction venue became a little subtle.


People recognized the identity of the private room’s owner, and at this moment, they all looked at Ye Yu with ambiguous eyes.


These people more or less knew that the relationship between Mu Zhi’an and Ye Yu was not good. Now that Mu Zhi’an was bidding against Ye Yu, it was probably just to get back at him.


It’s him again… Ye Yu looked at the private room where the bid came from, his eyes showing a hint of anger.


However, at this time, Mu Zhi’an, who was leisurely drinking tea and enjoying the maid’s massage in the private room, naturally didn’t know about these things.


Even if he knew, he wouldn’t care.

In any case, he only needed to know one thing.

If Ye Yu wanted it… then it must be a good thing.




 “RNM, refund the money”(1)*: Vulgar expression in Chinese. It’s an extremely impolite way of demanding a refund or money back.


“Refund the money, you motherfucker!”

Stands for the Mandarin Chinese curse phrase “Ren Ni Ma” – a very offensive way of insulting someone’s mother.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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