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It turns out, they are the protagonists chapter 36

Chapter 36: I Want to Cling to a Big Thigh! 


That night.


Bai Ruoxi, under the escort of Wei Mengrou, safely arrived at the small wooden house where her father was recuperating.


The girl’s gaze fell straight on the man lying on the bed recovering. She walked over with small steps, her eyes filled with concern, and placed the jade bottle in her father’s hand.


“Father, this is the Life Renewal Pill. Quickly take it and heal your injuries.”


Father Bai slowly opened his eyes. Upon hearing his daughter’s words, he was stunned at first, then lowered his head to look at the jade bottle in his hand and said, “Life Renewal Pill…? You found the Beast King Vine?!”


Bai Ruoxi nodded lightly, “Young Master Mu went to the Two Polarity Sect overnight yesterday. I don’t know what method he used to obtain the Beast King Vine. Today, Elder Ren refined the Life Renewal Pill.”


A trace of surprise flashed in Father Bai’s eyes. Even though he knew his daughter wouldn’t joke about this, he still didn’t dare to believe it.


He opened the jade bottle, and a strong medicinal fragrance assailed his nostrils.


“It’s really the Life Renewal Pill?!” Father Bai’s eyes showed a hint of joy.


With this Life Renewal Pill, he only needed one night to fully heal his injuries and no longer lie on this sickbed as a cripple!


In addition to the surprise, Father Bai’s heart was filled with more doubts.


The Beast King Vine grew inside the Two Polarity Sect. Let alone people from the outside world, even the disciples inside basically didn’t have such precious medicinal materials.


How exactly did that young master of the Mu family obtain the Beast King Vine?


No matter what, they really owed the Mu family, or rather Mu Zhi’an, a huge favor this time.


And the reason the other party would help was probably because of Ruoxi…?


Thinking of this, Father Bai couldn’t help but sigh with emotion, “Ruoxi, you’ve really suffered a lot during this time.”


Bai Ruoxi gently shook her head, “Young Master Mu helped your daughter a lot. I didn’t do much.”


At this point, her eyes subconsciously softened a few degrees.


Father Bai took in his daughter’s reaction. Seeing her eyes that seemed to have softened a few degrees when mentioning Mu Zhi’an, he couldn’t help but sigh inwardly.


He had always thought that Ye Yu’s future achievements would be higher, and his daughter might regret it in the future.


However, Mu Zhi’an’s performance in the past two days made him waver.


He was able to get the Beast King Vine in less than one night… That young master of the Mu family might not be as useless as the rumors said.


Bai Ruoxi continued to ask worriedly, “By the way, Father, about Mother… how are you going to handle it?”


Hearing this, Father Bai suddenly fell silent.


After a long time, he sighed softly, “I was also wrong to your mother. I’ll talk to her later.”


Hearing this, Bai Ruoxi’s mood was also extremely complicated.


After all, no matter what, Bai Yuanfeng was her birth mother. Even if she did bad things, even if she did all kinds of evil, she would still be reluctant to part with her.


This was not some kind of holy mother mentality, but the feelings accumulated day after day. Family affection was not so easy to sever.


Perhaps feeling that the atmosphere was a bit silent, Bai Ruoxi softly broke the silence and asked, “Father, how did you and Mother meet?”


Hearing this, Father Bai’s eyes were slightly dazed.


“Your mother…”


He slightly raised his head, his eyes showing a hint of reminiscence.


“Your mother was picked up from outside and brought back to the Bai family. That name was also given by the elders of the clan.”


“According to the description of the clan elders, when your mother was still a child, a strange purple light descended from the sky, and the surroundings were filled with demon aura. Your grandfather was worried that your mother would be invaded by the demon aura, so he used a sealing technique to seal the demon aura. Over the years, it has been peaceful.”


“I just didn’t expect…” Father Bai couldn’t help but sigh when he said this.


He originally thought that after so many years of husband and wife feelings, Bai Yuanfeng should have some feelings for him, but unexpectedly, in the end, Bai Yuanfeng still plotted against the Bai family and wanted to swallow the three major families.


This was the first time Bai Ruoxi heard about her parents’ past. When she heard this, she couldn’t help but be stunned.


Then, as if she realized something, she suddenly raised her head to look at Father Bai and said, “In other words, Mother was a child bride…?”


“It’s still different.” Father Bai shook his head, “Back then, there were many people pursuing your mother, and I was one of them. It’s just that later, because I became the clan leader…”


Father Bai didn’t continue.


After all, in front of his own daughter, even a vulgar old lecher had to save face.


He was too embarrassed to say that he had used some privileges as the clan leader back then, and finally won Bai Yuanfeng’s affection.


“You go back to the Mu family with Miss Wei first. With you there, your father will be more at ease.”


Father Bai continued, “But remember, if that little brat from the Mu family runs into your room at night and says something like wanting to chat with you, don’t believe him.”


The cold and delicate beauty’s face instantly turned red. Her eyes flickered, and she lowered her eyes in embarrassment and anger, “Father, what are you saying?! Young Master Mu is not that kind of person. If he wanted to make a move, he could have done so long ago!”


If Mu Zhi’an was that kind of person, he could have made a move on the first day in the carriage. There was no need to wait until now.


Having his daughter defend another man in front of him, Father Bai felt both anger and helplessness in his heart. He could only give his daughter a deep look, then secretly shook his head.


If Mu Zhi’an had made a move before, he could only have obtained Bai Ruoxi’s body.


But now… what Mu Zhi’an could obtain was the body and heart of Tianxuan City’s number one beauty.


This could be seen just from Bai Ruoxi’s reaction.




Mu Zhi’an naturally didn’t know about the conversation between father and daughter at this time. He took out a large pile of spirit stones from his storage ring and placed them at the head of the bed, then sat cross-legged on the bed.


As the cauldron in his body rotated, those spirit stones quietly turned into refined spiritual energy and were absorbed into Mu Zhi’an’s body.


This was the advantage of spirit stones. Under normal circumstances, when cultivating, one needed to refine the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and only then could it be absorbed into the body.


But spirit stones themselves were refined spiritual energy. Without this refining step, it could save at least four to five times the cultivation time.


Although the outcome of the competition wasn’t important, Mu Zhi’an had wasted too much time on women before and naturally hoped to make up for it as soon as possible.


After nearly two hours, the spirit stones at the head of the bed disappeared bit by bit, and Mu Zhi’an felt that the spiritual energy in the cauldron had been filled to nearly one-third.


He slowly opened his eyes, raised his hand, and pushed out a palm from a distance.


With a “bang”, the door was pushed open, and the creaking sound clearly entered his ears.


Mu Zhi’an took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.


The surrounding spiritual energy followed his breathing and circulated around him. With each breath, spiritual energy entered his body, giving a feeling of comfort throughout his body.


Being able to exhale the old and inhale the new, turning spiritual energy into a substantial force to strike out, this was the third level of Qi Condensation.


If one reached the peak of Qi Condensation, one could even retrieve objects from a distance and instantly retrieve weapons into one’s hand.


And at the Spirit Transformation stage, one could ride a sword and fly like Wei Mengrou.


This feeling is really great. The difference between the second and third levels of Qi Condensation is quite big… Mu Zhi’an looked down at his palm, feeling quite satisfied.


He slightly settled his mind and closed his eyes again, entering a state of meditation.


The next morning.


Mu Zhi’an was in the training field early in the morning, sparring with the maid.


Although he had neglected his cultivation for a while in the past due to indulging in women, Mu Zhi’an still had a good foundation. Plus, Wei Mengrou held back, so when they first started sparring, they were still evenly matched.


However, Wei Mengrou was obviously not an expert in close combat. As they fought, it changed from physical attacks to magical attacks. The dazzling light pollution made Mu Zhi’an’s eyes a bit blurry, and he was really tired.


“Wait a moment!”


Seeing that Wei Mengrou’s palm was about to slap him from a distance, Mu Zhi’an immediately raised his hand and successfully voice-controlled Wei Mengrou.


The maid’s palm stopped in front of Mu Zhi’an’s face. She tilted her head slightly and looked at him, her eyes showing a hint of confusion, waiting for him to speak.


Don’t you know not to hit the face when hitting someone… Mu Zhi’an glanced at Wei Mengrou’s palm that was about to slap his face, put on a serious expression, and said, “Let’s not fight anymore. Let’s take a break first. I have something I want to ask you.”


Wei Mengrou looked at her palm with some hesitation, then looked at Mu Zhi’an.


After pondering for a moment, she finally nodded and didn’t bring her palm down.


Mu Zhi’an found a step in the training field and sat down, then turned his head to look at the maid and asked, “Last night when you sent Bai Ruoxi back, did you feel like you were being followed?”


“If someone was following me, I would have noticed it immediately.” Wei Mengrou paused and continued, “Unless the other party was a realm higher than me.”


Wei Mengrou was in the Spirit Transformation stage. One realm higher than that would be the Reversion stage.


In the mortal world, those in the Reversion stage were also called earthly immortals. Such existences were as rare as endangered species.


Hearing this, Mu Zhi’an nodded slightly.


In terms of investigation and counter-investigation, Wei Mengrou was a top existence. In the end, she could be classified as an assassin. Since she said so, he could rest assured.


He still trusted Wei Mengrou very much. After all, in terms of investigation ability alone, Wei Mengrou was among the top of Spirit Transformation stage cultivators.


If placed in modern times, the maid would probably be a sexy female investigator wearing a tight-fitting outfit with a curvaceous figure.


“You suspect I was followed?” Wei Mengrou asked.


“I suspect, but I believe your words. But I still find it strange.” Mu Zhi’an smiled, “If that black-robed man doesn’t come out to see me today, I would have to suspect if he still has any hidden tricks or if he doesn’t value Ye Yu at all.”


Wei Mengrou’s eyes flashed, and a pensive look appeared on her face.


“The 100,000 spirit stones should have included the Gongsun family’s share as well, right?” Wei Mengrou suddenly asked out of the blue.


Wei Mengrou, who had always been by Mu Zhi’an’s side, naturally knew about the matter of the 100,000 spirit stones.


Even in Wei Mengrou’s eyes, the amount of 100,000 spirit stones was already quite astonishing… Now that Old Master Huang had sent all 100,000 spirit stones to the Mu family, she couldn’t quite understand his intentions.


“The 100,000 spirit stones are only for our Mu family and have nothing to do with the Gongsun family.” Mu Zhi’an said.


“You mean… the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce will send more spirit stones to the Gongsun family later?”


“I’m not sure about that. If Old Master Huang is smart enough, he probably won’t do that.” Mu Zhi’an smiled and continued, “Merchants are as stingy as life, but big merchants have a strategic vision and can focus on the future, willing to spend a little money to make big money.”


“He only gave this money to our Mu family, indicating that he values us. In Old Master Huang’s eyes, the Gongsun family is at most on the same level as him, not worth giving money to.”


“And no matter if Old Master Huang’s 100,000 spirit stones include the Gongsun family’s share or not, we’ll treat it as if it doesn’t. Then it doesn’t.” Mu Zhi’an continued.


Wei Mengrou glanced at him and said softly, “You plan to embezzle it?”


“How can this be called embezzlement, Sister Mengrou?” Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look at Wei Mengrou, his gaze meeting the maid’s.


He showed a gentle smile and said, “This is what we earned with our own efforts.”


How could the funds for suppressing bandits be called embezzlement?


This should be called confiscation.




At this moment, Old Master Huang was leisurely sitting in the main hall with his legs crossed, drinking tea.


Beside him, the beautiful lady looked unhappy. She sometimes drank tea and sometimes sighed.


Her face was gloomy.


“Why do you keep sighing beside me?” Old Master Huang had no choice but to speak up, looking at his wife.


“Old Master, you say we just gave these 100,000 spirit stones to the Mu family and didn’t get any benefits… How long will it take to earn them back?” Madam Huang sighed, her eyes filled with pain.


“How can we not get any benefits?” Old Master Huang crossed his other leg and looked at Madam Huang strangely, “Now there are people hindering our business. We need to remove the obstacles to continue making money.”


“If we don’t give these 100,000 spirit stones, we might have to give even more in the future.” Old Master Huang continued.


The beautiful lady’s eyes flashed, and she couldn’t help but take a few more glances at her husband.


However, Old Master Huang had no intention of explaining. He just changed the topic and said, “Did you tell the servants to inform Old Man Tian?”


The beautiful lady nodded lightly and said, “Old Man Tian agreed to go to Dragon Head Forest together tomorrow. But Old Master, why are we not only spending money but also putting in effort?”


Old Master Huang looked at his wife, shook his head, and sighed, “This money is what we gave out. We lost.”


“But in the next month or two, they will still spit it out bit by bit and return it to our pockets, so in the end, we still profit.”


Seeing that the beautiful lady seemed to half-understand, Old Master Huang didn’t explain further. He just tapped the armrest of the chair with his knuckles, staring ahead, lost in thought.


Time passed unknowingly for most of the day. As Mu Zhi’an expected, that night, the black-robed man finally came to the Mu family.


No… now he couldn’t be called the black-robed man anymore, because ever since the Gongsun family put a bounty on capturing the black-robed man last time, he hadn’t worn black robes again.


He changed into a plain-colored robe and wore a bamboo hat.


“Young Master Mu, are you confident about tomorrow?” The black-robed man’s cold, triangular eyes under the bamboo hat stared at Mu Zhi’an.


Obviously, he already knew that Mu Zhi’an had “tricked” Ye Yu into going to Dragon Head Forest.


Mu Zhi’an smiled, “Is winning or losing important?”


If Mu Zhi’an hadn’t awakened his memories and it was just a simple competition, then Mu Zhi’an would probably provoke Ye Yu and then be brutally slapped in the face by the “protagonist”.


However, now… this game had nothing to do with Ye Yu from beginning to end.


No matter how strong or heaven-defying the chosen one was, no matter how great their destiny was, being able to fight against Qi Condensation stage cultivators while crossing realms was already the limit.


As for the Spirit Transformation stage above that… the distance between Qi Refinement and Spirit Transformation was like the difference between an elephant and an ant, with absolutely no room for operation.


Even the “protagonist” couldn’t do it.


The black-robed man sneered and said, “You’re right.”


“Then I look forward to your performance tomorrow, Young Master Mu.”


The black-robed man finished speaking, turned into black mist, and disappeared from the room.


After watching the black-robed man vanish from his sight, Mu Zhi’an turned his head to look at the shadows in the corner.


In the shadows, one could vaguely see a charming figure and that huge, heart-stopping bust.


“Are you confident?” Wei Mengrou asked.


Mu Zhi’an shook his head, “I just said, winning or losing isn’t important.”


“In other words, you have no confidence?” Wei Mengrou understood Mu Zhi’an’s underlying meaning.


“That Ye Yu should still have a hidden trump card.” She reminded him.


“I know, but I also have a trump card.” Mu Zhi’an said seriously.


“What?” Wei Mengrou’s eyes showed a hint of confusion.


She believed that she understood the young master very well… but she had never heard that he had any trump cards…


Mu Zhi’an waved at her, mysteriously, “It’s a secret.”


The girl in the yellow dress walked over gracefully, her skirt fluttering, and looked at the young man sitting at the head of the bed, asking, “What trump card?”


Mu Zhi’an said something in a low voice, but his voice was so soft that no one could hear clearly.


Wei Mengrou frowned slightly and leaned closer to his ear.


At this moment, Mu Zhi’an leaned slightly to her ear and whispered, “Don’t I still have you?”


The warm breath gently blew on the maid’s crystal-clear earlobe. In the dim light, one could clearly see that her earlobe was a bit flushed.


The maid finally realized that this frivolous guy was teasing her. Her eyes turned cold and she glanced at Mu Zhi’an coldly, saying, “Relying on others doesn’t count as a trump card. This is just eating soft rice.”


Although her tone was still cold, her face was obviously tinged with a faint blush.


“What’s wrong with eating soft rice? It’s quite good.” Mu Zhi’an laughed.


Not only did he want to eat Wei Mengrou’s soft rice, if possible, he also wanted to go hug Senior Sister Lan’s thigh tomorrow.


A night passed without further words.


The next morning, while the people of Tianxuan City were still living their lives, they had no idea that at this moment, Dragon Head Forest was already filled with murderous intent.


It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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