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It turns out, they are the protagonists chapter 5

Chapter 5: Bai Ruoxi’s Decision

Bai Residence.

In a side hall, a beautiful woman sat on a chair, staring blankly outside the main hall, looking a bit distracted.

She was the matriarch of the Bai family and Bai Ruoxi’s biological mother, Bai Yuanfeng.

She wore a pink and white buttoned top and a light-colored silk skirt, her appearance above average.

It was hard to imagine how such a seemingly ordinary woman gave birth to a great beauty like Bai Ruoxi.

Two cups were placed by the table, the tea long gone cold.

Bai Yuanfeng had been waiting in this side hall for news from her daughter for nearly an hour, and it could be said that this period was torturous for her.

The current Bai family was no longer as high-spirited as before. Suppressed in secret by the Gongsun family and the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce, not long ago, the servants also reported that her husband was attacked by three mysterious cultivators on his way back from a neighboring city and was now seriously injured.

Until now, the patriarch of the Bai family was still in critical condition.

This made Bai Yuanfeng even more anxious in her heart.

At present, the only thing they could rely on was the assistance of the Mu family.

And whether all this could succeed depended on whether her daughter’s negotiations were successful.

Just as she was anxiously waiting, at this moment, a figure vaguely appeared in her field of vision outside the main hall. A trace of anticipation flashed through Bai Yuanfeng’s beautiful eyes as she stood up to greet her daughter, saying,

“Ruoxi, what did the Mu family say?”

Being stared at so intently by her mother, Bai Ruoxi, who was already under great psychological pressure, found it even more difficult to speak. She shifted her gaze, not looking at her mother.

Only after a long time did she softly say, “He didn’t agree.”

Bai Yuanfeng’s eyes went slightly blank as she slumped into a chair.

Bai Ruoxi seemed a bit reluctant to see her mother like this and slightly turned her face away.

“What did Young Master Mu say?” Bai Yuanfeng forced herself to raise her eyelids, her eyes appearing a bit dim.

Bai Ruoxi seemed to have difficulty speaking, lightly biting her lip as she said in a low voice, “He wants the Meridian Connecting Pill.”

“No way!” The beautiful woman’s eyes immediately turned sharp, and her voice also rose a few degrees,

“The Meridian Connecting Pill is the most important treasure for our Bai family to rise to become the first family. With it, our Bai family has hope to become the number one family in Tianxuan City in the future. Giving the Meridian Connecting Pill to the Mu family is cutting off our own arms!”

Bai Yuanfeng paused, looking at her daughter. Suddenly, she asked suspiciously, “If I remember correctly, the eldest young master of the Mu family has been pursuing you, right? He actually refused your request so directly?”

Bai Ruoxi slightly lowered her eyelids, her long lashes catching the light, making her fair face appear even more alluring.

She said softly, “He said if he wants to help, we need to give corresponding benefits. Either the Meridian Connecting Pill or…”

Bai Ruoxi paused for a moment, gently biting her lip as she said in a low voice, “…me.”

As she said this, she slightly raised her eyelids, peeking at her mother with hopeful eyes.

Bai Ruoxi had always been regarded as the pearl in the palm of the Bai family. The patriarch of the Bai family doted on Bai Ruoxi even more. But Bai Ruoxi wasn’t sure what decision the Bai family would make in this current situation.

At this moment, she heard Bai Yuanfeng’s voice as if murmuring to herself,

“That’s right, that’s how it should be… I knew Young Master Mu definitely wouldn’t give up on you.”

Hearing this, Bai Ruoxi’s heart sank. On the other side, the beautiful woman seemed to have let out a sigh of relief as she continued,

“How did you answer him?”

“I haven’t answered yet… What does Mother think we should do?” Bai Ruoxi’s clear eyes stared straight at the beautiful woman.

Bai Yuanfeng glanced at her daughter and smiled, “Young Master Mu is still young and quite handsome. You also know his family background… If you can marry into the Mu family, it’s good for you and our Bai family.”

Bai Ruoxi fell silent for a moment, raising her head to look into her mother’s eyes as she said coldly, “The entire Tianxuan City knows that this young master of the Mu family commits all kinds of evil deeds. A while ago, it’s said he even took a fancy to some family’s woman. I don’t want to marry such a person!”

“The command of parents and the words of matchmakers cannot be disobeyed!” Bai Yuanfeng’s tone suddenly became a few degrees more severe.

Bai Ruoxi’s small mouth opened slightly as if wanting to say something.

But in the end, she forcibly swallowed the words she wanted to say.

Bai Yuanfeng took in the changes in her daughter’s expression. Her tone softened as she reached out to gently hold her daughter’s delicate hand, her voice gentler,

“Ruoxi, you are the last hope of our Bai family. Besides the Mu family lending a hand, who else can save our Bai family? Do you expect to rely on that childhood sweetheart of yours?”

“If it was him from a few years ago, perhaps there would still be a slight chance. But now… hmph.” Bai Yuanfeng curled her lips disdainfully. “I’ve long disliked that Ye Yu. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was that unlucky fellow who caused our Bai family to become like this now, passing his bad luck to our Bai family.”

“Right, it’s definitely because of that unlucky fellow! It wasn’t enough that his cultivation was taken away by the heavens. Now he’s even brought misfortune to our Bai family! That guy is just a good-for-nothing harbinger of bad luck!”

“Mother, don’t say anymore!” Bai Ruoxi only lightly stopped her mother but didn’t refute.

She paused and said softly,

“I’ll go probe Young Master Mu’s thoughts again later…”

As she said this, Bai Ruoxi’s slender jade-like hand hidden in her sleeve subconsciously clenched, her eyes filled with complexity.

She didn’t know if it was her misconception, but she always felt that when talking to Mu Zhi’an today, the other party’s gaze on her no longer had that blatant desire as before… and his temperament seemed to have undergone quite a change too.

Those unfamiliar with him would likely be attracted by the scholarly gentleman aura he displayed today, perhaps even harboring admiration…

Bai Ruoxi lowered her head to look at the beautiful woman sitting on the chair, then glanced at the desolate main hall.

On this day in the past, there should have been quite a few guests in the main hall, along with maids serving tea.

But now, the maids had basically all fled, and those guests also stopped visiting the Bai family to avoid suspicion.

The entire vast Bai residence appeared so empty and bleak.

Bai Ruoxi swept her gaze over the main hall with complex emotions. After a long time, her tightly clenched pink fist slowly relaxed. Her slender fingers gently stroked her lofty bosom as if she had made up her mind.

Mu Residence, training grounds.


At this moment, Mu Zhi’an gripped a long sword, continuously swinging it towards Wei Mengrou who stood opposite him with a sword.

Wei Mengrou always maintained a nonchalant demeanor, dodging Mu Zhi’an’s attacks effortlessly each time.

After a few rounds, Mu Zhi’an was already panting from exhaustion. However, Wei Mengrou, with her curvaceous figure, looked like nothing had happened as she said indifferently, “Let’s rest for a bit. You did quite well today.”

Usually, Mu Zhi’an would start complaining about the hardship and fatigue after training for the time it took an incense stick to burn. However, today he had persisted for an hour, truly surprising the maidservant.

Looking at the youth sitting on the ground, Wei Mengrou hesitated before asking, “Did something happen?”

Although she didn’t quite like Mu Zhi’an’s usual conduct, this child was still one of their own after all. If Mu Zhi’an was bullied by someone outside, she would still lend a hand to help.

Mu Zhi’an shook his head and smiled, “I just thought it’s a rare opportunity to have such an expert guide my cultivation. It would be a pity not to persist a bit more.”

Wei Mengrou glanced at Mu Zhi’an from the side and gave an indifferent “Oh”.

Why hadn’t she seen him persist a bit more before? Something must have happened to stimulate this fellow.

Otherwise, he was trying to attract her attention this way… Mu Zhi’an had done this in the past, but Wei Mengrou saw through it at a glance.

Seeing the maidservant’s indifferent expression, Mu Zhi’an only smiled and didn’t say much.

What he said just now was indeed the truth. No matter what, Wei Mengrou was a Spirit Refinement realm cultivator. It was a rare opportunity to have her give pointers. His past self was simply blessed without knowing it.

However, the impression of that debaucherous young master in the past was already too deeply ingrained. It was unlikely to change Wei Mengrou’s impression in a short time. He could only take it slow.

Mu Zhi’an inwardly sighed. After resting for a bit, he got up to continue receiving Wei Mengrou’s training.

Time passed silently, unknowingly reaching evening.

The maidservant with a clear and beautiful appearance shook her sword and lowered her head to look at the youth sitting on the ground panting. She sighed with a bit of regret in her heart.

If the young master could persist like this every day, his future achievements would definitely not be low… It’s just a pity that this state is probably just a momentary enthusiasm.

After all, there had been several times in the past when Mu Zhi’an had diligently trained for a few days at the start, but then his enthusiasm gradually faded.

In the matter of cultivating immortality, without persistence, there wouldn’t be any achievements to speak of.

After training for nearly two hours, Mu Zhi’an left the training grounds. After having dinner, he returned to his room to rest.

Perhaps because he had trained for too long today, the moment he lay down, Mu Zhi’an felt a wave of fatigue surge into his mind.

But Mu Zhi’an didn’t fall asleep immediately. Instead, he sat cross-legged at the head of the bed. With each breath, he absorbed the spiritual energy between heaven and earth into the “furnace” within his body.

Today’s sparring with Wei Mengrou gave him some insights. His current state was fiery hot, the best time for cultivation.

That night.

Outside, it was pouring heavily. Mu Zhi’an still sat cross-legged at the head of the bed. Nearly two hours had passed since earlier, and it was already nighttime.

Knock knock.

A faint knocking sound came from outside the room.

Mu Zhi’an slowly opened his eyes and said, “What is it?”

“Young Master, Miss Bai Ruoxi seeks an audience in the main hall.”

The guard outside spoke with a hint of respect.

Bai Ruoxi?

Coming to find me so late, has she made up her mind… Mu Zhi’an pondered for a moment and said, “Have her wait for me in the main hall. I’ll be there after changing clothes.”

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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