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It turns out, they are the protagonists chapter 6

Chapter 6: Oh No, Am I Going to be Slapped in the Face?

Mu Residence, side hall.

Mu Zhi’an changed his clothes and arrived at the clean and elegant main hall, where he saw this number one beauty of Tianxuan City.

Different from during the day, for her visit to the Mu residence tonight, she wore a white buttoned top that matched her personality, and a long skirt with a cinched waist that outlined her full bosom and slender waist. Under the skirt were a pair of plain and dainty boots.

Her hair was simply tied up with a jade hairpin, with a few strands falling onto her delicate and charming face, adding a sense of three-dimensionality like a mixed-race beauty.

She held a cup of tea that a maidservant had just brought, looking distracted as she lowered her eyelids to gaze at the tea. She didn’t even notice when Mu Zhi’an entered the main hall.

Mu Zhi’an sat down on the chair beside Bai Ruoxi without a sound, pouring himself a cup of tea and quietly brewing it while appreciating the beauty’s dazed appearance.

After quite a while, Bai Ruoxi finally woke up from her earlier trance. She slightly turned her head to the side and opened her small mouth in surprise,

“Young Master Mu, when did you arrive?”

As she spoke, she hurriedly lowered her head to apologize, “Sorry, I was thinking about other things just now and didn’t notice you coming over.”

Mu Zhi’an shook his head and smiled gently, “It’s alright, I don’t mind such a small matter.”

After a pause, Mu Zhi’an’s tone changed as he said, “Rather than that, I’m a bit curious. It’s raining so heavily tonight, so what is Miss Bai doing at my Mu residence so late?”

One should know, it was already past the hour of hai (9-11pm)… Converted to more modern times, it would be after eleven o’clock at night.

Usually at this time, it was already time to sleep. Yet Bai Ruoxi had braved the heavy rain for a late-night visit to the Mu residence. It would be strange if there wasn’t something going on.

Bai Ruoxi’s expression stiffened. Her small mouth opened and closed a few times, then slowly shut again.

Her slender fingers lightly pinched the fabric at the corner of her skirt, her eyes filled with conflict.

The main hall fell into an eerie silence.

Mu Zhi’an gave Bai Ruoxi a somewhat strange look. Without showing anything on his face, he picked up the teacup and took a sip, breaking the silence,

“Miss Bai, if there’s nothing, I’ll have someone send you back.”

Saying that, he was about to get up.

Bai Ruoxi’s heart tightened anxiously. She quickly reached out to press on the back of Mu Zhi’an’s hand and said, “Young Master Mu, Ruoxi indeed has a request.”

Mu Zhi’an lightly sighed, “If it’s not about the Bai family’s matter, anything else can be discussed.”

Bai Ruoxi’s body stiffened slightly, her gaze on Mu Zhi’an filled with complexity.

Originally, according to Bai Ruoxi’s initial expectation, in order to pursue her, Mu Zhi’an should have taken the initiative to resolve the Bai family’s troubles.

After all, this was the best opportunity to gain favorability. When Miss Bai encountered trouble and was distressed, the eldest young master of the Mu family would descend like a divine soldier, resolve the problem, and embrace the beauty… This was a perfect script.

But who would have thought that Mu Zhi’an would change in just one day?

He no longer cared that much about the “goddess” he had pursued in the past.

Bai Ruoxi didn’t know if Mu Zhi’an simply didn’t care about her anymore or was purely waiting for her to take the initiative to speak… But she had no choice now.

At present, the Bai family had already been pushed to the edge of a cliff by the Gongsun family and the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce. No matter what Mu Zhi’an was thinking, the only thing she could do was ask for his help… ask this debaucherous young master whom she had secretly despised in the past.


A thunderclap sounded in the main hall from outside, and a gust of cold wind seeped into the room, blowing out the candle in the hall.

Mu Zhi’an was about to get up to light the candle, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a soft and slender jade-like hand gently placed on the back of his own hand.

The slightly cool and soft touch made him pause for a moment. He subconsciously turned his head to look.

The lightning flashed at this moment, illuminating Bai Ruoxi’s flawless and delicate face.

She lightly unfastened the two buttons at the front of her collar. Her hands gently grasped one of Mu Zhi’an’s hands, her eyes rippling with charm as she softly said,

“Young Master Mu said this morning that he needed benefits that could move him… Is this answer enough now?”


Mu Zhi’an fell into a brief daze.

He had thought of various reactions Bai Ruoxi might have after being rejected by him, but the step she took was a bit out of his expectations…

Bai Ruoxi was an exceptionally proud beauty. If Tianxuan City had three spots to enter the Two Polarities Sect, then with Bai Ruoxi’s talent, she would definitely occupy one of them.

All along, those pursuing Bai Ruoxi were not few in number. This woman was the dream lover of most young men in Tianxuan City.

Mu Zhi’an’s brows furrowed slightly. He lightly squeezed Bai Ruoxi’s palm and gave a light cough,

“Miss Bai, I’m not that kind of person.”

Bai Ruoxi gently bit her lip, sneaking a glance at Mu Zhi’an. Her beautiful eyes misted over, but she didn’t pull away from Mu Zhi’an’s hand.

After all, she had long prepared herself for this.

It’s just, was he going to do it right here in the main hall…

Bai Ruoxi’s cheeks gradually flushed red, her heart filled with a bit of resistance and helplessness.

The resistance was because although Mu Zhi’an was handsome, his past conduct was truly detestable.

The helplessness was because the Bai family was currently facing a crisis, and she had no power to choose.

Bai Ruoxi closed her eyes as if resigned, her long lashes trembling slightly. She raised her nearly flawless face a bit. Under the candlelight in the main hall, her soft lips gained a few more degrees of elastic luster.

Mu Zhi’an’s gaze focused on Bai Ruoxi for a moment, then he lightly sighed and released Bai Ruoxi’s slightly cool and smooth soft hand.

Bai Ruoxi woke up from her earlier daze. She slightly raised her head to look at Mu Zhi’an’s quite handsome side profile, her eyes filled with confusion as she softly said,

“Young Master Mu…?”

“Miss Bai, I’m afraid you misunderstood my words,” Mu Zhi’an picked up the teacup and took a small sip, sighing, “What I said this morning was for you to provide value that could move the Mu family, not value that could move me.”

This sentence seemed to have no difference, but in reality, the difference was huge.

If it was Mu Zhi’an himself, he could accept both Bai Ruoxi and the Meridian Connecting Pill. Rather, if a beauty was throwing herself into his arms, he would naturally be very willing.

But if they wanted the Mu family to step in, then they had to offer something of value for the trade.

“You’re a very beautiful girl.”

Mu Zhi’an looked at the girl’s smooth face. This face was so perfect that one would suspect it was the creation of the heavens. But at this moment, a trace of sorrow showed through her beautiful eyes. If an ordinary person saw it, they would likely feel pity.

“The reason girls have charm is because of their restraint, their elegance. Miss Bai previously had such charm precisely because she possessed such qualities.”

“So you should cherish yourself more.”

Mu Zhi’an reached out across the table to tuck the strand of hair on her forehead behind her ear, then lightly patted her shoulder.

“As for the Bai family… This matter is not something you have the ability to handle now. Give up.”

Bai Ruoxi was stunned.

I was… rejected?

She had never thought that the number one beauty of Tianxuan City would throw herself into someone’s arms, yet be rejected… Moreover, the other party was that notorious lecher of Tianxuan City.

This was simply a joke, an extremely ridiculous joke!

If word got out, probably no one would believe it. That Mu Zhi’an actually refused the eldest miss of the Bai family throwing herself at him.

Mu Zhi’an glanced to the side at the maidservant Wei Mengrou who was standing in the shadows by the door at some unknown time, calmly saying,

“Sister Mengrou, please send Miss Bai back.”

As he spoke, he winked at Wei Mengrou as if saying: Did my performance just now seem like that of a decent gentleman?

Wei Mengrou, with her graceful figure, stood at the entrance of the main hall holding a sword. Her shoulder-length hair added a few degrees of heroic spirit to her.

After glancing at this seemingly gentle and handsome youth and sensing his gaze of “How was my performance just now?”, Wei Mengrou curled her lips disdainfully and shifted her gaze away, not looking at him.

Towards this, Mu Zhi’an only smiled and didn’t mind.

This was unavoidable. The image of the tyrannical Mu Zhi’an from before was too deeply ingrained. It was unlikely to change his image in a short time. However, if he could persist, he should be able to change that tyrannical image in the maidservant’s heart.

Wei Mengrou looked towards Bai Ruoxi and calmly said, “Miss Bai, come with me.”

Bai Ruoxi was still in a daze. Hearing Wei Mengrou’s voice, she stood up and slowly walked towards the door.

After a few steps, her footsteps paused slightly. She hesitated for a moment, then turned her head to look at the youth behind her, softly saying,

“Young Master Mu, is there really no way?”

Her tone no longer carried the disdain she had for Mu Zhi’an during the day. Her gaze was even more complex.

This youth had really changed overnight. Originally, based on her guess, Mu Zhi’an’s goal should have been her… But now it seemed she had been conceited.

Seeing Mu Zhi’an not answering, Bai Ruoxi’s smile gained a few more degrees of sorrow.

Without the Mu family’s help, this time, the Bai family would likely have a hard time getting through this crisis.

She politely bowed to Mu Zhi’an and turned to leave.

At this moment, Mu Zhi’an suddenly said, “I need to think about this matter a bit more.”

This matter involved both the Gongsun family and the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce. If he recklessly inserted himself in the middle, even if both sides would obediently back down, they would still hold dissatisfaction afterwards.

But it was also impossible to really ignore the suppression of the Bai family. If such a huge family was devoured by the Gongsun family and the Morning Glory Chamber of Commerce just like that, who knew if next time, they would even dare to target the Mu family?

Bai Ruoxi was slightly stunned, then a hint of joy flashed in her eyes as she said, “…Thank you.”

Mu Zhi’an waved his hand.

Bai Ruoxi understood in her heart and turned to leave.

At this moment, a clamor suddenly came from outside.

“Hurry and let me in. Ruoxi is in danger now!”

When he heard the lofty voice of the youth outside, Mu Zhi’an seemed to have also realized something. He turned his head to look at Bai Ruoxi and smiled,

“It seems your childhood sweetheart has come to save you.”

Bai Ruoxi’s childhood sweetheart was naturally that former genius youth of the Ye family who was now a good-for-nothing, Ye Yu.

Ye Yu, this “protagonist”, has appeared on stage so early. Am I about to trigger a face-slapping plotline… Mu Zhi’an took a small sip from the teacup he was holding, mocking himself in his heart.

He turned his head to look outside the main hall. For some reason, he felt a bit of anticipation in his heart.

It turns out, they are the protagonists

It turns out, they are the protagonists

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Author: Native Language: Chinese

Mu Zhi'an transmigrated into a world of immortals and became a supporting character destined to be a stepping stone for the protagonist. He originally wanted to befriend those heaven-chosen protagonists, but when Mu Zhi'an turned around, he discovered that the girls surrounding him were either the protagonist's childhood sweethearts or fiancées. Most inconceivably, those girls who should have liked the protagonist all fell for Mu Zhi'an, this supporting character. Looking at the heavenly beauties beside him, one after another, Mu Zhi'an had a bold idea. He resolved to get rid of the protagonist and turn the tables to become the master himself.

After finally defeating several protagonists with great difficulty and obtaining a large amount of resources, in order to enhance the girls' strength, he shared the abundant resources with the girls around him. He originally thought that with the enjoyment of so many resources, he would surely be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future, transforming and ascending as an immortal. Until one day, looking at the rolling tribulation clouds in the sky and the several empress characters reborn in the lightning tribulation, Mu Zhi'an's eyes gradually lost their luster as he muttered, "I'm so foolish, really... I thought that after getting rid of those heaven-chosen sons, I would be the new protagonist of the world and become a powerful immortal in the future. But I never thought... it turns out they were the real protagonists all along."


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